ConnectionMigrationOptions.Experimental | |
DnsOptions.Experimental | An annotation for APIs which are not considered stable yet. |
QuicOptions.Experimental | An annotation for APIs which are not considered stable yet. |
QuicOptions.QuichePassthroughOption | An annotation for APIs which configure QUICHE options not curated by Cronet. |
ConnectionMigrationOptions | A class configuring Cronet's connection migration functionality. |
ConnectionMigrationOptions.Builder | Builder for ConnectionMigrationOptions . |
CronetEngine | An engine to process UrlRequest s, which uses the best HTTP stack available on the current
platform. |
CronetEngine.Builder | A builder for CronetEngine s, which allows runtime configuration of CronetEngine . |
CronetEngine.Builder.LibraryLoader | A class which provides a method for loading the cronet native library. |
DnsOptions | A class configuring Cronet's host resolution functionality. |
DnsOptions.Builder | Builder for DnsOptions . |
DnsOptions.StaleDnsOptions | A class configuring Cronet's stale DNS functionality. |
DnsOptions.StaleDnsOptions.Builder | Builder for DnsOptions.StaleDnsOptions . |
NetworkQualityRttListener | Watches observations of various round trip times (RTTs) at various layers of the network stack. |
NetworkQualityThroughputListener | Listener that is notified of throughput observations from the network quality estimator. |
QuicOptions | Configuration options for QUIC in Cronet. |
QuicOptions.Builder | Builder for QuicOptions . |
RequestFinishedInfo | Information about a finished request. |
RequestFinishedInfo.Listener | Listens for finished requests for the purpose of collecting metrics. |
UploadDataProvider | Abstract class allowing the embedder to provide an upload body to UrlRequest . |
UploadDataProviders |
This class is deprecated.
use UploadDataProviders instead
UploadDataSink | Defines callbacks methods for UploadDataProvider . |
UrlRequest | Controls an HTTP request (GET, PUT, POST etc). |
UrlRequest.Builder | Builder for UrlRequest s. |
UrlRequest.Callback | Users of Cronet extend this class to receive callbacks indicating the progress of a UrlRequest being processed. |
UrlRequest.Status | Request status values returned by UrlRequest.getStatus(UrlRequest.StatusListener) . |
UrlRequest.StatusListener | Listener class used with UrlRequest.getStatus(UrlRequest.StatusListener) to receive the status of a UrlRequest . |
UrlResponseInfo | Basic information about a response. |
CallbackException | Exception passed to UrlRequest.Callback.onFailed() when
UrlRequest.Callback or UploadDataProvider method throws an exception. |
CronetException | Base exception passed to UrlRequest.Callback.onFailed() . |
InlineExecutionProhibitedException | Thrown when an executor runs a submitted runnable inline in Executor.execute(Runnable) and UrlRequest.Builder.allowDirectExecutor() was not called. |
NetworkException | Exception passed to UrlRequest.Callback.onFailed() when
Cronet fails to process a network request. |
QuicException | Subclass of NetworkException which contains a detailed
QUIC error code from QuicErrorCode. |