يقدّم نظام التشغيل Android 14 ميزات وواجهات برمجة تطبيقات رائعة للمطوّرين. تساعدك المعلومات التالية في معرفة ميزات تطبيقاتك والبدء باستخدام واجهات برمجة التطبيقات ذات الصلة.
للحصول على قائمة مفصّلة بواجهات برمجة التطبيقات التي تمت إضافتها وتعديلها وإزالتها، اقرأ الفرق بين واجهة برمجة التطبيقات. بشكل تقريري. للاطّلاع على تفاصيل عن واجهات برمجة التطبيقات المُضافة، يُرجى الانتقال إلى مرجع واجهات برمجة تطبيقات Android. بالنسبة إلى الإصدار 14 من نظام التشغيل Android، ابحث عن واجهات برمجة التطبيقات التي تمت إضافتها في المستوى 34 لواجهة برمجة التطبيقات. للتعرّف على المجالات التي قد تؤثر فيها تغييرات النظام الأساسي في تطبيقاتك، احرص على الاطّلاع على تغييرات السلوك في الإصدار 14 من Android للتطبيقات التي تستهدف الإصدار 14 ولجميع التطبيقات.
التوافق مع أسواق عالمية
إعدادات اللغة المخصّصة حسب التطبيقات
Android 14 expands on the per-app language features that were introduced in Android 13 (API level 33) with these additional capabilities:
Automatically generate an app's
: Starting with Android Studio Giraffe Canary 7 and AGP 8.1.0-alpha07, you can configure your app to support per-app language preferences automatically. Based on your project resources, the Android Gradle plugin generates theLocaleConfig
file and adds a reference to it in the final manifest file, so you no longer have to create or update the file manually. AGP uses the resources in theres
folders of your app modules and any library module dependencies to determine the locales to include in theLocaleConfig
file.Dynamic updates for an app's
: Use thesetOverrideLocaleConfig()
methods inLocaleManager
to dynamically update your app's list of supported languages in the device's system settings. Use this flexibility to customize the list of supported languages per region, run A/B experiments, or provide an updated list of locales if your app utilizes server-side pushes for localization.App language visibility for input method editors (IMEs): IMEs can utilize the
method to check the language of the current app and match the IME language to that language.
واجهة برمجة تطبيقات التدفّق النحوي
يتحدّث 3 مليارات شخص لغات جنسانية: وهي لغات تتغيّر فيها فئاتها النحوية، مثل الأسماء والأفعال والصفات وحروف الجر، وفقًا للجنس الذي يحدّده الشخص أو الشيء الذي تتحدث عنه. في العادة، تستخدم العديد من اللغات التي تراعي الجنس النوع النحوي الذكوري كجنس تلقائي أو عام.
يمكن أن يؤدي استخدام الجنس النحوي غير الصحيح للمستخدمين، مثل مخاطبة النساء باستخدام الجنس النحوي للذكور، إلى التأثير سلبًا في أدائهم وسلوكهم. في المقابل، يمكن أن يؤدي استخدام واجهة مستخدم تتضمّن لغة تمثل بشكلٍ صحيح الجنس النحوي للمستخدم إلى تحسين تفاعله مع التطبيق وتوفير تجربة أكثر تخصيصًا وطبيعية.
To help you build a user-centric UI for gendered languages, Android 14 introduces the Grammatical Inflection API, which lets you add support for grammatical gender without refactoring your app.
الإعدادات المفضّلة للمنطقة
Regional preferences enable users to personalize temperature units, the first day of the week, and numbering systems. A European living in the United States might prefer temperature units to be in Celsius rather than Fahrenheit and for apps to treat Monday as the beginning of the week instead of the US default of Sunday.
New Android Settings menus for these preferences provide users with a
discoverable and centralized location to change app preferences. These
preferences also persist through backup and restore. Several APIs and
intents—such as
grant your app read access to user preferences, so your app can adjust how it
displays information. You can also register a
to handle locale configuration changes when regional preferences change.
To find these settings, open the Settings app and navigate to System > Languages & input > Regional preferences.

