Los tipos de servicio en primer plano son obligatorios

To help developers be more intentional with defining user-facing foreground services, Android 10 introduced the android:foregroundServiceType attribute within the <service> element.

If your app targets Android 14, it must specify appropriate foreground service types. As in previous versions of Android, multiple types can be combined. This list shows the foreground service types to choose from:

If a use case in your app isn't associated with any of these types, we strongly recommend that you migrate your logic to use WorkManager or user-initiated data transfer jobs.

The health, remoteMessaging, shortService, specialUse, and systemExempted types are new in Android 14.

The following code snippet provides an example of a foreground service type declaration in the manifest:

<manifest ...>
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_MEDIA_PLAYBACK" />
    <application ...>

If an app that targets Android 14 doesn't define types for a given service in the manifest, then the system will raise MissingForegroundServiceTypeException upon calling startForeground() for that service.

Declara un nuevo permiso para usar tipos de servicio en primer plano

If apps that target Android 14 use a foreground service, they must declare a specific permission, based on the foreground service type, that Android 14 introduces. These permissions appear in the sections labeled "permission that you must declare in your manifest file" in the intended use cases and enforcement for each foreground service type section on this page.

All of the permissions are defined as normal permissions and are granted by default. Users cannot revoke these permissions.

Incluye el tipo de servicio en primer plano durante el tiempo de ejecución

The best practice for applications starting foreground services is to use the ServiceCompat version of startForeground() (available in androidx-core 1.12 and higher) where you pass in a bitwise integer of foreground service types. You can choose to pass one or more type values.

Usually, you should declare only the types required for a particular use case. This makes it easier to meet the system's expectations for each foreground service type. In cases where a foreground service is started with multiple types, then the foreground service must adhere to the platform enforcement requirements of all types.

ServiceCompat.startForeground(0, notification, FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_LOCATION)

If the foreground service type is not specified in the call, the type defaults to the values defined in the manifest. If you didn't specify the service type in the manifest, the system throws MissingForegroundServiceTypeException.

If the foreground service needs new permissions after you launch it, you should call startForeground() again and add the new service types. For example, suppose a fitness app runs a running-tracker service that always needs location information, but might or might not need media permissions. You would need to declare both location and mediaPlayback in the manifest. If a user starts a run and just wants their location tracked, your app should call startForeground() and pass just the location service type. Then, if the user wants to start playing audio, call startForeground() again and pass location|mediaPlayback.

Verificaciones del tiempo de ejecución del sistema

The system checks for proper use of foreground service types and confirms that the app has requested the proper runtime permissions or uses the required APIs. For instance, the system expects apps that use the foreground service type FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_LOCATION type to request either ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION or ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION.

This implies that apps must follow a very specific order of operations when requesting permissions from the user and starting foreground services. Permissions must be requested and granted before the app attempts to call startForeground(). Apps that request the appropriate permissions after the foreground service has been started must change this order of operations and request the permission before starting the foreground service.

The specifics of platform enforcement appear in the sections labeled "runtime requirements" in the intended use cases and enforcement for each foreground service type section on this page.

Casos de uso previstos y aplicación forzosa para cada tipo de servicio en primer plano

In order to use a given foreground service type, you must declare a particular permission in your manifest file, you must fulfill specific runtime requirements, and your app must fulfill one of the intended sets of use cases for that type. The following sections explain the permission that you must declare, the runtime prerequisites, and the intended use cases for each type.


Foreground service type to declare in manifest under android:foregroundServiceType
Permission to declare in your manifest
Constant to pass to startForeground()
Runtime prerequisites

Request and be granted the CAMERA runtime permission

Note: The CAMERA runtime permission is subject to while-in-use restrictions. For this reason, you cannot create a camera foreground service while your app is in the background, with a few exceptions. For more information, see Restrictions on starting foreground services that need while-in-use permissions.


Continue to access the camera from the background, such as video chat apps that allow for multitasking.

Dispositivo conectado

Foreground service type to declare in manifest under
Permission to declare in your manifest
Constant to pass to startForeground()
Runtime prerequisites

At least one of the following conditions must be true:


Interactions with external devices that require a Bluetooth, NFC, IR, USB, or network connection.


If your app needs to do continuous data transfer to an external device, consider using the companion device manager instead. Use the companion device presence API to help your app stay running while the companion device is in range.

