Obrazy fabryczne telefonu Google Pixel

Podczas premiery Androida 14 stale aktualizujemy platformę, dodając poprawki i ulepszenia, które są następnie wdrażane na obsługiwanych urządzeniach. Aktualizacje są publikowane co kwartał w ramach kwartalnych wydań platformy (QPR). Są one dostarczane zarówno do AOSP, jak i na urządzenia Google Pixel w ramach pakietów nowych funkcji.

Chociaż te aktualizacje nie obejmują zmian w interfejsie API wpływających na aplikację, udostępniamy obrazy najnowszych kompilacji QPR w wersji beta, aby umożliwić Ci testowanie aplikacji za pomocą tych kompilacji w razie potrzeby (np. jeśli pojawią się funkcje, które mogą mieć wpływ na wygodę użytkowników aplikacji).

Aby znaleźć obrazy fabryczne opublikowanych już stabilnych wersji platformy, przeczytaj artykuł Obrazy fabryczne urządzeń Nexus i Pixel.

Jeśli jesteś deweloperem i masz obsługiwane urządzenie Google Pixel, możesz ręcznie zaktualizować je do najnowszej kompilacji, aby ją testować i rozwijać. W przypadku przywracania obrazu fabrycznego konieczne jest pełne zresetowanie urządzenia, więc pamiętaj, by najpierw utworzyć kopię zapasową swoich danych. Kompilacje są dostępne na te urządzenia Pixel:

  • Pixel 5a
  • Pixel 6 i 6 Pro
  • Pixel 6a
  • Pixel 7 i 7 Pro
  • Pixel 7a
  • Pixel Fold
  • Pixel Tablet
  • Pixel 8 i Pixel 8 Pro
Po zainstalowaniu wersji beta na urządzeniu Pixel urządzenie zostanie automatycznie zarejestrowane w programie Android Beta dla Pixela i będzie oferować bezprzewodowe aktualizacje najnowszych wersji beta (w tym QPR) do momentu wyrejestrowania urządzenia z programu. Na każdym etapie dostarczamy także obrazy w formacie flash, możesz więc wybrać metodę, która sprawdzi się najlepiej w Twoim środowisku testowym.

Użyj tych linków i instrukcji, aby zaktualizować obsługiwane urządzenie do najnowszej kompilacji. Przeczytaj artykuł o pobieraniu wersji beta Androida 14 QPR, by poznać inne sposoby uzyskiwania wersji beta Androida 14 na potrzeby testów i programowania.

Flash na urządzeniu za pomocą Android Flash Tool

Android Flash Tool pozwala bezpiecznie zainstalować obraz systemu na obsługiwanym urządzeniu Pixel. Android Flash Tool działa z każdą przeglądarką obsługującą WebUSB, np. Chrome oraz Edge 79 i nowszymi wersjami.

Android Flash Tool przeprowadzi Cię krok po kroku przez proces aktualizacji urządzenia – nie musisz mieć żadnych zainstalowanych żadnych narzędzi. Jednak musisz je odblokować i włączyć debugowanie USB w Opcjach programisty. Pełne instrukcje znajdziesz w dokumentacji Android Flash Tool.

Podłącz urządzenie przez USB, a następnie otwórz narzędzie Android Flash Tool, klikając ten link, i postępuj zgodnie ze wskazówkami wyświetlanymi na ekranie: https://flash.android.com/preview/udc-qpr3-beta2.1.

Ręczne podłączanie lampy błyskowej

Logo marki Android

Możesz też pobrać najnowszy obraz systemu i ręcznie zainstalować go na urządzeniu. W tej tabeli możesz pobrać obraz systemu urządzenia testowego. Ręczne wgrywanie pamięci urządzenia przydaje się, gdy potrzebujesz dokładnej kontroli nad środowiskiem testowym lub gdy musisz często ponownie instalować urządzenia, na przykład podczas testów automatycznych.

Po utworzeniu kopii zapasowej danych z urządzenia i pobraniu odpowiedniego obrazu systemu możesz załadować obraz na urządzenie.

W każdej chwili możesz wrócić do najnowszej kompilacji publicznej.

Obrazy fabryczne urządzenia

Urządzenie Pobierz link i sumę kontrolną SHA-256
Pixel 5a
Pixel 6
Pixel 6 Pro
Pixel 6a
Pixel 7
Pixel 7 Pro
Pixel 7a
Pixel Fold
Pixel Tablet
Pixel 8
Pixel 8 Pro

Wróć do publicznej kompilacji

Możesz użyć narzędzia Android Flash, by załadować fabryczny obraz systemu lub uzyskać fabryczny obraz systemu ze strony Obrazy fabryczne dla urządzeń Nexus i Pixel, a następnie ręcznie załadować ten obraz na urządzeniu.

Download Android 14 factory system image

Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at https://developer.android.com/studio/terms and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
Download Android 14 factory system image


Download Android 14 factory system image

Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at https://developer.android.com/studio/terms and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
Download Android 14 factory system image


Download Android 14 factory system image

Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at https://developer.android.com/studio/terms and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
Download Android 14 factory system image


Download Android 14 factory system image

Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at https://developer.android.com/studio/terms and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
Download Android 14 factory system image


Download Android 14 factory system image

Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at https://developer.android.com/studio/terms and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
Download Android 14 factory system image


Download Android 14 factory system image

Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at https://developer.android.com/studio/terms and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
Download Android 14 factory system image


Download Android 14 factory system image

Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at https://developer.android.com/studio/terms and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
Download Android 14 factory system image


Download Android 14 factory system image

Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at https://developer.android.com/studio/terms and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
Download Android 14 factory system image


Download Android 14 factory system image

Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at https://developer.android.com/studio/terms and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
Download Android 14 factory system image


Download Android 14 factory system image

Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at https://developer.android.com/studio/terms and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
Download Android 14 factory system image


Download Android 14 factory system image

Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at https://developer.android.com/studio/terms and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
Download Android 14 factory system image
