A plataforma Android 16 inclui mudanças de comportamento que podem afetar seu app.
As mudanças de comportamento a seguir se aplicam a todos os apps quando executados no Android 16,
independente da targetSdkVersion
. Teste o app e modifique-o
conforme necessário para oferecer suporte a essas mudanças, quando aplicável.
Consulte também a lista de mudanças de comportamento que afetam apenas os apps destinados ao Android 16.
Principal recurso
O Android 16 inclui as seguintes mudanças que modificam ou expandem vários recursos principais do sistema Android.
Otimizações de cota do JobScheduler
Starting in Android 16, we're adjusting regular and expedited job execution runtime quota based on the following factors:
- Which app standby bucket the application is in: in Android 16, active standby buckets will start being enforced by a generous runtime quota.
- If the job starts execution while the app is in a top state: in Android 16, Jobs started while the app is visible to the user and continues after the app becomes invisible, will adhere to the job runtime quota.
- If the job is executing while running a Foreground Service: in Android 16, jobs that are executing while concurrently with a foreground service will adhere to the job runtime quota. If you're leveraging jobs for user initiated data transfer, consider using user initiated data transfer jobs instead.
This change impacts tasks scheduled using WorkManager, JobScheduler, and
DownloadManager. To debug why a job was stopped, we recommend logging why your
job was stopped by calling WorkInfo.getStopReason()
JobScheduler jobs, call JobParameters.getStopReason()
For more information on battery-optimal best practices, refer to guidance on optimize battery use for task scheduling APIs.
We also recommend leveraging the new
API introduced in
Android 16 to understand why a job has not executed.
To test your app's behavior, you can enable override of certain job quota optimizations as long as the app is running on an Android 16 device.
To disable enforcement of "top state will adhere to job runtime quota", run the
following adb
To disable enforcement of "jobs that are executing while concurrently with a
foreground service will adhere to the job runtime quota", run the following
To test certain app standby bucket behavior, you can set the app standby bucket
of your app using the following adb
adb shell am set-standby-bucket APP_PACKAGE_NAME active|working_set|frequent|rare|restricted
To understand the app standby bucket your app is in, you can get the app standby
bucket of your app using the following adb
adb shell am get-standby-bucket APP_PACKAGE_NAME
Suspensão total de JobInfo#setImportantWhileForeground
O método JobInfo.Builder#setImportantWhileForeground(boolean)
indica a importância de um job enquanto o app de programação está em primeiro plano
ou quando é temporariamente isento de restrições em segundo plano.
Esse método foi descontinuado a partir do Android 12 (nível 31 da API). A partir do Android 16, ele não funciona mais de forma eficaz, e a chamada desse método será ignorada.
Essa remoção de funcionalidade também se aplica a
. A partir do Android
16, se o método for chamado, ele retornará false
Experiência do usuário e interface do sistema
O Android 16 inclui as seguintes mudanças, que têm como objetivo criar uma experiência do usuário mais consistente e intuitiva.
Descontinuação dos avisos de acessibilidade que causam interrupção
Android 16 deprecates accessibility announcements, characterized by the use of
or the dispatch of
accessibility events. These can create
inconsistent user experiences for users of TalkBack and Android's screen reader,
and alternatives better serve a broader range of user needs across a variety of
Android's assistive technologies.
Examples of alternatives:
- For significant UI changes like window changes, use
. In Compose, useModifier.semantics { paneTitle = "paneTitle" }
- To inform the user of changes to critical UI, use
. In Compose, useModifier.semantics { liveRegion = LiveRegionMode.[Polite|Assertive]}
. These should be used sparingly as they may generate announcements every time a View is updated. - To notify users about errors, send an
of typeAccessibilityEvent#CONTENT_CHANGE_TYPE_ERROR
and setAccessibilityNodeInfo#setError(CharSequence)
, or useTextView#setError(CharSequence)
The reference documentation for the deprecated
API includes more details about
suggested alternatives.