Cambiamenti del comportamento: app destinate ad Android 14 o versioni successive

Come le release precedenti, Android 14 include modifiche al comportamento che potrebbero influire sulla tua app. Le seguenti modifiche al comportamento si applicano esclusivamente alle app che hanno come target Android 14 (livello API 34) o versioni successive. Se la tua app ha come target Android 14 o versioni successive, devi modificarla in modo da supportare correttamente questi comportamenti, ove applicabile.

Assicurati di esaminare anche l'elenco delle modifiche al comportamento che interessano tutte le app in esecuzione su Android 14, indipendentemente dal targetSdkVersion dell'app.

Funzionalità di base

I tipi di servizi in primo piano sono obbligatori

If your app targets Android 14 (API level 34) or higher, it must specify at least one foreground service type for each foreground service within your app. You should choose a foreground service type that represents your app's use case. The system expects foreground services that have a particular type to satisfy a particular use case.

If a use case in your app isn't associated with any of these types, it's strongly recommended that you migrate your logic to use WorkManager or user-initiated data transfer jobs.

Applicazione dell'autorizzazione BLUETOOTH_CONNECT in BluetoothAdapter

Android 14 enforces the BLUETOOTH_CONNECT permission when calling the BluetoothAdapter getProfileConnectionState() method for apps targeting Android 14 (API level 34) or higher.

This method already required the BLUETOOTH_CONNECT permission, but it was not enforced. Make sure your app declares BLUETOOTH_CONNECT in your app's AndroidManifest.xml file as shown in the following snippet and check that a user has granted the permission before calling getProfileConnectionState.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT" />

Aggiornamenti di OpenJDK 17

Android 14 continua il lavoro di aggiornamento delle librerie principali di Android per allinearsi alle funzionalità delle ultime release di OpenJDK LTS, inclusi gli aggiornamenti delle librerie e il supporto del linguaggio Java 17 per gli sviluppatori di app e piattaforme.

Alcune di queste modifiche possono influire sulla compatibilità delle app:

  • Modifiche alle espressioni regolari: i riferimenti a gruppi non validi non possono ora seguire meglio la semantica di OpenJDK. Potresti notare nuovi casi in cui IllegalArgumentException viene generato dalla classe java.util.regex.Matcher, quindi assicurati di testare la tua app per individuare le aree che utilizzano espressioni regolari. Per attivare o disattivare questa modifica durante il test, attiva/disattiva il flag DISALLOW_INVALID_GROUP_REFERENCE utilizzando gli strumenti del framework di compatibilità.
  • Gestione dell'UUID: il metodo java.util.UUID.fromString() ora esegue controlli più rigorosi durante la convalida dell'argomento di input, quindi potresti visualizzare un IllegalArgumentException durante la deserializzazione. Per attivare o disattivare questa modifica durante i test, attiva/disattiva il flag ENABLE_STRICT_VALIDATION utilizzando gli strumenti del framework di compatibilità.
  • Problemi di ProGuard: in alcuni casi, l'aggiunta della classe java.lang.ClassValue causa un problema se provi a ridurre, offuscare e ottimizzare l'app utilizzando ProGuard. Il problema ha origine da una libreria Kotlin che modifica il comportamento di runtime a seconda che Class.forName("java.lang.ClassValue") restituisca o meno una classe. Se la tua app è stata sviluppata su una versione precedente del runtime senza la classe java.lang.ClassValue disponibile, queste ottimizzazioni potrebbero rimuovere il metodo computeValue dalle classi derivate da java.lang.ClassValue.

JobScheduler rafforza il callback e il comportamento di rete

Since its introduction, JobScheduler expects your app to return from onStartJob or onStopJob within a few seconds. Prior to Android 14, if a job runs too long, the job is stopped and fails silently. If your app targets Android 14 (API level 34) or higher and exceeds the granted time on the main thread, the app triggers an ANR with the error message "No response to onStartJob" or "No response to onStopJob".

This ANR may be a result of 2 scenarios: 1. There is work blocking the main thread, preventing the callbacks onStartJob or onStopJob from executing and completing within the expected time limit. 2. The developer is running blocking work within the JobScheduler callback onStartJob or onStopJob, preventing the callback from completing within the expected time limit.

