
This feature provides access to the XR_ANDROID_hand_mesh extension.

Inherits from: OpenXRFeature

Public attributes

ExtensionString = "XR_ANDROID_hand_mesh"
const string
The required OpenXR extension.
FeatureId = "com.google.xr.extensions.hand_mesh"
const string
The feature ID string.
UiName = "Android XR (Extensions): Hand Mesh"
const string
The UI name shows on the XR Plug-in Management panel, help users to understand validation errors and expected fixes.

Public static attributes

IsExtensionEnabled => _extensionEnabled
Gets if the required OpenXR extension is enabled.
RequiredPermission = AndroidXRPermission.HandTracking
Runtime permission required to enable depth texture.

Public attributes


const string ExtensionString = "XR_ANDROID_hand_mesh"

The required OpenXR extension.


const string FeatureId = "com.google.xr.extensions.hand_mesh"

The feature ID string.


const string UiName = "Android XR (Extensions): Hand Mesh"

The UI name shows on the XR Plug-in Management panel, help users to understand validation errors and expected fixes.

Public static attributes


bool IsExtensionEnabled => _extensionEnabled

Gets if the required OpenXR extension is enabled.

When OpenXR runtime is waiting, it returns null. Otherwise, it indicates whether the XR_ANDROID_hand_mesh extensions is available on current device.


readonly AndroidXRPermission RequiredPermission =

Runtime permission required to enable depth texture.

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