تسهيل الاستخدام
تكبير الخط غير الخطي إلى 200%
Starting in Android 14, the system supports font scaling up to 200%, providing low-vision users with additional accessibility options that align with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
To prevent large text elements on screen from scaling too large, the system applies a nonlinear scaling curve. This scaling strategy means that large text doesn't scale at the same rate as smaller text. Nonlinear font scaling helps preserve the proportional hierarchy between elements of different sizes while mitigating issues with linear text scaling at high degrees (such as text being cut off or text that becomes harder to read due to an extremely large display sizes).
Test your app with nonlinear font scaling

If you already use scaled pixels (sp) units to define text sizing, then these additional options and scaling improvements are applied automatically to the text in your app. However, you should still perform UI testing with the maximum font size enabled (200%) to ensure that your app applies the font sizes correctly and can accommodate larger font sizes without impacting usability.
To enable 200% font size, follow these steps:
- Open the Settings app and navigate to Accessibility > Display size and text.
- For the Font size option, tap the plus (+) icon until the maximum font size setting is enabled, as shown in the image that accompanies this section.
Use scaled pixel (sp) units for text-sizes
Remember to always specify text sizes in sp units. When your app uses sp units, Android can apply the user's preferred text size and scale it appropriately.
Don't use sp units for padding or define view heights assuming implicit padding: with nonlinear font scaling sp dimensions might not be proportional, so 4sp + 20sp might not equal 24sp.
Convert scaled pixel (sp) units
Use TypedValue.applyDimension()
to convert from sp units
to pixels, and use TypedValue.deriveDimension()
convert pixels to sp. These methods apply the appropriate nonlinear scaling
curve automatically.
Avoid hardcoding equations using
. Because font scaling is
nonlinear, the scaledDensity
field is no longer accurate. The fontScale
field should be used for informational purposes only because fonts are no longer
scaled with a single scalar value.
Use sp units for lineHeight
Always define android:lineHeight
using sp units instead
of dp, so the line height scales along with your text. Otherwise, if your text
is sp but your lineHeight
is in dp or px, it doesn't scale and looks cramped.
TextView automatically corrects the lineHeight
so that your intended
proportions are preserved, but only if both textSize
and lineHeight
defined in sp units.
الكاميرا والوسائط
دقة HDR الفائقة للصور

Android 14 adds support for High Dynamic Range (HDR) images that retain more of the information from the sensor when taking a photo, which enables vibrant colors and greater contrast. Android uses the Ultra HDR format, which is fully backward compatible with JPEG images, allowing apps to seamlessly interoperate with HDR images, displaying them in Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) as needed.
Rendering these images in the UI in HDR is done automatically by the framework
when your app opts in to using HDR UI for its Activity Window, either through a
manifest entry or at runtime by calling
. You can also capture compressed Ultra
HDR still images on supported devices. With more colors recovered
from the sensor, editing in post can be more flexible. The
associated with Ultra HDR images can be used to render
them using OpenGL or Vulkan.
ميزات التكبير والتركيز والعرض اللاحق والمزيد في إضافات الكاميرا
Android 14 upgrades and improves camera extensions, allowing apps to handle longer processing times, which enables improved images using compute-intensive algorithms like low-light photography on supported devices. These features give users an even more robust experience when using camera extension capabilities. Examples of these improvements include:
- Dynamic still capture processing latency estimation provides much more
accurate still capture latency estimates based on the current scene and
environment conditions. Call
to get aStillCaptureLatency
object that has two latency estimation methods. ThegetCaptureLatency()
method returns the estimated latency betweenonCaptureStarted
, and thegetProcessingLatency()
method returns the estimated latency betweenonCaptureProcessStarted()
and the final processed frame being available. - Support for capture progress callbacks so that apps can display the current
progress of long-running, still-capture processing operations. You can check
if this feature is available with
, and if it is, you implement theonCaptureProcessProgressed()
callback, which has the progress (from 0 to 100) passed in as a parameter. Extension specific metadata, such as
for dialing in the amount of an extension effect, such as the amount of background blur withEXTENSION_BOKEH
.Postview Feature for Still Capture in camera extensions, which provides a less-processed image more quickly than the final image. If an extension has increased processing latency, a postview image could be provided as a placeholder to improve UX and switched out later for the final image. You can check if this feature is available with
. Then you can pass anOutputConfiguration
.Support for
allowing for a more optimized and power-efficient preview render path.Support for tap to focus and zoom during extension usage.