If your app needs to scan for bluetooth devices, consider using the Bluetooth scan API instead.

Sincronización de datos

Foreground service type to declare in manifest under
Permission to declare in your manifest
Constant to pass to startForeground()
Runtime prerequisites

Data transfer operations, such as the following:

  • Data upload or download
  • Backup-and-restore operations
  • Import or export operations
  • Fetch data
  • Local file processing
  • Transfer data between a device and the cloud over a network

See Alternatives to data sync foreground services for detailed information.


Foreground service type to declare in manifest under
Permission to declare in your manifest
Constant to pass to startForeground()
Runtime prerequisites

At least one of the following conditions must be true:

Note: The BODY_SENSORS runtime permission is subject to while-in-use restrictions. For this reason, you cannot create a health foreground service that uses body sensors while your app is in the background, with a few exceptions. For more information, see Restrictions on starting foreground services that need while-in-use permissions.


Any long-running use cases to support apps in the fitness category such as exercise trackers.


Foreground service type to declare in manifest under
Permission to declare in your manifest
Constant to pass to startForeground()
Runtime prerequisites

The user must have enabled location services and the app must be granted at least one of the following runtime permissions:

Note: In order to check that the user has enabled location services as well as granted access to the runtime permissions, use PermissionChecker#checkSelfPermission()

Note: The location runtime permissions are subject to while-in-use restrictions. For this reason, you cannot create a location foreground service while your app is in the background, unless you've been granted the ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION runtime permission. For more information, see Restrictions on starting foreground services that need while-in-use permissions.


Long-running use cases that require location access, such as navigation and location sharing.


If your app needs to be triggered when the user reaches specific locations, consider using the geofence API instead.

Contenido multimedia

Tipo de servicio en primer plano que se declarará en el manifiesto
Permiso para declarar en tu manifiesto
Constante para pasar a startForeground()
Requisitos previos del entorno de ejecución
Continúa la reproducción de audio o video en segundo plano. Compatibilidad con la función de grabación de video digital (DVR) en Android TV.
Si muestras video de pantalla en pantalla, usa el modo de pantalla en pantalla.

Proyección de contenido multimedia

Foreground service type to declare in manifest under
Permission to declare in your manifest
Constant to pass to startForeground()
Runtime prerequisites

Call the createScreenCaptureIntent() method before starting the foreground service. Doing so shows a permission notification to the user; the user must grant the permission before you can create the service.

After you have created the foreground service, you can call MediaProjectionManager.getMediaProjection().


Project content to non-primary display or external device using the MediaProjection APIs. This content doesn't have to be exclusively media content.


To stream media to another device, use the Google Cast SDK.


Foreground service type to declare in manifest under
Permission to declare in your manifest
Constant to pass to startForeground()
Runtime prerequisites

Request and be granted the RECORD_AUDIO runtime permission.

Note: The RECORD_AUDIO runtime permission is subject to while-in-use restrictions. For this reason, you cannot create a microphone foreground service while your app is in the background, with a few exceptions. For more information, see Restrictions on starting foreground services that need while-in-use permissions.


Continue microphone capture from the background, such as voice recorders or communication apps.

Llamada telefónica

Tipo de servicio en primer plano que se declarará en el manifiesto
Permiso para declarar en tu manifiesto
Constante para pasar a startForeground()
Requisitos previos del entorno de ejecución

Debe cumplirse al menos una de estas condiciones:

  • La app es la app de marcador predeterminada a través del rol ROLE_DIALER.

Continúa una llamada en curso con las APIs de ConnectionService.


Si necesitas hacer llamadas telefónicas, de video o de VoIP, considera usar la biblioteca de android.telecom.

Te recomendamos usar CallScreeningService para filtrar llamadas.

Mensajería remota

Foreground service type to declare in manifest under
Permission to declare in your manifest
Constant to pass to startForeground()
Runtime prerequisites
Transfer text messages from one device to another. Assists with continuity of a user's messaging tasks when they switch devices.

Servicio corto

Tipo de servicio en primer plano que se declarará en el manifiesto
Permiso para declarar en tu manifiesto
Constante para pasar a startForeground()
Requisitos previos del entorno de ejecución

Finaliza con rapidez tareas importantes que no se puedan interrumpir ni posponer.

