
public final class DriverAtoms

A collection of Javascript Atoms from the WebDriver project.


Public methods

static Atom<Evaluation>

Clears content from an editable element.

static Atom<ElementReference>
findElement(Locator locator, String value)

Finds an element using the provided locatorType strategy.

static Atom<List<ElementReference>>

Finds multiple elements given a locator strategy.

static Atom<String>

Returns the visible text beneath a given DOM element.

static Atom<ElementReference>

Finds the currently active element in the document.

static Atom<WindowReference>

Selects a subframe of the current window by it's name or id.

static Atom<WindowReference>

Selects a subframe of the given window by it's name or id.

static Atom<WindowReference>
selectFrameByIndex(int index)

Selects a subframe of the currently selected window by it's index.

static Atom<WindowReference>

Selects a subframe of the given window by it's index.

static Atom<Evaluation>

Simulates the javascript events to click on a particular element.

static Atom<Evaluation>

Simulates javascript key events sent to a certain element.

static Atom<Boolean>

Returns true if the desired element is in view after scrolling.

Public methods


public static Atom<EvaluationclearElement()

Clears content from an editable element.


public static Atom<ElementReferencefindElement(Locator locator, String value)

Finds an element using the provided locatorType strategy.


public static Atom<List<ElementReference>> findMultipleElements(Locator locator, String value)

Finds multiple elements given a locator strategy.


public static Atom<StringgetText()

Returns the visible text beneath a given DOM element.


public static Atom<ElementReferenceselectActiveElement()

Finds the currently active element in the document.


public static Atom<WindowReferenceselectFrameByIdOrName(String idOrName)

Selects a subframe of the current window by it's name or id.


public static Atom<WindowReferenceselectFrameByIdOrName(String idOrName, WindowReference root)

Selects a subframe of the given window by it's name or id.


public static Atom<WindowReferenceselectFrameByIndex(int index)

Selects a subframe of the currently selected window by it's index.


public static Atom<WindowReferenceselectFrameByIndex(int index, WindowReference root)

Selects a subframe of the given window by it's index.


public static Atom<EvaluationwebClick()

Simulates the javascript events to click on a particular element.


public static Atom<EvaluationwebKeys(String text)

Simulates javascript key events sent to a certain element.


public static Atom<BooleanwebScrollIntoView()

Returns true if the desired element is in view after scrolling.