تكبير/تصغير ضمن المستشعر
, your app
can use advanced sensor capabilities to give a cropped RAW stream the same
pixels as the full field of view by using a CaptureRequest
with a RAW target that has stream use case set to
By implementing the request override controls, the updated camera gives users
zoom control even before other camera controls are ready.
صوت USB بدون فقدان الجودة
يتيح نظام Android 14 استخدام تنسيقات الصوت غير القابل للفقد لتوفير تجارب رائعة تتعلّق بالصوت عبر سماعات الرأس السلكية USB. يمكنك الاستعلام عن جهاز USB للحصول على
سمات أداة المزج المفضّلة، وتسجيل مستمع للتغييرات فيسمات أداة المزج المفضّلة، وضبط سمات أداة المزج باستخدام فئة
. تمثّل هذه الفئة
التنسيق، مثل قناع القناة ومعدّل أخذ العينات وسلوك أداة مزج الصوت. تسمح
الفئة بإرسال الصوت مباشرةً، بدون مزج أو
تعديل مستوى الصوت أو تطبيق تأثيرات المعالجة.
أدوات وإنتاجية المطوّرين
مدير بيانات الاعتماد
Android 14 adds Credential Manager as a platform API, with additional support back to Android 4.4 (API level 19) devices through a Jetpack Library using Google Play services. Credential Manager aims to make sign-in easier for users with APIs that retrieve and store credentials with user-configured credential providers. Credential Manager supports multiple sign-in methods, including username and password, passkeys, and federated sign-in solutions (such as Sign-in with Google) in a single API.
Passkeys provide many advantages. For example, passkeys are built on industry standards, can work across different operating systems and browser ecosystems, and can be used with both websites and apps.
For more information, see the Credential Manager and passkeys documentation and the blogpost about Credential Manager and passkeys.
Health Connect
Health Connect is an on-device repository for user health and fitness data. It allows users to share data between their favorite apps, with a single place to control what data they want to share with these apps.
On devices running Android versions prior to Android 14, Health Connect is available to download as an app on the Google Play store. Starting with Android 14, Health Connect is part of the platform and receives updates through Google Play system updates without requiring a separate download. With this, Health Connect can be updated frequently, and your apps can rely on Health Connect being available on devices running Android 14 or higher. Users can access Health Connect from the Settings in their device, with privacy controls integrated into the system settings.

Health Connect includes several new features in Android 14, such as exercise routes, allowing users to share a route of their workout which can be visualized on a map. A route is defined as a list of locations saved within a window of time, and your app can insert routes into exercise sessions, tying them together. To ensure that users have complete control over this sensitive data, users must allow sharing individual routes with other apps.
For more information, see the Health Connection documentation and the blogpost on What's new in Android Health.
تحديثات OpenJDK 17
Android 14 continues the work of refreshing Android's core libraries to align with the features in the latest OpenJDK LTS releases, including both library updates and Java 17 language support for app and platform developers.
The following features and improvements are included:
- Updated approximately 300
classes to Java 17 support. - Text Blocks, which introduce multi-line string literals to the Java programming language.
- Pattern Matching for instanceof, which allows an object to
be treated as having a specific type in an
without any additional variables. - Sealed classes, which allow you restrict which classes and interfaces can extend or implement them.
Thanks to Google Play system updates (Project Mainline), over 600 million devices are enabled to receive the latest Android Runtime (ART) updates that include these changes. This is part of our commitment to give apps a more consistent, secure environment across devices, and to deliver new features and capabilities to users independent of platform releases.
Java and OpenJDK are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
تحسينات لمتاجر التطبيقات
Android 14 introduces several PackageInstaller
APIs that
allow app stores to improve their user experience.