Este tipo tiene algunas características únicas:

  • Solo se puede ejecutar por un período breve (alrededor de 3 minutos).
  • No admite servicios fijos en primer plano.
  • No se pueden iniciar otros servicios en primer plano.
  • No requiere un permiso específico para el tipo, aunque sí el permiso FOREGROUND_SERVICE.
  • Un shortService solo puede cambiar a otro tipo de servicio si la app es apta para iniciar un nuevo servicio en primer plano en este momento.
  • Un servicio en primer plano puede cambiar su tipo a shortService en cualquier momento. A partir de ese momento, comienza el tiempo de espera.

El tiempo de espera para shortService comienza desde el momento en que se llama a Service.startForeground(). Se espera que la app llame a Service.stopSelf() o Service.stopForeground() antes de que se agote el tiempo de espera. De lo contrario, se llama al nuevo Service.onTimeout(), lo que les brinda a las apps una breve oportunidad para llamar a stopSelf() o stopForeground() para detener su servicio.

Poco tiempo después de llamar a Service.onTimeout(), la app entra en un estado almacenado en caché y ya no se considera en primer plano, a menos que el usuario interactúe, de manera activa, con la app. Poco tiempo después de que la app se almacena en caché, y el servicio no se detiene, la app recibe un mensaje de ANR. Este mensaje menciona FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_SHORT_SERVICE. Por estos motivos, te recomendamos que, como práctica recomendada, implementes la devolución de llamada a Service.onTimeout().

La devolución de llamada a Service.onTimeout() no existe en Android 13 y versiones anteriores. Si el mismo servicio se ejecuta en esos dispositivos, no recibirá un tiempo de espera ni un mensaje de ANR. Asegúrate de que el servicio se detenga en cuanto finalice la tarea de procesamiento, incluso si todavía no recibió la devolución de llamada a Service.onTimeout().

Es importante tener en cuenta que, si no se respeta el tiempo de espera de shortService, la app mostrará un error de ANR, incluso si tiene otros servicios en primer plano válidos u otros procesos del ciclo de vida de la app en ejecución.

Si una app es visible para el usuario o satisface una de las exenciones que permiten que se inicien los servicios en primer plano desde el segundo plano, volver a llamar a Service.StartForeground() con el parámetro FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_SHORT_SERVICE extiende el tiempo de espera por otros 3 minutos. Si la app no es visible para el usuario y no satisface una de las exenciones, cualquier intento de iniciar otro servicio en primer plano, independientemente del tipo, producirá ForegroundServiceStartNotAllowedException.

Si un usuario inhabilita la optimización de la batería de tu app, de todos modos, se verá afectada por el tiempo de espera del servicio en primer plano de shortService.

Si inicias un servicio en primer plano que incluye el tipo shortService y otro tipo de servicio en primer plano, el sistema ignora la declaración del tipo shortService. Sin embargo, el servicio debe cumplir con los requisitos previos de los otros tipos declarados. Para obtener más información, consulta la documentación de servicios en primer plano.

Uso especial

Foreground service type to declare in manifest under
Permission to declare in your manifest
Constant to pass to startForeground()
Runtime prerequisites

Covers any valid foreground service use cases that aren't covered by the other foreground service types.

In addition to declaring the FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_SPECIAL_USE foreground service type, developers should declare use cases in the manifest. To do so, they specify the <property> element within the <service> element. These values and corresponding use cases are reviewed when you submit your app in the Google Play Console. The use cases you provide are free-form, and you should make sure to provide enough information to let the reviewer see why you need to use the specialUse type.

<service android:name="fooService" android:foregroundServiceType="specialUse">
  <property android:name="android.app.PROPERTY_SPECIAL_USE_FGS_SUBTYPE"

Sistema exento

Foreground service type to declare in manifest under
Permission to declare in your manifest
Constant to pass to startForeground()
Runtime prerequisites

Reserved for system applications and specific system integrations, to continue to use foreground services.

To use this type, an app must meet at least one of the following criteria:

Aplicación forzosa de las políticas de Google Play para usar tipos de servicios en primer plano

If your app targets Android 14 or higher, you'll need to declare your app's foreground service types in the Play Console's app content page (Policy > App content). For more information on how to declare your foreground service types in Play Console, see Understanding foreground service and full-screen intent requirements.