To address #1, you will need to further debug what is blocking the main thread when the ANR occurs, you can do this using ApplicationExitInfo#getTraceInputStream() to get the tombstone trace when the ANR occurs. If you're able to manually reproduce the ANR, you can record a system trace and inspect the trace using either Android Studio or Perfetto to better understand what is running on the main thread when the ANR occurs. Note that this can happen when using JobScheduler API directly or using the androidx library WorkManager.

To address #2, consider migrating to WorkManager, which provides support for wrapping any processing in onStartJob or onStopJob in an asynchronous thread.

JobScheduler also introduces a requirement to declare the ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE permission if using setRequiredNetworkType or setRequiredNetwork constraint. If your app does not declare the ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE permission when scheduling the job and is targeting Android 14 or higher, it will result in a SecurityException.

API di lancio di Tiles

For apps targeting 14 and higher, TileService#startActivityAndCollapse(Intent) is deprecated and now throws an exception when called. If your app launches activities from tiles, use TileService#startActivityAndCollapse(PendingIntent) instead.


Accesso parziale a foto e video

Android 14 introduces Selected Photos Access, which allows users to grant apps access to specific images and videos in their library, rather than granting access to all media of a given type.

This change is only enabled if your app targets Android 14 (API level 34) or higher. If you don't use the photo picker yet, we recommend implementing it in your app to provide a consistent experience for selecting images and videos that also enhances user privacy without having to request any storage permissions.

If you maintain your own gallery picker using storage permissions and need to maintain full control over your implementation, adapt your implementation to use the new READ_MEDIA_VISUAL_USER_SELECTED permission. If your app doesn't use the new permission, the system runs your app in a compatibility mode.

Esperienza utente

Notifiche di intent a schermo intero sicure

With Android 11 (API level 30), it was possible for any app to use Notification.Builder.setFullScreenIntent to send full-screen intents while the phone is locked. You could auto-grant this on app install by declaring USE_FULL_SCREEN_INTENT permission in the AndroidManifest.

Full-screen intent notifications are designed for extremely high-priority notifications demanding the user's immediate attention, such as an incoming phone call or alarm clock settings configured by the user. For apps targeting Android 14 (API level 34) or higher, apps that are allowed to use this permission are limited to those that provide calling and alarms only. The Google Play Store revokes default USE_FULL_SCREEN_INTENT permissions for any apps that don't fit this profile. The deadline for these policy changes is May 31, 2024.

This permission remains enabled for apps installed on the phone before the user updates to Android 14. Users can turn this permission on and off.

You can use the new API NotificationManager.canUseFullScreenIntent to check if your app has the permission; if not, your app can use the new intent ACTION_MANAGE_APP_USE_FULL_SCREEN_INTENT to launch the settings page where users can grant the permission.


Limitazioni agli intent impliciti e in attesa

For apps targeting Android 14 (API level 34) or higher, Android restricts apps from sending implicit intents to internal app components in the following ways:

  • Implicit intents are only delivered to exported components. Apps must either use an explicit intent to deliver to unexported components, or mark the component as exported.
  • If an app creates a mutable pending intent with an intent that doesn't specify a component or package, the system throws an exception.

These changes prevent malicious apps from intercepting implicit intents that are intended for use by an app's internal components.

For example, here is an intent filter that could be declared in your app's manifest file:

        <action android:name="com.example.action.APP_ACTION" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />

If your app tried to launch this activity using an implicit intent, an ActivityNotFoundException exception would be thrown:


// Throws an ActivityNotFoundException exception when targeting Android 14.