Request install approval before downloading
Installing or updating an app might require user approval.
For example, when an installer making use of the
permission attempts to install a
new app. In prior Android versions, app stores can only request user approval
after APKs are written to the install session and the
session is committed.
Starting with Android 14, the requestUserPreapproval()
method lets installers request user approval before committing the install
session. This improvement lets an app store defer downloading any APKs until
after the installation has been approved by the user. Furthermore, once a user
has approved installation, the app store can download and install the app in the
background without interrupting the user.
Claim responsibility for future updates
The setRequestUpdateOwnership()
method allows an installer
to indicate to the system that it intends to be responsible for future updates
to an app it is installing. This capability enables update ownership
enforcement, meaning that only the update owner is permitted
to install automatic updates to the app. Update ownership enforcement helps to
ensure that users receive updates only from the expected app store.
Any other installer, including those making use of the
permission, must receive explicit user
approval in order to install an update. If a user decides to proceed with an
update from another source, update ownership is lost.
Update apps at less-disruptive times
App stores typically want to avoid updating an app that is actively in use because this leads to the app's running processes being killed, which potentially interrupts what the user was doing.
Starting with Android 14, the InstallConstraints
gives installers a way to ensure that their app updates happen at an opportune
moment. For example, an app store can call the
method to
make sure that an update is only committed when the user is no longer
interacting with the app in question.
Seamlessly install optional splits
With split APKs, features of an app can be delivered in separate APK files,
rather than as a monolithic APK. Split APKs allow app stores to optimize the
delivery of different app components. For example, app stores might optimize
based on the properties of the target device. The
API has supported splits since its
introduction in API level 22.
In Android 14, the setDontKillApp()
method allows an
installer to indicate that the app's running processes shouldn't be killed when
new splits are installed. App stores can use this feature to seamlessly install
new features of an app while the user is using the app.
حِزم البيانات الوصفية للتطبيق
Starting in Android 14, the Android package installer lets you specify app metadata, such as data safety practices, to include on app store pages such as Google Play.
رصد الحالات التي يلتقط فيها المستخدمون لقطات شاشة للجهاز
To create a more standardized experience for detecting screenshots, Android 14 introduces a privacy-preserving screenshot detection API. This API lets apps register callbacks on a per-activity basis. These callbacks are invoked, and the user is notified, when the user takes a screenshot while that activity is visible.
تجربة المستخدم
إجراءات مخصّصة في "قائمة مشاركة البيانات" وترتيب محسَّن
Android 14 updates the system sharesheet to support custom app actions and more informative preview results for users.
Add custom actions
With Android 14, your app can add custom actions to the system sharesheet it invokes.

Improve ranking of Direct Share targets
Android 14 uses more signals from apps to determine the ranking of the direct share targets to provide more helpful results for the user. To provide the most useful signal for ranking, follow the guidance for improving rankings of your Direct Share targets. Communication apps can also report shortcut usage for outgoing and incoming messages.

دعم الصور المتحركة المدمَجة والمخصَّصة لإظهار ميزة "الظهور التلقائي"
قدّم نظام التشغيل Android 13 إيماءة الرجوع إلى الشاشة الرئيسية التنبؤية من خلال خيار مخصّص للمطوّرين. عند استخدامها في تطبيق متوافق مع تفعيل خيار المطوّر، يؤدي التمرير سريعًا للخلف إلى عرض صورة متحركة تشير إلى أنّ إيماءة الرجوع تؤدي إلى الخروج من التطبيق والرجوع إلى الشاشة الرئيسية.
يتضمّن Android 14 تحسينات متعدّدة وإرشادات جديدة بشأن ميزة "الرجوع التوقّعي":
- يمكنك ضبط
لتفعيل الصور المتحركة في النظام لإيماءة الرجوع إلى الخلف التنبؤية لكل نشاط بدلاً من تفعيلها للتطبيق بأكمله. - أضفنا صورًا متحركة جديدة للنظام لترافق الصورة المتحركة للرجوع إلى الشاشة الرئيسية من Android 13. إنّ الصور المتحركة الجديدة في النظام تعمل على جميع الأنشطة والمهام، ويتم عرضها تلقائيًا بعد نقل البيانات إلى ميزة "الرجوع التلقائي".
