Handle user-initiated stopping of apps running foreground services

Starting in Android 13 (API level 33), users can complete a workflow from the notification drawer to stop an app that has an ongoing foreground services, regardless of that app's target SDK version. This affordance, called the Task Manager, shows a list of apps that are currently running a foreground service.

At the bottom of the notification drawer is a button that indicates the
    number of apps that are currently running in the background. When you press
    this button, a dialog appears, which lists the names of different apps. The
    Stop button is to the right of each app
Figure 1. Task Manager workflow on devices that run Android 13 or higher.

This list is labeled Active apps. Next to each app is a Stop button. Figure 1 illustrates the Task Manager workflow on a device that runs Android 13.

When the user presses the Stop button next to your app in the Task Manager, then the following actions occur:

  • The system removes your app from memory. Therefore, your entire app stops, not just the running foreground service.
  • The system removes your app's activity back stack.
  • Any media playback stops.
  • The notification associated with the foreground service is removed.
  • Your app remains in history.
  • Scheduled jobs execute at their scheduled time.
  • Alarms go off at their scheduled time or time window.

To test that your app behaves as expected while and after a user stops your app, run the following ADB command in a terminal window:

adb shell cmd activity stop-app PACKAGE_NAME

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