Android Studio Hedgehog Closed Issues
Stay organized with collections
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Android Studio Hedgehog | 2023.1.1 Patch 2
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.2.2
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Unable to set JaCoCo version in AGP 8.2.0
Dexer (D8) |
[desugared library] Desugared library version 2.1 is not compatible with previous versions of R8
Optimizations running even just with D8?
Import/Sync |
Performance regression - setting up dependencies in the IDE
Shrinker (R8) |
[R8 8.3.21] R8 8.3.21 is 1.57MB larger than R8 8.1.56
class.getInterfaces() return empty
Android Studio Hedgehog | 2023.1.1 Patch 1
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.2.1
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Do not run dexing task on subprojects' classes when they are already dex'd through artifact transforms
Android Gradle Plugin failed with JavaVersion.VERSION_11 and OpenJDK 21 ea
Dexer (D8) |
Desugar records for Android U
Import/Sync |
Using non-AndroidX libraries in an AndroidX project
IntelliJ |
Android Studio stuck indexing xml file that contains invalid chars
Running Devices |
Unable to connect to physical device for development
Shrinker (R8) |
R8 generates broken dex resulting in class cast exception at runtime
R8 causing interface change to inaccessible interface
R8 Flurry SDK crash with AGP 8.2.0
Android - R8 causes subclass of LinearLayoutManager to crash
ClassCastException in R8 when repackaging is on and shrinking, obfuscation and optimization is turned off
R8 stuck in BridgeAnalyzer.analyzeMethod
R8 v8.2.33, "java.lang.VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack" runtime crash after upgrade
Android Studio Hedgehog | 2023.1.1 RC 3
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.2.0-rc03
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
HEDGEHOG REGRESSION: Run button is delayed by a few seconds (Creating spec)
Help Menu |
Logo on the About screen is distorted starting with Iguana Canary 6
Android Studio Hedgehog | 2023.1.1 RC 2
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.2.0-rc02
Fixed Issues |
Compose Preview |
Compose Preview broken when using HTML text with b-Tags
Layout Editor |
Exception in Layout editor
Android Studio Hedgehog | 2023.1.1 RC 1
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.2.0-rc01
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Android Studio Giraffe does not respect versionCodeOverride with AGP 8.1
AGP 8.1.0 uninstalls app after running instrumented tests - 7.4.2 does not
Tranforming an APK leads to a error with ListingFileRedirectTask
C++ Build |
[Hedgehog | 2023.1.1 Beta 4]' gradle flag contained 'armeabi' which is invalid.
Running Devices |
Device mirroring causing extremely high CPU usage on phone
Third Party Plugins |
Android Studio Hedgehog | 2023.1.1 Beta 5
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.2.0-beta05
Fixed Issues |
Dexer (D8) |
Enable native record and sealed classes when dexing for min-api 34 and above
Android Studio Hedgehog | 2023.1.1 Beta 4
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.2.0-beta04
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Execution failed for task ':app:mergeReleaseClasses' after Updating AGP from 8.0.2 to 8.1.0
Gradle 8.1 breaks configuration caching due to .gradle/.android/analytics.settings
[AGP 8.1.0] ./gradlew test fails with "Unable to find manifest output" if both splits.abi.isEnable and testOptions.unitTests.isIncludeAndroidResources are true
Android Studio Hedgehog | 2023.1.1 Beta 3
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.2.0-beta03
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
androidResources is not available in the android library module
Import/Sync |
Unclear error/warning after project sync
Studio complains about unsupported modules during gradle sync
Running Tests |
Unit tests will not rerun
Shrinker (R8) |
Kotlin 1.9 causes Kotlin lambdas to be destroyed by R8 if nullchecks are stripped
Android Studio Hedgehog | 2023.1.1 Beta 2
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.2.0-beta02
Fixed Issues |
Device Manager |
[AS + Wear emulators] Device Manager doesn't remember pairing until devices started
Layout Editor |
layout xml: design-left-component tree ,select a component and can't use ctrl+B hotkey to code
Lint Integration |
DuplicatePlatformClasses lint error from testImplementation dependency
Android Studio Hedgehog | 2023.1.1 Beta 1
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.2.0-beta01
Fixed Issues |
Android SDK Upgrade Assistant |
Target SDK Upgrade Assistant never loads
Import/Sync |
UI for "Gradle JDK" does not synchronize field content
Unable to make progress running work.