- أضفنا رسومًا متحركة جديدة لعناصر Material Design في الجدولَين المعروضَين في أسفل الشاشة والجدولَين الجانبيَين والبحث.
- لقد أنشأنا إرشادات تصميم لإنشاء مؤثرات مخصّصة للصور المتحركة والانتقالات داخل التطبيق.
- لقد أضفنا واجهات برمجة تطبيقات جديدة تتيح استخدام صور متحركة مخصّصة للانتقالات داخل التطبيق:
- استخدِم
بدلاً منoverridePendingTransition
للانتقالات التي تستجيب عندما يقلب المستخدم الشاشة للخلف.
في إصدار معاينة Android 14 هذا، تظل جميع ميزات "الترجيع التوقّعي" متاحة فقط من خلال خيار المطوّر. اطّلِع على دليل المطوّر لنقل بيانات تطبيقك إلى ميزة "الرجوع التوقّعي"، بالإضافة إلى دليل المطوّر لإنشاء التحولات المخصّصة داخل التطبيق.
عمليات إلغاء الإعدادات التي تحدّدها الشركة المصنّعة للأجهزة ذات الشاشات الكبيرة لكل تطبيق
تتيح عمليات إلغاء الإعدادات على مستوى التطبيق لصنّاع الأجهزة تغيير سلوك التطبيقات على الأجهزة ذات الشاشات الكبيرة. على سبيل المثال، عند إلغاء FORCE_RESIZE_APP
، يتم توجيه النظام لتغيير حجم التطبيق ليلائم أبعاد العرض (وتجنُّب وضع توافق الحجم) حتى في حال ضبط resizeableActivity="false"
في بيان التطبيق.
تهدف عمليات الإلغاء إلى تحسين تجربة المستخدم على الشاشات الكبيرة.
تتيح لك سمات البيان الجديدة إيقاف بعض عمليات إلغاء الشركة المصنّعة للجهاز لتطبيقك.
إعدادات المستخدم على الشاشة الكبيرة لكل تطبيق
Per-app overrides change the behavior of apps on large screen devices. For example, the OVERRIDE_MIN_ASPECT_RATIO_LARGE
device manufacturer override sets the app aspect ratio to 16:9 regardless of the app's configuration.
Android 14 QPR1 enables users to apply per‑app overrides by means of a new settings menu on large screen devices.
مشاركة شاشة التطبيق
App screen sharing enables users to share an app window instead of the entire device screen during screen content recording.
With app screen sharing, the status bar, navigation bar, notifications, and other system UI elements are excluded from the shared display. Only the content of the selected app is shared.
App screen sharing improves productivity and privacy by enabling users to run multiple apps but limit content sharing to a single app.
ميزة "الرد السريع" المستندة إلى نموذج اللغة الكبير في Gboard على هاتف Pixel 8 Pro
على أجهزة Pixel 8 Pro التي تم تثبيت حزمة ميزات شهر كانون الأول (ديسمبر) عليها، يمكن للمطوّرين تجربة ردود سريعة بجودة أعلى في Gboard، وذلك باستخدام نماذج لغوية كبيرة (LLM) على الجهاز تعمل على معالج Google Tensor.
تتوفّر هذه الميزة في إصدار تجريبي محدود باللغة الإنجليزية (الولايات المتحدة) في WhatsApp وLine وKakaoTalk. تتطلّب الميزة استخدام جهاز Pixel 8 Pro مع Gboard ك keyboard.
لتجربة هذه الميزة، عليك أولاً تفعيلها من خلال الانتقال إلى الإعدادات > خيارات المطوّرين > إعدادات AICore > تفعيل ميزة Aicore Persistent.
بعد ذلك، افتح محادثة في تطبيق متوافق للاطّلاع على ميزة "الرد السريع" المستندة إلى نموذج اللغة الكبيرة في شريط اقتراحات Gboard استجابةً للرسائل الواردة.
