Build apps with Android Enterprise

Learn about the management solutions Android Enterprise offers.


What is Android Enterprise?


Learn about Android Enterprise, what it is, and how it can help your business.

Build apps for work profiles


Learn how Android work profiles separate work apps and data from personal apps and data when personal devices are used to access work.

Build an app that runs on a work profile


Learn to build & modify an app to deliver the best user experience when installed on a device with a work profile.

Apps with managed configurations


Learn how managed configurations, previously known as application restrictions, allow an organization's IT admin to remotely specify settings for apps.

Data encryption on Android


Learn to use Jetpack Security to add an extra layer of security and data protection to your apps.

Design your enterprise app for great experiences


Learn how good design can informs a user’s experience of your enterprise product, guiding them through tasks.

Get started publishing enterprise apps


Learn strategies for publishing enterprise apps to Google Play.

Build apps with Android Enterprise quiz

Test your knowledge of Android Enterprise, and earn a badge.