Pixel 開發人員支援圖片

如果是 Pixel 6、Pixel 6 Pro 和 Pixel 6a 裝置,Android 13 加入了系統啟動載入程式更新,以解決潛在的安全漏洞;我們也調高了這些裝置的反復原計數器,以免這類安全漏洞復原至 Android 12。

為協助開發及測試應用程式,我們為這些 Pixel 裝置提供名為「開發人員支援映像檔」的修改版 Android 12 系統映像檔。開發人員支援映像檔是系統映像檔,以 Android 12 (API 級別 31) 的穩定公開版本和 12L 功能推送 (API 級別 32) 的穩定公開版本為基礎,其中包含更新版本的系統啟動載入程式、安全性修正項目,以及遞增的反復原計數器。

搭載 Android 13 的 Pixel 6、6 Pro 或 6a 裝置可以復原為 Android 12 開發人員支援映像檔,但無法復原至任何其他 Android 12 映像檔。執行開發人員支援映像檔的裝置可以刷新到最新公開版本,但無法刷回至任何先前的 Android 12 映像檔。


開發人員支援版本旨在提供盡可能接近 Android 12 在一般使用者裝置上執行的系統和應用程式體驗。不過,使用這些版本進行開發和測試時,請注意下列事項:

  • 開發人員支援版本僅供開發人員使用,並不適合一般用途。
  • 採用開發人員支援版本的裝置不會收到與其他裝置一樣的 OTA 安全性更新,系統不會根據最新的安全性修正項目重新建構開發人員支援映像檔。系統僅適用更新的系統啟動載入程式版本,其內含專屬的安全性修正項目,以及遞增的反復原計數器。
  • 開發人員支援版本並未獲得 Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) 核准,但已通過初步測試,並為開發人員提供一套穩定的 API。如果應用程式需要 CTS 核准的版本或使用 SafetyNet API,則可能無法在 Android 12 開發人員支援版本中正常運作。


使用 Issue Tracker 來建立新問題,然後檢視、追蹤您與其他開發人員已建立的問題,並投票。

在建立問題前,請先查看待解決的問題清單,確認是否已有其他人回報相同問題。您可以在 Issue Tracker 中為問題加上星號 ,以訂閱問題並進行投票。詳情請參閱「為問題加上星號以訂閱問題」。如需 Google Issue Tracker 的一般說明,請參閱說明文件


您可以透過下列任一方式將 Android 12 開發人員支援版本刷新到裝置上:

使用 Android Flash Tool 刷新裝置

Android Flash Tool 可讓您將系統映像檔安全刷新至支援的 Pixel 裝置。Android Flash Tool 可搭配任何支援 WebUSB 的網路瀏覽器使用,例如 Chrome 或 Edge 79 以上版本。

Android Flash Tool 會逐步引導刷新裝置過程,期間您無需安裝任何工具,但是必須解鎖裝置,並在開發人員選項中啟用 USB 偵錯功能

請使用 USB 連接裝置,然後使用下列其中一個連結前往 Android Flash Tool,並按照螢幕上的指示操作:

如需完整操作說明,請參閱 Android Flash Tool 說明文件


您也可以下載開發人員支援映像檔,然後手動將其刷新到裝置上。請參閱下表,下載測試裝置適用的系統映像檔:如果您需要整個測試環境的精確控制項,或需要頻繁重新安裝 (例如執行自動化測試) 時,不妨手動刷新裝置。




Pixel 6

發布日期 2022 年 8 月 29 日
Android 12 (API 級別 31)


安全性修補程式等級:2022 年 2 月

Google Play 服務:21: 24.23

12L 功能推送 (API 級別 32)


安全性修補程式等級:2022 年 7 月

Google Play 服務:22.26.15

Pixel 6 Pro

發布日期 2022 年 8 月 29 日
Android 12 (API 級別 31)


安全性修補程式等級:2022 年 2 月

Google Play 服務:21: 24.23

12L 功能推送 (API 級別 32)


安全性修補程式等級:2022 年 7 月

Google Play 服務:22.26.15

Pixel 6a

發布日期 2022 年 8 月 29 日
12L 功能推送 (API 級別 32)


安全性修補程式等級:2022 年 6 月

Google Play 服務:22.26.15

裝置 版本 下載連結 SHA-256 核對和
Pixel 6 Android 12 (API 級別 31) 1b9d8fc0de380af1a9041f0267c4e31dd5e98de4c8a4d419f28e2c66e89cb68c
12L 功能推送 (API 級別 32) c5a024229cf49055559c5d2c4088754f36402222a050be30844ff5d821ed06c3
Pixel 6 Pro Android 12 (API 級別 31) ca630efcbbf56f41300e21e70054f66820bdfdc61aa64cf89d4fac2a9e7623b8
12L 功能推送 (API 級別 32) 56c65af280d45e21b53c12ef27d2d5a1155d2169c55f4d0586eb125560346219
Pixel 6a 12L 功能推送 (API 級別 32) 6f661e14bd3f2f23faee6d00877df1a2a09b139047c9c03fbdcae9f1cd45ed3c