يمكن البحث في المسارات وإنشاء خطوط بينية لها.
Android's Path
API is a powerful and flexible mechanism for
creating and rendering vector graphics, with the ability to stroke or fill a
path, construct a path from line segments or quadratic or cubic curves, perform
boolean operations to get even more complex shapes, or all of these
simultaneously. One limitation is the ability to find out what is actually in a
Path object; the internals of the object are opaque to callers after creation.
To create a Path
, you call methods such as
, lineTo()
, and
to add path segments. But there has been no way to
ask that path what the segments are, so you must retain that information at
creation time.
Starting in Android 14, you can query paths to find out what's inside of them.
First, you need to get a PathIterator
object using the
val path = Path().apply { moveTo(1.0f, 1.0f) lineTo(2.0f, 2.0f) close() } val pathIterator = path.pathIterator
Path path = new Path(); path.moveTo(1.0F, 1.0F); path.lineTo(2.0F, 2.0F); path.close(); PathIterator pathIterator = path.getPathIterator();
Next, you can call PathIterator
to iterate through the segments
one by one, retrieving all of the necessary data for each segment. This example
uses PathIterator.Segment
objects, which packages up the data
for you:
for (segment in pathIterator) { println("segment: ${segment.verb}, ${segment.points}") }
while (pathIterator.hasNext()) { PathIterator.Segment segment = pathIterator.next(); Log.i(LOG_TAG, "segment: " + segment.getVerb() + ", " + segment.getPoints()); }
also has a non-allocating version of next()
where you can pass
in a buffer to hold the point data.
One of the important use cases of querying Path
data is interpolation. For
example, you might want to animate (or morph) between two different paths. To
further simplify that use case, Android 14 also includes the
method on Path
. Assuming the two paths have
the same internal structure, the interpolate()
method creates a new Path
with that interpolated result. This example returns a path whose shape is
halfway (a linear interpolation of .5) between path
and otherPath
val interpolatedResult = Path() if (path.isInterpolatable(otherPath)) { path.interpolate(otherPath, .5f, interpolatedResult) }
Path interpolatedResult = new Path(); if (path.isInterpolatable(otherPath)) { path.interpolate(otherPath, 0.5F, interpolatedResult); }
The Jetpack graphics-path library enables similar APIs for earlier versions of Android as well.
شبكات مخصّصة مع أدوات تظليل الأجزاء برأسي وأجزاء
منذ فترة طويلة، يتيح Android رسم شبكات مثلثية باستخدام تظليل مخصّص، ولكن كان تنسيق شبكة الإدخال يقتصر على بعض مجموعات السمات المحدّدة مسبقًا. يتيح نظام Android 14 استخدام الشبكات المخصّصة التي يمكن تحديدها على أنّها مثلثات أو شرائح مثلثية، ويمكن فهرستها اختياريًا. يتم تحديد هذه الشبكات باستخدام سمات مخصّصة وخطوات رؤوس العناصر المتغيّرة وبرامج تشويش رؤوس العناصر والعناصر الصغيرة المكتوبة بلغة AGSL.
يحدّد برنامج تظليل رؤوس المضلّعات المتغيّرات، مثل الموضع واللون، في حين يمكن لبرنامج تظليل العناصر تحديد لون البكسل اختياريًا، عادةً باستخدام المتغيّرات التي أنشأها برنامج تظليل رؤوس المضلّعات. إذا كان اللون مقدَّمًا منshader
القطعة، يتم دمجه بعد ذلك مع Paint
اللون الحالي باستخدام وضع الدمج الذي تم اختياره عند
رسم الشبكة. يمكن تمرير المتجانسات
إلى برامج تظليل الشرائح والرؤوس للحصول على مرونة إضافية.
عارض المخزن المؤقت للأجهزة للوحة الرسم
To assist in using Android's Canvas
API to draw with
hardware acceleration into a HardwareBuffer
, Android 14
introduces HardwareBufferRenderer
. This API is
particularly useful when your use case involves communication with the system
compositor through SurfaceControl
for low-latency