Quick Guides Collection
Display images

Work with images onscreen using a vector, bitmap, or directly drawing with a canvas on screen.
Load an image into your app from a disk, or from the internet using Coil or Glide.
Display animated images for loading animations and icons that give feedback after user actions.
Blend or overlay source images to display layered images.
Clip an image to a shape to customize how images display in your app.

7 minutes

These 5 quick and easy animations can help make your app come to life in just a few minutes. Make your Compose app stand out even if you don't have the time to learn everything there is to know about animations.

9 minutes

After you're comfortable working in Compose, you might want to start drawing your own custom components. This video covers how to get started with custom drawing.

5 minutes

See how to animate state values, using transitions, animating visibility or size changes and simple crossfades by using the Compose animation APIs.

5 minutes

See how to use Compose APIs specifically designed to draw text on a canvas. This segment shows the code to draw an emoji font in a rounded rectangle.

2 minutes

See how to use Compose APIs specifically designed to draw text on a canvas. This segment shows the code to draw an emoji font in a rounded rectangle.

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