Android XR extensions quickstart

Each feature includes a sample for you to use and play with code and scene setups. This quickstart walks you through importing the Android XR Unity package and then configuring the face tracking sample.


Before completing these steps, make sure you've completed the steps described in Unity project setup.

Import packages

To load a Unity Package Manager package from a Git URL:

  1. Open the add menu in the Package Manager toolbar.
  2. In the options for adding packages, click the + (plus) button.
  3. In the drop-down list, click Add package from git URL.

    Example of the Add package from git URL button in the UI

  4. Enter a valid Git URL in the text box.

  5. Select Add.

Configure the face tracking sample

All samples, including this one, include a README file containing instructions on how to configure and set up the project.

To import and configure the sample:

  1. Go to Package Manager > Google XR Extensions.

    Example of the package manager settings

  2. Select the Samples tab, and click Import for Face Tracking.

    Example of the samples tab

  3. Go to Edit > Project Settings > XR Plug-in Management.

    Example of the project settings screen

  4. In the Android tab, under Plug-in Providers, enable OpenXR.

    Example of the plugin providers settings

  5. Switch to the Android platform tab.

  6. Select Android XR (Extensions) Session Management.

  7. Select Android XR: Face Tracking.

    Example of the Android xr settings

  8. Under XR Plug-in Management > Project Validation, fix all OpenXR-related issues. This helps configure your Player Settings.

    Example of the project validation settings

  9. Open Samples > Google XR Extensions > FaceTracking > Facetracking.unity.