Android 16 memperkenalkan fitur dan API baru yang hebat bagi para developer. Bagian berikut merangkum fitur-fitur ini untuk membantu Anda memulai API terkait.
Untuk melihat daftar mendetail tentang API yang baru, diubah, dan dihapus, baca laporan perbedaan API. Untuk mengetahui detail tentang API baru, buka referensi API Android — API baru ditandai agar lebih mudah dilihat.Anda juga harus meninjau area yang mungkin terpengaruh oleh perubahan platform. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat halaman berikut:
- Perubahan perilaku yang memengaruhi aplikasi saat menargetkan Android 16
- Perubahan perilaku yang memengaruhi semua aplikasi, terlepas dari
Fungsi inti
Android menyertakan API baru yang memperluas kemampuan inti sistem Android.
Dua rilis Android API pada tahun 2025
- This preview is for the next major release of Android with a planned launch in Q2 of 2025. This release is similar to all of our API releases in the past, where we can have planned behavior changes that are often tied to a targetSdkVersion.
- We're planning the major release a quarter earlier (Q2 rather than Q3 in prior years) to better align with the schedule of device launches across our ecosystem, so more devices can get the major release of Android sooner. With the major release coming in Q2, you'll need to do your annual compatibility testing a few months earlier than in previous years to make sure your apps are ready.
- We plan to have another release in Q4 of 2025 which also will include new developer APIs. The Q2 major release will be the only release in 2025 to include planned behavior changes that could affect apps.
In addition to new developer APIs, the Q4 minor release will pick up feature updates, optimizations, and bug fixes; it will not include any app-impacting behavior changes.
We'll continue to have quarterly Android releases. The Q1 and Q3 updates in-between the API releases will provide incremental updates to help ensure continuous quality. We're actively working with our device partners to bring the Q2 release to as many devices as possible.
Using new APIs with major and minor releases
Guarding a code block with a check for API level is done today using
constant with
. This will continue
to be supported for major Android releases.
// Use APIs introduced in Android 16
constant can be used for API checks against both major and minor versions with
// Use APIs introduced in a major or minor release
You can also use the
method to get just the minor SDK version.
val minorSdkVersion = Build.getMinorSdkVersion(VERSION_CODES_FULL.BAKLAVA)
These APIs have not yet been finalized and are subject to change, so please send us feedback if you have any concerns.
Pengalaman pengguna dan UI sistem
Android 16 memberi developer dan pengguna aplikasi kontrol dan fleksibilitas yang lebih besar untuk mengonfigurasi perangkat agar sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka.
Notifikasi yang berfokus pada progres
Android 16 memperkenalkan notifikasi yang berfokus pada progres untuk membantu pengguna melacak perjalanan awal hingga akhir yang dimulai pengguna dengan lancar.
adalah gaya notifikasi
baru yang memungkinkan Anda membuat notifikasi yang berfokus pada progres. Kasus penggunaan utama mencakup
transportasi online, pengiriman, dan navigasi. Dalam class Notification.ProgressStyle
, Anda dapat menunjukkan status dan tonggak pencapaian dalam perjalanan pengguna menggunakan
titik dan segmen.
To learn more, see the Progress-centric notifications documentation page.
Pembaruan kembali prediktif
Android 16 menambahkan API baru untuk membantu Anda mengaktifkan animasi sistem kembali prediktif dalam
navigasi gestur seperti animasi kembali ke layar utama. Dengan mendaftarkan
baru, aplikasi Anda dapat
menerima panggilan onBackInvoked
reguler setiap kali
sistem menangani navigasi kembali tanpa memengaruhi alur
navigasi kembali normal.
Android 16 juga menambahkan
. Dengan mendaftarkan callback ini
dengan OnBackInvokedDispatcher
, sistem dapat memicu
perilaku tertentu dan memutar animasi yang sesuai sebelumnya saat gestur
kembali dipanggil.
Haptik yang lebih kaya
Android telah mengekspos kontrol atas aktuator haptic sejak awal.
Android 11 menambahkan dukungan untuk efek haptik yang lebih kompleks yang dapat didukung oleh aktuator
yang lebih canggih melalui
dari primitif
semantik yang ditentukan perangkat.
Android 16 menambahkan API haptik yang memungkinkan aplikasi menentukan kurva amplitudo dan frekuensi efek haptik sekaligus memisahkan perbedaan antara kemampuan perangkat.
Performa dan baterai
Android 16 memperkenalkan API yang membantu mengumpulkan insight tentang aplikasi Anda.
Pembuatan profil yang dipicu sistem
ditambahkan di Android 15, yang memberi aplikasi kemampuan untuk
meminta pengumpulan data pembuatan profil menggunakan Perfetto di perangkat publik di lapangan.
Namun, karena pembuatan profil ini harus dimulai dari aplikasi, alur penting seperti
startup atau ANR akan sulit atau tidak dapat direkam oleh aplikasi.
