Additional Resources for Architecture Components


  • Sunflower, a gardening app illustrating Android development best practices with Android Jetpack.
  • Android Architecture Components GitHub Browser sample
  • Android Data Binding Library samples
  • Android Architecture Components navigation basic sample
  • Android Architecture Components paging sample
  • Android Architecture Components paging with network sample
  • Room migration sample
  • Room & RxJava Sample (Java) (Kotlin)
  • Codelabs

  • Android Room with a View (Java) (Kotlin)
  • Android Data Binding codelab
  • Background Work with WorkManager (Java) (Kotlin)
  • Navigation codelab
  • Android Paging codelab
  • Android Persistence codelab
  • Android lifecycle-aware components codelab
  • Training

  • Udacity: Developing Android Apps with Kotlin
  • Blog posts

  • Android Data Binding Library — From Observable Fields to LiveData in two steps
  • Easy Coroutines in Android: viewModelScope
  • Android Jetpack WorkManager Stable Release
  • Locale changes and the AndroidViewModel antipattern
  • Room & Coroutines
  • WorkManager Basics
  • Introducing WorkManager
  • Data Binding — Lessons Learnt
  • Incrementally migrate from SQLite to Room
  • ViewModels: Persistence, onSaveInstanceState(), Restoring UI State and Loaders
  • ViewModels : A Simple Example
  • ViewModels and LiveData: Patterns + AntiPatterns
  • LiveData beyond the ViewModel — Reactive patterns using Transformations and MediatorLiveData
  • LiveData with SnackBar, Navigation and other events (the SingleLiveEvent case)
  • Lifecycle Aware Data Loading with Architecture Components
  • Large Database Queries on Android
  • Testing Room migrations
  • Understanding migrations with Room
  • 7 Pro-tips for Room
  • 7 Steps To Room
  • Room + RxJava
  • Room + Time
  • Introducing Android Sunflower
  • Announcing Architecture Components 1.0 Stable
  • Android and Architecture
  • Videos

  • What's New in Architecture Components (Google I/O'19)
  • Jetpack Navigation (Google I/O'19)
  • Understand Kotlin Coroutines on Android (Google I/O'19)
  • Android Jetpack: Introducing WorkManager
  • Android Jetpack: Introducing Navigation Component
  • Fun with LiveData (Android Dev Summit '18)
  • Single Activity: Why, When, and How (Android Dev Summit '18)
  • The Room in the House (Android Dev Summit '18)
  • Android Jetpack: what's new in Architecture Components (Google I/O '18)
  • Android Jetpack: how to smartly use Fragments in your UI (Google I/O '18)
  • Android Jetpack: easy background processing with WorkManager (Google I/O '18)
  • Android Jetpack: manage infinite lists with RecyclerView and Paging (Google I/O '18)
  • Android Jetpack: manage UI navigation with Navigation Controller (Google I/O '18)
  • Architecture Components - Solving the Lifecycle Problem (Google I/O '17)
  • Architecture Components - Persistence and Offline (Google I/O '17)
  • Jetpack Room
  • Jetpack LiveData
  • Jetpack Paging
  • Architecture Components - Use Cases (GDD India '17)
  • Android Jetpack: ViewModel