Tipos de serviços em primeiro plano

No Android 14 (nível 34 da API) e versões mais recentes, é necessário declarar um tipo de serviço adequado para cada serviço em primeiro plano. Isso significa que você precisa declarar o tipo de serviço no manifesto do app e solicitar a permissão de serviço em primeiro plano adequada para esse tipo, além de solicitar a permissão FOREGROUND_SERVICE. Além disso, dependendo do tipo de serviço em primeiro plano, talvez seja necessário solicitar permissões de execução antes de iniciar o serviço.


Foreground service type to declare in manifest under android:foregroundServiceType
Permission to declare in your manifest
Constant to pass to startForeground()
Runtime prerequisites

Request and be granted the CAMERA runtime permission

Note: The CAMERA runtime permission is subject to while-in-use restrictions. For this reason, you cannot create a camera foreground service while your app is in the background, with a few exceptions. For more information, see Restrictions on starting foreground services that need while-in-use permissions.


Continue to access the camera from the background, such as video chat apps that allow for multitasking.

Dispositivo conectado

Foreground service type to declare in manifest under
Permission to declare in your manifest
Constant to pass to startForeground()
Runtime prerequisites

At least one of the following conditions must be true:


Interactions with external devices that require a Bluetooth, NFC, IR, USB, or network connection.


If your app needs to do continuous data transfer to an external device, consider using the companion device manager instead. Use the companion device presence API to help your app stay running while the companion device is in range.

If your app needs to scan for bluetooth devices, consider using the Bluetooth scan API instead.

Sincronização de dados

Foreground service type to declare in manifest under
Permission to declare in your manifest
Constant to pass to startForeground()
Runtime prerequisites

Data transfer operations, such as the following:

  • Data upload or download
  • Backup-and-restore operations
  • Import or export operations
  • Fetch data
  • Local file processing
  • Transfer data between a device and the cloud over a network

See Alternatives to data sync foreground services for detailed information.


Foreground service type to declare in manifest under
Permission to declare in your manifest
Constant to pass to startForeground()
Runtime prerequisites

At least one of the following conditions must be true:

Note: The BODY_SENSORS runtime permission is subject to while-in-use restrictions. For this reason, you cannot create a health foreground service that uses body sensors while your app is in the background, with a few exceptions. For more information, see Restrictions on starting foreground services that need while-in-use permissions.


Any long-running use cases to support apps in the fitness category such as exercise trackers.


Foreground service type to declare in manifest under
Permission to declare in your manifest
Constant to pass to startForeground()
Runtime prerequisites

The user must have enabled location services and the app must be granted at least one of the following runtime permissions:

Note: In order to check that the user has enabled location services as well as granted access to the runtime permissions, use PermissionChecker#checkSelfPermission()

Note: The location runtime permissions are subject to while-in-use restrictions. For this reason, you cannot create a location foreground service while your app is in the background, unless you've been granted the ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION runtime permission. For more information, see Restrictions on starting foreground services that need while-in-use permissions.


Long-running use cases that require location access, such as navigation and location sharing.


If your app needs to be triggered when the user reaches specific locations, consider using the geofence API instead.


Foreground service type to declare in manifest under
Permission to declare in your manifest
Constant to pass to startForeground()
Runtime prerequisites
Continue audio or video playback from the background. Support Digital Video Recording (DVR) functionality on Android TV.
If you're showing picture-in-picture video, use Picture-in-Picture mode.

Projeção de mídia

Foreground service type to declare in manifest under
Permission to declare in your manifest
Constant to pass to startForeground()
Runtime prerequisites

Call the createScreenCaptureIntent() method before starting the foreground service. Doing so shows a permission notification to the user; the user must grant the permission before you can create the service.

After you have created the foreground service, you can call MediaProjectionManager.getMediaProjection().


Project content to non-primary display or external device using the MediaProjection APIs. This content doesn't have to be exclusively media content.


To stream media to another device, use the Google Cast SDK.


Foreground service type to declare in manifest under
Permission to declare in your manifest
Constant to pass to startForeground()
Runtime prerequisites

Request and be granted the RECORD_AUDIO runtime permission.

Note: The RECORD_AUDIO runtime permission is subject to while-in-use restrictions. For this reason, you cannot create a microphone foreground service while your app is in the background, with a few exceptions. For more information, see Restrictions on starting foreground services that need while-in-use permissions.