Untuk membantu hal ini, Android 16 memperkenalkan pembuatan profil yang dipicu sistem ke
. Aplikasi dapat mendaftarkan minat untuk menerima rekaman aktivitas untuk pemicu
tertentu seperti cold start reportFullyDrawn
atau ANR, lalu sistem akan memulai dan menghentikan rekaman aktivitas atas nama aplikasi. Setelah
pelacakan selesai, hasilnya akan dikirim ke direktori data aplikasi.
Memulai komponen di ApplicationStartInfo
was added in Android
15, allowing an app to see reasons
for process start, start type, start times, throttling, and other useful
diagnostic data. Android 16 adds
to distinguish what component type triggered the start, which can be helpful for
optimizing the startup flow of your app.
Introspeksi tugas yang lebih baik
The JobScheduler#getPendingJobReason()
API returns a reason why a job
might be pending. However, a job might be pending for multiple reasons.
In Android 16, we are introducing a new API
JobScheduler#getPendingJobReasons(int jobId)
, which returns multiple
reasons why a job is pending, due to both explicit constraints set by the
developer and implicit constraints set by the system.
We're also introducing
JobScheduler#getPendingJobReasonsHistory(int jobId)
, which returns a list
of the most recent constraint changes.
We recommend using the API to help you debug why your jobs may not be executing, especially if you're seeing reduced success rates of certain tasks or have bugs around latency of certain job completion. For example, updating widgets in the background failed to occur or prefetch job failed to be called prior to app start.
This can also better help you understand if certain jobs are not completing due to system defined constraints versus explicitly set constraints.
Kecepatan refresh adaptif
Adaptive refresh rate (ARR), introduced in Android 15, enables the display refresh rate on supported hardware to adapt to the content frame rate using discrete VSync steps. This reduces power consumption while eliminating the need for potentially jank-inducing mode-switching.
Android 16 introduces hasArrSupport()
while restoring
to make it easier for your apps to take
advantage of ARR. RecyclerView
1.4 internally supports ARR when it is settling from a fling or
smooth scroll, and we're continuing our work to add ARR
support into more Jetpack libraries. This frame rate article covers
many of the APIs you can use to set the frame rate so that your app can directly
use ARR.
Android 16 menambahkan API aksesibilitas baru untuk membantu Anda menghadirkan aplikasi ke setiap pengguna.
Deskripsi tambahan
Saat menjelaskan ViewGroup
, layanan aksesibilitas menggabungkan
label konten dari tampilan turunannya. Jika Anda memberikan contentDescription
, layanan aksesibilitas akan menganggap Anda juga mengganti
deskripsi tampilan turunan yang tidak dapat difokuskan. Hal ini dapat menjadi masalah jika Anda ingin memberi label pada hal-hal seperti drop-down (misalnya, "Font Family") sekaligus mempertahankan pemilihan saat ini untuk aksesibilitas (misalnya, "Roboto"). Android 16 menambahkan
sehingga Anda dapat memberikan teks yang memberikan
informasi tentang ViewGroup
tanpa mengganti informasi dari
Kolom formulir wajib diisi
Android 16 adds setFieldRequired
so apps can tell an accessibility service
that input to a form field is required. This is an important scenario for users
filling out many types of forms, even things as simple as a required terms and
conditions checkbox, helping users to consistently identify and quickly navigate
between required fields.
Ponsel sebagai input mikrofon untuk panggilan suara dengan alat bantu dengar LEA
Android 16 adds the capability for users of LE Audio hearing aids to switch between the built-in microphones on the hearing aids and the microphone on their phone for voice calls. This can be helpful in noisy environments or other situations where the hearing aid's microphones might not perform well.
Kontrol volume ruangan untuk alat bantu dengar LEA
Android 16 adds the capability for users of LE Audio hearing aids to adjust the volume of ambient sound that is picked up by the hearing aid's microphones. This can be helpful in situations where background noise is too loud or too quiet.
Android 16 menyertakan fitur yang meningkatkan pengalaman kamera.
Deteksi scene mode malam kamera
Untuk membantu aplikasi Anda mengetahui kapan harus beralih ke dan dari sesi kamera mode malam,
. Jika
didukung, fitur ini tersedia di CaptureResult
Ini adalah API yang kami sebutkan secara singkat sebagai segera hadir dalam postingan blog Cara Instagram memungkinkan pengguna mengambil foto cahaya redup yang menakjubkan. Postingan tersebut adalah panduan praktis tentang cara menerapkan mode malam bersama dengan studi kasus yang mengaitkan foto mode malam dalam aplikasi berkualitas lebih tinggi dengan peningkatan jumlah foto yang dibagikan dari kamera dalam aplikasi.
Android 16 mengupdate platform untuk memberi aplikasi Anda akses ke kemajuan terbaru dalam teknologi komunikasi dan nirkabel.
