Android Advanced Protection Mode (AAPM) is a new feature aimed at enhancing the security of Android devices for at-risk users. It functions as a single setting that implements a set of pre-determined configurations designed to bolster device protection. AAPM prioritizes security over some potentially diminished functionality and usability, meaning some features might be restricted to minimize the attack surface.
The impact towards developers is described in the following:
- Functionality: AAPM operates as a single setting that activates a collection of security configurations designed to enhance the protection of at-risk users' devices. It will introduce changes to the behavior of certain services, which app developers will need to address.
- Signal to Subscribed Apps: Upon a user enabling AAPM, a signal will be transmitted to all subscribed applications. This signal is a notification to these applications to adapt to the altered behavior of the features enabled by AAPM.
- App Modifications: Developers of subscribed applications are required to
modify their apps to comply with the behavioral changes triggered by AAPM.
Examples of such modifications include:
- Adjusting app logic to accommodate the disabling of 2G and WEP network connections.
- Modifying app behavior to align with the prevention of sideloading.
- Adapting to the presence of forensic logging.
- Adjusting functionalities related to call handling due to the blocking of calls from unknown numbers.
- Integrating with or accommodating spam protection mechanisms for links within messaging apps.
- Including additional mitigations from app developers to further protect at-risk users.
- Target Audience: Primarily, AAPM is anticipated to affect apps that incorporate security features tailored for users with heightened security awareness. These apps stand to benefit from automatic activation when a user opts for AAPM.
Integrate with AAPM
In order to use the relevant APIs the following permission needs to be declared
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.QUERY_ADVANCE_PROTECTION_MODE" />
The following APIs are from the newly introduced AdvanceProtectionManager
system service.
public class AdvancedProtectionManager() {
// Check the current status
public boolean isAdvancedProtectionEnabled();
// Be alerted when status changes
public void registerAdvancedProtectionCallback(Executor executor, Callback callback);
public void unregisterAdvancedProtectionCallback(Callback callback);
public class Callback() {
// Called when advanced protection state changes
void onAdvancedProtectionChanged(boolean enabled);