Continue microphone capture from the background, such as voice recorders or communication apps.

Ligação telefônica

Foreground service type to declare in manifest under
Permission to declare in your manifest
Constant to pass to startForeground()
Runtime prerequisites

At least one of these conditions must be true:

  • App is the default dialer app through the ROLE_DIALER role.

Continue an ongoing call using the ConnectionService APIs.


If you need to make phone, video, or VoIP calls, consider using the android.telecom library.

Consider using CallScreeningService to screen calls.

Mensagens remotas

Foreground service type to declare in manifest under
Permission to declare in your manifest
Constant to pass to startForeground()
Runtime prerequisites
Transfer text messages from one device to another. Assists with continuity of a user's messaging tasks when they switch devices.

Serviço curto

Foreground service type to declare in manifest under
Permission to declare in your manifest
Constant to pass to startForeground()
Runtime prerequisites

Quickly finish critical work that cannot be interrupted or postponed.

This type has some unique characteristics:

  • Can only run for a short period of time (about 3 minutes).
  • No support for sticky foreground services.
  • Cannot start other foreground services.
  • Doesn't require a type-specific permission, though it still requires the FOREGROUND_SERVICE permission.
  • A shortService can only change to another service type if the app is currently eligible to start a new foreground service.
  • A foreground service can change its type to shortService at any time, at which point the timeout period begins.

The timeout for shortService begins from the moment that Service.startForeground() is called. The app is expected to call Service.stopSelf() or Service.stopForeground() before the timeout occurs. Otherwise, the new Service.onTimeout() is called, giving apps a brief opportunity to call stopSelf() or stopForeground() to stop their service.

A short time after Service.onTimeout() is called, the app enters a cached state and is no longer considered to be in the foreground, unless the user is actively interacting with the app. A short time after the app is cached and the service has not stopped, the app receives an ANR. The ANR message mentions FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_SHORT_SERVICE. For these reasons, it's considered best practice to implement the Service.onTimeout() callback.

The Service.onTimeout() callback doesn't exist on Android 13 and lower. If the same service runs on such devices, it doesn't receive a timeout, nor does it ANR. Make sure that your service stops as soon as it finishes the processing task, even if it hasn't received the Service.onTimeout() callback yet.

It's important to note that if the timeout of the shortService is not respected, the app will ANR even if it has other valid foreground services or other app lifecycle processes running.

If an app is visible to the user or satisfies one of the exemptions that allow foreground services to be started from the background, calling Service.StartForeground() again with the FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_SHORT_SERVICE parameter extends the timeout by another 3 minutes. If the app isn't visible to the user and doesn't satisfy one of the exemptions, any attempt to start another foreground service, regardless of type, causes a ForegroundServiceStartNotAllowedException.

If a user disables battery optimization for your app, it's still affected by the timeout of shortService FGS.

If you start a foreground service that includes the shortService type and another foreground service type, the system ignores the shortService type declaration. However, the service must still adhere to the prerequisites of the other declared types. For more information, see the Foreground services documentation.

Uso especial

Foreground service type to declare in manifest under
Permission to declare in your manifest
Constant to pass to startForeground()
Runtime prerequisites

Covers any valid foreground service use cases that aren't covered by the other foreground service types.

In addition to declaring the FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_SPECIAL_USE foreground service type, developers should declare use cases in the manifest. To do so, they specify the <property> element within the <service> element. These values and corresponding use cases are reviewed when you submit your app in the Google Play Console. The use cases you provide are free-form, and you should make sure to provide enough information to let the reviewer see why you need to use the specialUse type.

<service android:name="fooService" android:foregroundServiceType="specialUse">
  <property android:name="android.app.PROPERTY_SPECIAL_USE_FGS_SUBTYPE"

Sistema isento

Tipo de serviço em primeiro plano a ser declarado no manifesto
Permissão a ser declarada no manifesto
Constante a ser transmitida para startForeground()
Pré-requisitos de tempo de execução

Reservado para que aplicativos do sistema e integrações específicas do sistema possam continuar usando serviços em primeiro plano.

Para usar esse tipo, um app precisa atender a pelo menos um destes critérios:

Aplicação da política do Google Play para uso de tipos de serviço em primeiro plano

If your app targets Android 14 or higher, you'll need to declare your app's foreground service types in the Play Console's app content page (Policy > App content). For more information on how to declare your foreground service types in Play Console, see Understanding foreground service and full-screen intent requirements.