Pengukuran rentang dengan keamanan yang ditingkatkan
Android 16 adds support for robust security features in Wi-Fi location on supported devices with Wi-Fi 6's 802.11az, allowing apps to combine the higher accuracy, greater scalability, and dynamic scheduling of the protocol with security enhancements including AES-256-based encryption and protection against MITM attacks. This allows it to be used more safely in proximity use cases, such as unlocking a laptop or a vehicle door. 802.11az is integrated with the Wi-Fi 6 standard, leveraging its infrastructure and capabilities for wider adoption and easier deployment.
API rentang umum
Android 16 menyertakan RangingManager
baru, yang menyediakan
cara untuk menentukan jarak dan sudut pada hardware yang didukung antara perangkat
lokal dan perangkat jarak jauh. RangingManager
mendukung penggunaan berbagai
teknologi pengukuran jarak seperti sounding saluran BLE, pengukuran jarak berbasis RSSI BLE, Ultra
Wideband, dan waktu perjalanan bolak-balik Wi-Fi.
Android 16 menyertakan berbagai fitur yang meningkatkan pengalaman media.
Peningkatan pemilih foto
The photo picker provides a safe, built-in way for users to grant your app access to selected images and videos from both local and cloud storage, instead of their entire media library. Using a combination of Modular System Components through Google System Updates and Google Play services, it's supported back to Android 4.4 (API level 19). Integration requires just a few lines of code with the associated Android Jetpack library.
Android 16 includes the following improvements to the photo picker:
- Embedded photo picker: New APIs that enable apps to embed the photo picker into their view hierarchy. This allows it to feel like a more integrated part of the app while still leveraging the process isolation that allows users to select media without the app needing overly broad permissions. To maximize compatibility across platform versions and simplify your integration, you'll want to use the forthcoming Android Jetpack library if you want to integrate the embedded photo picker.
- Cloud search in photo picker: New APIs that enable searching from the cloud media provider for the Android photo picker. Search functionality in the photo picker is coming soon.
Video Profesional Lanjutan
Android 16 introduces support for the Advanced Professional Video (APV) codec which is designed to be used for professional level high quality video recording and post production.
The APV codec standard has the following features:
- Perceptually lossless video quality (close to raw video quality)
- Low complexity and high throughput intra-frame-only coding (without pixel domain prediction) to better support editing workflows
- Support for high bit-rate range up to a few Gbps for 2K, 4K and 8K resolution content, enabled by a lightweight entropy coding scheme
- Frame tiling for immersive content and for enabling parallel encoding and decoding
- Support for various chroma sampling formats and bit-depths
- Support for multiple decoding and re-encoding without severe visual quality degradation
- Support multi-view video and auxiliary video like depth, alpha, and preview
- Support for HDR10/10+ and user-defined metadata
A reference implementation of APV is provided through the OpenAPV project. Android 16 will implement support for the APV 422-10 Profile that provides YUV 422 color sampling along with 10-bit encoding and for target bitrates of up to 2Gbps.
Android 16 menyertakan berbagai fitur yang membantu developer aplikasi melindungi privasi pengguna.
Update Health Connect
Health Connect in the developer preview adds ACTIVITY_INTENSITY
, a new
data type defined according to World Health Organization guidelines around
moderate and vigorous activity. Each record requires the start time, the end
time and whether the activity intensity is moderate or vigorous.
Health Connect also contains updated APIs supporting health records. This allows apps to read and write medical records in FHIR format with explicit user consent. This API is in an early access program. If you'd like to participate, sign up to be part of our early access program.
Privacy Sandbox di Android
Android 16 incorporates the latest version of the Privacy Sandbox on Android, part of our ongoing work to develop technologies where users know their privacy is protected. Our website has more about the Privacy Sandbox on Android developer beta program to help you get started. Check out the SDK Runtime which allows SDKs to run in a dedicated runtime environment separate from the app they are serving, providing stronger safeguards around user data collection and sharing.
Android 16 menambahkan fitur dan kemampuan yang melengkapi pengalaman pengguna saat perangkat digunakan dalam bahasa yang berbeda.
Teks vertikal
Android 16 adds low-level support for rendering and measuring text vertically to
provide foundational vertical writing support for library developers. This is
particularly useful for languages like Japanese that commonly use vertical
writing systems. A new flag,
has been added to the Paint
class. When
this flag is set using
, Paint's
text measurement APIs will report vertical advances instead of horizontal
advances, and Canvas
will draw text
val text = "「春は、曙。」"
Modifier.padding(innerPadding).background(Color.White).fillMaxSize().drawWithContent {
drawIntoCanvas { canvas ->
val paint = Paint().apply { textSize = 64.sp.toPx() }
// Draw text vertically
paint.flags = paint.flags or VERTICAL_TEXT_FLAG
val height = paint.measureText(text)
size.width / 2,
(size.height - height) / 2,
) {}