public final class TestArtifact

An abstraction for a test artifact representing a file to be included in a ScreenData node.


Public constructors

TestArtifact(@NonNull String filepath, @NonNull String contentType)

Public methods

final @NonNull String

the type of the file such as: .png, .txt, .webm.

final @NonNull String

a String containing the path to the desired test output artifact file.

Public constructors


public TestArtifact(@NonNull String filepath, @NonNull String contentType)
@NonNull String filepath

a String containing the path to the desired test output artifact file.

@NonNull String contentType

the type of the file such as: .png, .txt, .webm.

Public methods


public final @NonNull String getContentType()

the type of the file such as: .png, .txt, .webm.


public final @NonNull String getFilepath()

a String containing the path to the desired test output artifact file.