
public class ComplicationManager
extends Object


This class is deprecated.
use the Jetpack Wear Watch Face libraries instead.

Allows providers to interact with the complications system.

Providers will receive an instance of this class in calls to onComplicationActivated and onComplicationUpdate.


Public methods

void noUpdateRequired(int complicationId)

Informs the system that no update is required after an update request.

void updateComplicationData(int complicationId, ComplicationData data)

Updates complication data for the given complicationId.

Inherited methods

Object clone()
boolean equals(Object arg0)
void finalize()
final Class<?> getClass()
int hashCode()
final void notify()
final void notifyAll()
String toString()
final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)
final void wait(long arg0)
final void wait()

Public methods


public void noUpdateRequired (int complicationId)

Informs the system that no update is required after an update request. This means that the complication will continue to display the previous value, which may be TYPE_NO_DATA if no data has ever been sent.

A provider service should always call either this method or updateComplicationData(int, ComplicationData) in response to an update request from the system.

complicationId int


public void updateComplicationData (int complicationId, 
                ComplicationData data)

Updates complication data for the given complicationId. The type of data provided must either match the configured type for the given complication, or should be of TYPE_NO_DATA.

If no update is required (meaning that the complication will continue to display the previous value, which may be TYPE_NO_DATA if no data has ever been sent), then null may be passed as the data (noUpdateRequired(int) may be called to have the same effect).

A provider service should always call either this method or noUpdateRequired(int) in response to an update request from the system.

complicationId int

data ComplicationData