Lesson 6: App navigation

  1. Which of the following statements about fragments are true? Select all that apply.

    Choose as many answers as you see fit.

  2. How do you enable your project to use navigation components?

  3. Where are the possible navigation routes through your app defined?

  4. Which of the following statements about the NavHostFragment are true?

    Choose as many answers as you see fit.

  5. Where do you set the ID of a fragment to be used in navigation?

  6. Where do you define the items for a menu?

  7. What do you need to do to enable the overflow menu (also known as the options menu)? You can assume you have already defined the menu items.

    Choose as many answers as you see fit.

  8. What does the Safe Args Gradle plugin do? Select all that apply.

    Choose as many answers as you see fit.