Layout Inspector |
Debug app crashes sometimes when Layout Inspector is active
Lint |
Unexpected issues from another project flagged by Android Lint
Android Lint fails on a KMP library with `property '' doesn't have a configured value.`
Run |
Cannot save Dynamic features settings on run/debug configurations
Shrinker (R8) |
java.lang.VerifyError: Verifier rejected class
Build gets stuck on :minifyReleaseWithR8 when using Apache POI library
Android Studio Hedgehog | 2023.1.1 Canary 15
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.2.0-alpha15
Fixed Issues |
Design Tools |
Color changer dialog from gutter in IDE, cannot do alphas less than 10%
Run |
[Android T+] ENFORCE_INTENTS_TO_MATCH_INTENT_FILTERS Flag Interferes with Launching TV Activities
Android Studio Hedgehog Canary 14 (2023.1.1.14)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.2.0-alpha14
Fixed Issues |
App Quality Insights |
Firebase crashlytics stacktrace always scrolls th the end after setting cursor anywhere in the stacktrace
Build Variants |
Switch active variant when default variant changes
C++ Editor |
Find Class and Find Usages broken: "AssertionError: Symbols must be loaded"
Import/Sync |
IllegalStateException: Module is not a Gradle module
Layout Editor |
Documentation Tools Window: Auto-update from Source does not work on XML attributes in Designer Tool Window, but Ctrl-q hotkey does
Running Devices |
Running Devices "Connecting to the device" forever.
StudioBot |
Insert At Cursor only handles one method
StudioBot didn't include imports for common SDK classes
Android Studio Hedgehog Canary 13 (2023.1.1.13)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.2.0-alpha13
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Update to Gradle 8.2 milestone or RC
Cannot access 'java.lang.Comparable'
Compose Preview |
Recursive calls to preview composable - no linter warning, wrong autocompletion entry, no error message
Device Manager |
Bug: can't add emulator-item in the "device manager" list
Gradle |
Add version catalog awareness to AndroidAddLibraryDependencyAction that adds dependencies
Layout Editor |
Documentation Tools Window: Auto-update from Source does not work on XML attributes in Designer Tool Window, but Ctrl-q hotkey does
Live Edit |
Compose LiveEdit: ArithmeticException: Division by zero
Android Studio Hedgehog Canary 12 (2023.1.1.12)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.2.0-alpha12
Fixed Issues |
Debugger |
Source Code does not match the bytecode
Import/Sync |
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Missing gradlePath on
Android Studio Canary build-notification always shows 0 errors
Layout Editor |
Android studio uses Arabic numbers for setting margins and other attributes
layout editor render problem
Attributes panel misbehaving when Attached Side = None
Drag View in ConstraintLayout shows UI wrong when constaintLayout has padding
Documentation Tools Window: Auto-update from Source does not work on XML attributes in Designer Tool Window, but Ctrl-q hotkey does
Don't put LinearLayoutCompat as first suggestion in XML files
When copy-pasting a view component from two different xml layout files view id has name+i
Custom Drawable doesn't have Code, Split and Design options and No auto refresh
Lint |
Lint ignores UseValueOf issue when using K2 UAST
Android Studio Hedgehog Canary 11 (2023.1.1.11)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.2.0-alpha11
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Advertise R8 / D8 version requirements in AAR metadata (e.g. for coreLibraryDesugaring and new API out-of-lining)
Sync warning: "GradleBuildProject.Builder should not be accessed through AnalyticsConfiguratorService after AnalyticsService is created"
Android Studio |
File extension missing on video recordings default filename
Code Editor |
large webp images takes up half of coding area
Design Tools |
Failed to start Git Process: Exec access not allowed during rendering
Gradle Files Editor |
Version catalogs show a warning when there is a newer SNAPSHOT artifact available
Import/Sync |
Layout Editor |
resource manager drag and drop replaces data binding brackets
Preferences Component Tree: title is inconsistent
Constraint Layout: Layout Editor doesn't show details defined in a style
Make shortcut for building (in editor) rebuilds all modules instead of current module
"Undo Undefined" after an automatic layout conversion to ConstraintLayout
Order of includes affects tools:text working
New TextInputlayout persistently goes out of screen when connected to existing object
tag inside layout XML triggers lint error: "Unresolvable tag"
Layout editor : latest display settings aren't saved
Lint |
Bumblebee 2021.1.1 Patch 1 is saying an old version (20030203.000550) of commons-io is newer than 2.11.0.
Android Studio improperly marks specified version as out-of-date.
