Adaptive layouts

  1. The ___ pattern includes a list of items and more content for the selected item.

  2. In most cases, the pane will only slide on small devices, such as phones, but is displayed side by side on tablets.

  3. Compact width is typically defined as a screen width smaller than ___dp.

  4. Fill-in-the-blanks

    Enter one or more words to complete the sentence.

    Setting the android: ___ property determines how leftover space in a SlidingPaneLayout is distributed among child views.

  5. In general, isSlideable will only be true on larger devices, where two layouts are shown side by side.

  6. Fill-in-the-blanks

    Enter one or more words to complete the sentence.

    The ___ method of OnBackPressedCallback is used to handle the system back button when using a SlidingPaneLayout.

  7. Which of the following are SlidingPaneLayout events?

    Choose as many answers as you see fit.