صور الإعدادات الأصلية لهاتف Google Pixel

إذا كنت من المطوّرين الذين يستخدمون جهاز Google Pixel متوافق، يمكنك تحديث الجهاز يدويًا إلى آخر إصدار من أجل الاختبار والتطوير. يتطلب وميض نسخة المصنع إعادة ضبط الجهاز بالكامل، لذا تأكد أولاً من الاحتفاظ بنسخة احتياطية من بياناتك. تتوفّر الإصدارات لأجهزة Pixel التالية:

  • Pixel 6 وPixel 6 Pro
  • ‫Pixel 6a
  • Pixel 7 وPixel 7 Pro
  • Pixel 7a
  • Pixel Fold
  • Pixel Tablet
  • Pixel 8 وPixel 8 Pro
بعد تثبيت إصدار تجريبي لجهاز Pixel، يتم تسجيل جهازك تلقائيًا في الإصدار التجريبي من Android لبرنامج Pixel وتزويده بتحديثات مستمرة عبر شبكة غير سلكيّة لأحدث الإصدارات التجريبية (بما في ذلك مراجعات QPR) إلى أن تختار إلغاء تسجيل هذا الجهاز من البرنامج. نقدم أيضًا صورًا رائعة في كل معلم رئيسي، حتى تتمكن من اختيار الأسلوب الأفضل لبيئة الاختبار الخاصة بك.

استخدِم الروابط والتعليمات التالية لتحديث جهازك المتوافق إلى أحدث إصدار. يمكنك الاطّلاع على الحصول على Android 15 للتعرّف على طرق أخرى للحصول على Android 15 للاختبار والتطوير.

إعداد الفلاش على جهازك باستخدام أداة فلاش Android

تتيح لك أداة فلاش Android تثبيت صورة نظام بشكل آمن على جهاز Pixel المتوافق. تعمل أداة فلاش Android مع أي متصفِّح ويب يتوافق مع WebUSB، مثل Chrome أو Edge 79 أو الإصدارات الأحدث.

ترشدك أداة فلاش Android خطوة بخطوة خلال عملية تثبيت الجهاز، بدون الحاجة إلى تثبيت أدوات، ولكن يجب فتح قفل جهازك وتفعيل تصحيح الأخطاء عبر USB في خيارات المطوّرين. للحصول على التعليمات الكاملة، راجِع وثائق أداة Android Flash.

عليك توصيل جهازك عبر USB، ثم الانتقال إلى أداة فلاش Android باستخدام الرابط التالي واتّباع الإرشادات التي تظهر على الشاشة: https://flash.android.com/preview/vic-beta12.

وميض الجهاز يدويًا

شعار علامة Android التجارية

يمكنك أيضًا تنزيل أحدث صورة للنظام وتحميلها يدويًا إلى جهازك. اطّلِع على الجدول التالي لتنزيل صورة النظام الخاصة بجهاز الاختبار. من المفيد وميض الجهاز يدويًا إذا كنت بحاجة إلى تحكم دقيق في بيئة الاختبار أو إذا كنت بحاجة إلى إعادة التثبيت بشكل متكرر، كما هو الحال عند إجراء اختبار تلقائي.

بعد الاحتفاظ بنسخة احتياطية من بيانات جهازك وتنزيل صورة النظام المطابقة، يمكنك وميض الصورة على جهازك.

يمكنك اختيار الرجوع إلى أحدث إصدار متاح للجميع في أي وقت.

الصور الأصلية للجهاز

الجهاز تنزيل الرابط والمجموع الاختباري لخوارزمية SHA-256
Pixel 6
Pixel 6 Pro
‫Pixel 6a
‫Pixel 7
Pixel 7 Pro
Pixel 7a
Pixel Fold
Pixel Tablet
Pixel 8
Pixel 8 Pro

الرجوع إلى إصدار متاح للجميع

يمكنك استخدام أداة فلاش Android لتثبيت صورة المصنع، أو الحصول على صورة نظام في مواصفات المصنع من صفحة صور المصنع لأجهزة Nexus وPixel وتثبيتها يدويًا على الجهاز.

تنزيل Android 15 factory system image

قبل التنزيل، يجب الموافقة على الأحكام والشروط التالية.

الأحكام والشروط

By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at https://developer.android.com/studio/terms and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
تنزيل Android 15 factory system image


تنزيل Android 15 factory system image

قبل التنزيل، يجب الموافقة على الأحكام والشروط التالية.

الأحكام والشروط

By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at https://developer.android.com/studio/terms and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
تنزيل Android 15 factory system image


تنزيل Android 15 factory system image

قبل التنزيل، يجب الموافقة على الأحكام والشروط التالية.

الأحكام والشروط

By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at https://developer.android.com/studio/terms and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
تنزيل Android 15 factory system image


تنزيل Android 15 factory system image

قبل التنزيل، يجب الموافقة على الأحكام والشروط التالية.

الأحكام والشروط

By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at https://developer.android.com/studio/terms and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
تنزيل Android 15 factory system image


تنزيل Android 15 factory system image

قبل التنزيل، يجب الموافقة على الأحكام والشروط التالية.

الأحكام والشروط

By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at https://developer.android.com/studio/terms and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
تنزيل Android 15 factory system image


تنزيل Android 15 factory system image

قبل التنزيل، يجب الموافقة على الأحكام والشروط التالية.

الأحكام والشروط

By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at https://developer.android.com/studio/terms and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
تنزيل Android 15 factory system image


تنزيل Android 15 factory system image

قبل التنزيل، يجب الموافقة على الأحكام والشروط التالية.

الأحكام والشروط

By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at https://developer.android.com/studio/terms and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
تنزيل Android 15 factory system image


تنزيل Android 15 factory system image

قبل التنزيل، يجب الموافقة على الأحكام والشروط التالية.

الأحكام والشروط

By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at https://developer.android.com/studio/terms and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
تنزيل Android 15 factory system image


تنزيل Android 15 factory system image

قبل التنزيل، يجب الموافقة على الأحكام والشروط التالية.

الأحكام والشروط

By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at https://developer.android.com/studio/terms and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
تنزيل Android 15 factory system image


تنزيل Android 15 factory system image

قبل التنزيل، يجب الموافقة على الأحكام والشروط التالية.

الأحكام والشروط

By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at https://developer.android.com/studio/terms and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
تنزيل Android 15 factory system image