Motion Editor |
IDE freezes on autocomplete in the XML layout
Android Studio Hedgehog Canary 10 (2023.1.1.10)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.2.0-alpha10
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
`` was removed in Android Studio Giraffe
Add ability to disable AndroidXDependencyCheck
generateLocaleConfig in agp 8.1.0 uses non-deterministic ordering, breaking reproducible builds
Espresso Recorder |
Add dependency to catalog if project is version catalog aware at Test recorder (RecordingDialog)
Import/Sync |
Studio Hedgehog Canary 6 hangs on gradle sync with gradle 8.1.1 and AGP 8.0.2
Project Structure |
Cannot update custom JDK location w/o opening a project first
Android Studio Hedgehog Canary 9 (2023.1.1.9)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.2.0-alpha09
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Fix LintErrors when running lint with K2 UAST via Gradle on a KMP project
Support for Variant level missingDimensionStrategy, and possibly build type/flavor matchingFallback
Lint |
Lint 8.2.0 alphas still do not support top-level function imports in kotlin
Resources |
Help button for New Resource Directory dialog
Android Studio Hedgehog Canary 8 (2023.1.1.8)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.2.0-alpha08
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
ASM Transform and toAppend() incompatibility
Compose Preview |
Compose Previews support for ValueAnimators inside AndroidView
Layout Inspector |
Improve discoverability of setting to disable embedded LI
Lint |
Bumblebee 2021.1.1 Patch 1 is saying an old version (20030203.000550) of commons-io is newer than 2.11.0.
Prefab Integration |
[AGP] Prefab: CMake configuration task fails when JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS env variable is set
Release Bundle/APKs |
"Generate Signed Bundle or APK" => "Module" list order problem
Run |
Device Selector is choosing invalid initial device
Running Devices |
[Improvement] Disable auto focus to Emulator after build successfully
Third Party Plugins |
Android Studio Hedgehog Canary 7 (2023.1.1.7)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.2.0-alpha07
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Expose a way to get the default NDK version
Android Gradle plugin requires Java 17 to run.
Android SDK Upgrade Assistant |
Upgrade assistant incorrectly suggests updating to targetSdk 33
Design Tools |
The logs are flodded with `SlowOperations` and IDE gets extremely slow and sluggish
Gradle Files Editor |
Dependency version suggestion is too "greedy" for higher version numbers
Import/Sync |
Quick Fix to upgrade to newer build tools on all modules
AndroidStudio HTTP Proxy Setting bug
Lint |
Add an option to not include line and column numbers in lint baseline
Lint tests do not support Java 17 language features
Logcat |
Remove goldfish-address-space logs from emulator logcat
New Project Wizard |
Default project directory is ignored in new project template
Project Structure |
Bug: each time I choose to update some dependency on the "suggestions" screen, it scrolls to the top
When opening a project with a renamed root build file an empty build.grdle is created
Android Studio Hedgehog Canary 6 (2023.1.1.6)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.2.0-alpha06
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Accessing GradleBuildProject.Builder through AnalyticsConfiguratorService is not allowed after AnalyticsService is created
AndroidTest.packaging.jniLibs.keepDebugSymbols doesn't affect androidTest packaging
Compilation allowed for illegal color values
Incorrect "ReplaceWith" for VariantBuilder
Gradle 8.1 breaks configuration caching due to .gradle/.android/analytics.settings
Deprecation messages doesn't use `ReplaceWith`
Build Output |
Bug: error in manifest directs to generated one, instead of original one
Compose Preview |
Slow Compose Preview
Compose Preview ignores HTML markup in string resources
Device Manager |
NPE in BuildVirtualDeviceConfigurationWizardActionListener
Gradle Files Editor |
Project Structure Dialog suggestion for commons-io:commons-io
Import/Sync |
Gradle generated value for manifest stops custom run configuration
Installer |
Debian package: missing 'Maintainer' field android-studio-2021.3.1.17-cros.deb
Lint |
Lint 8.2.0 alphas still do not support top-level function imports in kotlin
Add an option to not include line and column numbers in lint baseline
Project Structure |
Tabbing out of a field with the drop-down open does not update its value
Room SQL |
Room Plugin Bug - Checking if tuple is not in subquery - Compiles correctly
Updater |
chromeos dpkg: warning: missing 'Maintainer' field
Android Studio Hedgehog Canary 5 (2023.1.1.5)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.2.0-alpha05
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
GMD instrumentation test tasks hang and upon retrying start failing
generateLocaleConfig in agp 8.1.0 uses non-deterministic ordering, breaking reproducible builds
ProcessApplicationManifest.navigationJsons has files with absolute paths
Code Editor |
Android SDK classes have many unresolved references highlighted in red
Studio lets you edit Android SDK sources too easily
Compose Preview |
Gradle |
PsProjectDescriptors adds dependency to project file ignoring version catalog
Logcat |
`Fold Lines like this` option missing in latest Android Studio Dolphin Canary 7
Create a Public Popup Action Group
Resources |
we cant able to hide drawable in gutter icons.
