Protect against security threats with SafetyNet

SafetyNet provides a set of services and APIs that help protect your app against security threats, including device tampering, bad URLs, potentially harmful apps, and fake users.

Before you begin

To prepare your app, first make sure that your app's build file uses the following values:

  • A minSdkVersion of 19 or higher
  • A compileSdkVersion of 28 or higher

Then complete the steps in the following sections.

Configure your app

In your settings.gradle file, include Google's Maven repository and Maven central repository in both your dependencyResolutionManagement and pluginManagement repository sections:

pluginManagement {
    repositories {

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {

Add the Google Play services dependency for the Google Play API to your module's Gradle build file, which is commonly app/build.gradle:

dependencies {
  implementation ''

More information

SafetyNet Attestation API
Learn how the SafetyNet Attestation API provides a cryptographically-signed attestation, assessing the integrity of the Android device your app is running on.
SafetyNet Safe Browsing API
Learn how the SafetyNet Safe Browsing API provides services for determining whether a URL has been marked as a known threat by Google.
Learn how the SafetyNet reCAPTCHA API protects your app from malicious traffic.
SafetyNet Verify Apps API
Learn how the SafetyNet Verify Apps API protects devices against potentially harmful apps.

Additional resources