Android Studio Meerkat Closed Issues

Android Studio Meerkat | 2024.3.1 RC 1

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.9.0-rc01
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
AndroidComponentsExtension.addSourceSetConfigurations broken when stats are enabled
Code Editor
Inline Completion: non-English characters don't always render
[Ladybug Canary 9] When running project, AS does not rebuild project anymore resulting in "Error loading build artifacts"
Meerkat canary06 breaks gradle-profiler
Layout and Resource Editing
Android studio got slow after updating
AS 2024.3.1.4 hang intermittently when editing kotlin texts.
Move/Rename Code Refactor
Unable to rename files in meerkat android studio canary 9
Running Tests
Cannot run unit tests.

Android Studio Meerkat | 2024.3.1 Beta 1

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.9.0-beta01
Fixed Issues
Kotlin debugger very slow on 'Debugger: Searching for Kotlin file'
Layout and Resource Editing
No "Layout Resource File" menu item
Wrong lint warning for `@Parcelize` annotation on sealed interfaces

Android Studio Meerkat | 2024.3.1 Canary 9

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.9.0-alpha09
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Android Gradle Plugin: Variants should expose source set names
Configuration cache is brittle to the setting of the TERM environment variable
Compose Editing
Android Studio offers completion of a new composable in projects without AGP or Compose
Layout Inspector doesn't work in Android Studio Ladybug
Lint check StringEscapeDetector crash on "\\ "

Android Studio Meerkat | 2024.3.1 Canary 8

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.9.0-alpha08
Fixed Issues
AppLinkSplitToWebAndCustom is UnknownIssue in lint 8.7.3
Lint Integration
lintVitalRelease doesn't run automatically when building app bundle
androidLibrary{} block broken for KMP
Running Tests
Select benchmark output tab by default when output detected
AGP 8.6.0 errors running Java 8 tests (via toolchains)

Android Studio Meerkat | 2024.3.1 Canary 7

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.9.0-alpha07
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Fused Library error when unresolved dependency could be improved
System Properties from are not passed to R8 Gradle Workers in separate processes
Make BuiltArtifact.outputFile as File type
Not providing namespace on fused library does not give a good error message
lint options in AGP 7.1.0-alpha08 doesn't allow for stdout
Disable offline mode and build again
Do not use default tasks for KMP modules
Lint incorrectly reports an uncessary nested layout when a FrameLayout used with fitSystemWindows to wrap a child RelativeLayout that that requires custom padding.
CoarseFineLocation lint rule doesn't account for a maxSdkVersion attribute
Unable to create Raw resource

Android Studio Meerkat | 2024.3.1 Canary 6

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.9.0-alpha06
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Update shouldConfigureKotlinPlatformAttribute to handle built-in kotlin support
Give kotlin gradle syntax in error message for `checkTestedAppObfuscationRelease`
Code Editor
Auto completion is not working properly in the androidTest folder
Compose Preview
Wallpaper doesn't work on API level 34 and 35
Android Gradle Plugin uses 0.1.0 of tensorflow-lite-metadata which has no license.
Gradle Files Editor
new-library versions.toml Context Suggestion Causes Error Due to Reserved Keyword
Bug: changes in gradle file of one project always require sync of a different project
Lint suggests replacing @RequiresExtension on test with @SdkSuppress, which doesn't support SDK extensions
Translations Editor
String resource - other languages
Upgrade Assistant
Android Studio wants to upgrade already upgraded AGP dependency and fails

Android Studio Meerkat | 2024.3.1 Canary 5

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.9.0-alpha05
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Maybe let AGP's built-in Kotlin support auto-add kotlin stdlib dependency
Jetpack Compose
"produceState calls should assign value inside the producer lambda: lint check does not grok "if" expression assignment
Runtime exception below API 26 with unsupported Java nio API (with no lint error)
Lint prevents usage of RequiresApi even on private helper method in test
K2 Mode throws RestrictedApi warning when using .hasRoute(Route::class) in Android Studio
Running Devices
Copy & paste not working in Android Studio (Linux)

Android Studio Meerkat | 2024.3.1 Canary 4

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.9.0-alpha04
Fixed Issues
Device Manager
Request: bring back ability to remove skin of AVD of emulators
Layout Inspector
Enable action to show/hide subtree in Embedded LI
About profiler
Profiler sorts durations alphabetically instead of underlying value
Room SQL
Window functions for SQLite cannot be parsed

Android Studio Meerkat | 2024.3.1 Canary 3

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.9.0-alpha03
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Unhelpful error ''compileSdkVersion is not specified. Please add it to build.gradle"
Missing "Clean build" in Build menu
C++ Import/Sync
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Module source root type is not registered as JpsModelSerializerExtension
Compose Preview
KotlinReflectionNotSupportedError: Kotlin reflection implementation is not found at runtime
Preview not working if PreviewParameter is 2nd param of the composable function
Kotlin reflect "isData" function returns incorrect value when run in compose IDE preview PSI access on EDT called on EDT
Layout Inspector
Enable action to show/hide subtree in Embedded LI
kotlin android.os.Handler removeCallbacks Runnable
WrongConstant lint on definition instead of usage of constant using shift
WrongConstant lint appearing twice
BuildType.initWith() method no longer copying the isShrinkResources property in AGP 8.7
UI Tools
Design tools selector incorrectly displayed in files without UI / android reference

Android Studio Meerkat | 2024.3.1 Canary 2

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.9.0-alpha02
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Provide an actionable error message when GMD setup task fails with insufficient disk space plugin doesn't recognize targetSdk
Code Editor
Request: when the IDE detects an issue with missing permission on a function call, also offer annotation RequiresPermission
Lint fails with InstantiationException without exception message in lint stacktrace
False positive lint check android.permission.SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM is only granted to system apps
StringFormatInvalid check should be applied to Compose stringResource method
RequiresFeature annotation does not work for Kotlin files
Improve Match Case in Logcat FIlter
Logcat empty

Android Studio Meerkat | 2024.3.1 Canary 1

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.9.0-alpha01
Fixed Issues
Compose Preview file access on EDT
[Ladybug Canary 9] When running project, AS does not rebuild project anymore resulting in "Error loading build artifacts"
Lint crashes with Lint gradle checks
Android Studio Logcat always clear after device disconnceted
Improve Match Case in Logcat FIlter
Running Tests
Tweak test result window font
Testing Tools
[GMD] ensure adb is executable in setup task.