System Requirements |
Memory recommendation should take into account the % improvement
Android Studio Hedgehog Canary 4 (2023.1.1.4)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.2.0-alpha04
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Remove VariantManager.getModifiedName
AndroidTest.packaging.jniLibs.keepDebugSymbols doesn't affect androidTest packaging
Compose Preview |
UI completely frozen
Slow Compose Preview
Empty PreviewParameterProvider doesn't show any warning
Gradle |
Sync fails if managedDevices is present in build script on M1 with x86 JDK
Layout Inspector |
Request: when double clicking a View on the visual part of layout-inspector, go to the layout file that has it
Android Studio Hedgehog Canary 3 (2023.1.1.3)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.2.0-alpha03
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Target bytecode 17 when compiling AGP
Annotation |
@RestrictTo not working with Kotlin
Compose |
Wear Compose tooling multi previews not working
Compose Editing |
Studio allows auto-completing internal functions (then fails the build)
Suggest correct maven dependency when using well-known widgets
Compose Preview |
IDE Freeze while editing Composable with Preview pane showing
Editing |
Essential highlighting accumulates gutter icons
Project View |
Baseline Profiles generated with BPGP aren't showing in Android Studio
Resources |
Threading issues in resource management
System Requirements |
Creating a default project makes stuff recommend to increase VM size
Android Studio Hedgehog Canary 2 (2023.1.1.2)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.2.0-alpha02
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Request: let the IDE offer a fix for "PermittedSubclasses requires ASM9"
C++ Editor |
clang-format options missing
Code Editor |
Seeing exception in android plugin on studio start
Import/Sync |
Just updated to Flamingo and I cant sync my project. Getting unsupported java
Logcat |
Logcat (new version). Clickable filename in log.
Android Studio Hedgehog Canary 1 (2023.1.1.1)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.2.0-alpha01
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Custom source types should create multi-flavor sourcesets
SDK version check does not handle users of SDK extensions
DependenciesInfoBuilder needs API update + doc
DexingNoClasspathTransform (minSdk >= 24) with Java 11 target fails due to missing nest members
DslExtension.Builder.extendProjectWith() not working as described in Groovy
Add VariantSelector.withFlavor API that doesn't use kotlin.Pair
AndroidLintAnalysisTask ( :lintAnalyzeExternalRelease) has a cache miss because `proguard.txt` has changed
App merged manifest contains extractNativeLibs and useEmbeddedDex attributes from dependencies
AIDL fails with build-tools 33.0.0
AGP: Expose path to AIDL tool and framework AIDL file as public API
Annotation |
@RestrictTo not working with Kotlin
Apply Changes |
ApplyChangesAction: ClassCastException: class com.intellij.execution.DefaultExecutionTarget cannot be cast to class
Code Analysis |
Proguard awareness highlights @interface type as invalid
Compose Editing |
Add context action with quick-fix for "[PLUGIN_ERROR] Functions which invoke @Composable functions must be marked with the @Composable annotation"
Compose Preview |
Compose Preview uses Holo theme for system UI when targetSdk is not set on a library module
Debugger |
Error when trying to debug android test of library from AS
Deployment |
Android Studio install and launch app twice on debug
Tiles and Complication Launchers not working in Android Studio Giraffe Canary 6
Design Tools |
Use "postSplashScreenTheme" attribute for the default theme in design tools
Import/Sync |
The org.gradle.util.VersionNumber type has been deprecated.
Report internal errors as a sync issue
Surface actual sync exceptions intead of "No variants found for..."
JDK "11" not found on the disk or corrupted -- Download Amazon Corretto 11.0.15
Lint |
Instantiated lint check does not handle AppComponentFactory well
Logcat |
High memory use (1.4GB) in MessageBacklog
Should we hide Studio-internal logging from the package:mine filter?
New Code/Templates |
New project template with too complex plugin alias
New Project Wizard |
Version catalog should use a single version for all AGP plugins
ProfileInstaller & Baseline Profiles |
NullPointerException in profgen-cli
Resources |
When values directories are removed, Studio still thinks the languages defined there exist
SDK Manager |
Android SDK settings entry shall be under "Languages & Frameworks"
Upgrade Assistant |
Do not remove android:useEmbeddedDex from source manifests
Do not add useLegacyPackaging DSL for library modules
Wear |
Wear Pairing assistant fails on emulator 33.1.3
Content and code samples on this page are subject to the licenses described in the Content License. Java and OpenJDK are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Last updated 2024-11-07 UTC.
[[["Easy to understand","easyToUnderstand","thumb-up"],["Solved my problem","solvedMyProblem","thumb-up"],["Other","otherUp","thumb-up"]],[["Missing the information I need","missingTheInformationINeed","thumb-down"],["Too complicated / too many steps","tooComplicatedTooManySteps","thumb-down"],["Out of date","outOfDate","thumb-down"],["Samples / code issue","samplesCodeIssue","thumb-down"],["Other","otherDown","thumb-down"]],["Last updated 2024-11-07 UTC."],[],[]]