您可以使用 Android Flash Tool 來刷新原廠映像檔,也可以從Nexus 和 Pixel 裝置的原廠映像檔頁面取得原廠規格的系統映像檔,接著以手動方式將該映像檔刷新到裝置上。

下載 Android 12 Developer Support system image



Developer Support version warning: You are about to download, install, and use a Developer Support version of Android on your Pixel device. Developer Support versions may not be stable, and may contain errors and defects that can result in serious damage to computer systems, devices, applications and data. Data or metrics may be collected from the devices in the Developer Support build at the sole discretion of Google. Google makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the Developer Support versions. Your use is at your own risk, and not Google's. Certain functionality (including core functionality, such as your ability to place and receive calls) or applications may not work properly. You are solely responsible for any error, defect, damage or destruction due to such use, including damage to any device or loss of data. The Developer Support version of Android contains a bootloader update with the latest anti-rollback version. After installing the Developer Support version, you will no longer be able to revert to a public release Android version with a lower bootloader anti-rollback version. Switching between Developer Support and public release Android versions on your device may require you to wipe all data from your device.
下載 Android 12 Developer Support system image


下載 Android 12 Developer Support system image



Developer Support version warning: You are about to download, install, and use a Developer Support version of Android on your Pixel device. Developer Support versions may not be stable, and may contain errors and defects that can result in serious damage to computer systems, devices, applications and data. Data or metrics may be collected from the devices in the Developer Support build at the sole discretion of Google. Google makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the Developer Support versions. Your use is at your own risk, and not Google's. Certain functionality (including core functionality, such as your ability to place and receive calls) or applications may not work properly. You are solely responsible for any error, defect, damage or destruction due to such use, including damage to any device or loss of data. The Developer Support version of Android contains a bootloader update with the latest anti-rollback version. After installing the Developer Support version, you will no longer be able to revert to a public release Android version with a lower bootloader anti-rollback version. Switching between Developer Support and public release Android versions on your device may require you to wipe all data from your device.
下載 Android 12 Developer Support system image


下載 Android 12 Developer Support system image



Developer Support version warning: You are about to download, install, and use a Developer Support version of Android on your Pixel device. Developer Support versions may not be stable, and may contain errors and defects that can result in serious damage to computer systems, devices, applications and data. Data or metrics may be collected from the devices in the Developer Support build at the sole discretion of Google. Google makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the Developer Support versions. Your use is at your own risk, and not Google's. Certain functionality (including core functionality, such as your ability to place and receive calls) or applications may not work properly. You are solely responsible for any error, defect, damage or destruction due to such use, including damage to any device or loss of data. The Developer Support version of Android contains a bootloader update with the latest anti-rollback version. After installing the Developer Support version, you will no longer be able to revert to a public release Android version with a lower bootloader anti-rollback version. Switching between Developer Support and public release Android versions on your device may require you to wipe all data from your device.
下載 Android 12 Developer Support system image


下載 Android 12 Developer Support system image



Developer Support version warning: You are about to download, install, and use a Developer Support version of Android on your Pixel device. Developer Support versions may not be stable, and may contain errors and defects that can result in serious damage to computer systems, devices, applications and data. Data or metrics may be collected from the devices in the Developer Support build at the sole discretion of Google. Google makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the Developer Support versions. Your use is at your own risk, and not Google's. Certain functionality (including core functionality, such as your ability to place and receive calls) or applications may not work properly. You are solely responsible for any error, defect, damage or destruction due to such use, including damage to any device or loss of data. The Developer Support version of Android contains a bootloader update with the latest anti-rollback version. After installing the Developer Support version, you will no longer be able to revert to a public release Android version with a lower bootloader anti-rollback version. Switching between Developer Support and public release Android versions on your device may require you to wipe all data from your device.
下載 Android 12 Developer Support system image


下載 Android 12 Developer Support system image



Developer Support version warning: You are about to download, install, and use a Developer Support version of Android on your Pixel device. Developer Support versions may not be stable, and may contain errors and defects that can result in serious damage to computer systems, devices, applications and data. Data or metrics may be collected from the devices in the Developer Support build at the sole discretion of Google. Google makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the Developer Support versions. Your use is at your own risk, and not Google's. Certain functionality (including core functionality, such as your ability to place and receive calls) or applications may not work properly. You are solely responsible for any error, defect, damage or destruction due to such use, including damage to any device or loss of data. The Developer Support version of Android contains a bootloader update with the latest anti-rollback version. After installing the Developer Support version, you will no longer be able to revert to a public release Android version with a lower bootloader anti-rollback version. Switching between Developer Support and public release Android versions on your device may require you to wipe all data from your device.
下載 Android 12 Developer Support system image