// Throws an ActivityNotFoundException exception when targeting Android 14.
context.startActivity(new Intent("com.example.action.APP_ACTION"));

To launch the non-exported activity, your app should use an explicit intent instead:


// This makes the intent explicit.
val explicitIntent =
explicitIntent.apply {
    package = context.packageName


// This makes the intent explicit.
Intent explicitIntent =
        new Intent("com.example.action.APP_ACTION")

I broadcast receiver registrati in fase di runtime devono specificare il comportamento di esportazione

Per le app e i servizi che hanno come target Android 14 (livello API 34) o versioni successive e che utilizzano ricevitori registrati in contesto è necessario specificare un flag che indichi se il destinatario deve essere esportato o meno in tutte le altre app sul dispositivo: rispettivamente RECEIVER_EXPORTED o RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED. Questo requisito consente di proteggere le app dalle vulnerabilità della sicurezza sfruttando le funzionalità di questi ricevitori introdotte in Android 13.

Eccezione per i ricevitori che ricevono solo trasmissioni di sistema

Se la tua app registra un ricevitore solo per le trasmissioni di sistema tramite metodi Context#registerReceiver, come Context#registerReceiver(), non dovrebbe specificare un flag durante la registrazione del ricevitore.

Caricamento di codice dinamico più sicuro

If your app targets Android 14 (API level 34) or higher and uses Dynamic Code Loading (DCL), all dynamically-loaded files must be marked as read-only. Otherwise, the system throws an exception. We recommend that apps avoid dynamically loading code whenever possible, as doing so greatly increases the risk that an app can be compromised by code injection or code tampering.

If you must dynamically load code, use the following approach to set the dynamically-loaded file (such as a DEX, JAR, or APK file) as read-only as soon as the file is opened and before any content is written:


val jar = File("DYNAMICALLY_LOADED_FILE.jar")
val os = FileOutputStream(jar)
os.use {
    // Set the file to read-only first to prevent race conditions
    // Then write the actual file content
val cl = PathClassLoader(jar, parentClassLoader)


File jar = new File("DYNAMICALLY_LOADED_FILE.jar");
try (FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(jar)) {
    // Set the file to read-only first to prevent race conditions
    // Then write the actual file content
} catch (IOException e) { ... }
PathClassLoader cl = new PathClassLoader(jar, parentClassLoader);

Handle dynamically-loaded files that already exist

To prevent exceptions from being thrown for existing dynamically-loaded files, we recommend deleting and recreating the files before you try to dynamically load them again in your app. As you recreate the files, follow the preceding guidance for marking the files read-only at write time. Alternatively, you can re-label the existing files as read-only, but in this case, we strongly recommend that you verify the integrity of the files first (for example, by checking the file's signature against a trusted value), to help protect your app from malicious actions.

Ulteriori limitazioni relative all'avvio di attività in background

For apps targeting Android 14 (API level 34) or higher, the system further restricts when apps are allowed to start activities from the background:

These changes expand the existing set of restrictions to protect users by preventing malicious apps from abusing APIs to start disruptive activities from the background.

Zip Path Traversal

For apps targeting Android 14 (API level 34) or higher, Android prevents the Zip Path Traversal Vulnerability in the following way: ZipFile(String) and ZipInputStream.getNextEntry() throws a ZipException if zip file entry names contain ".." or start with "/".

Apps can opt-out from this validation by calling dalvik.system.ZipPathValidator.clearCallback().

For apps targeting Android 14 (API level 34) or higher, a SecurityException is thrown by MediaProjection#createVirtualDisplay in either of the following scenarios:

Your app must ask the user to give consent before each capture session. A single capture session is a single invocation on MediaProjection#createVirtualDisplay, and each MediaProjection instance must be used only once.

Handle configuration changes

If your app needs to invoke MediaProjection#createVirtualDisplay to handle configuration changes (such as the screen orientation or screen size changing), you can follow these steps to update the VirtualDisplay for the existing MediaProjection instance:

  1. Invoke VirtualDisplay#resize with the new width and height.
  2. Provide a new Surface with the new width and height to VirtualDisplay#setSurface.

Register a callback

Your app should register a callback to handle cases where the user doesn't grant consent to continue a capture session. To do this, implement Callback#onStop and have your app release any related resources (such as the VirtualDisplay and Surface).

If your app doesn't register this callback, MediaProjection#createVirtualDisplay throws an IllegalStateException when your app invokes it.

Limitazioni non SDK aggiornate

Android 14 includes updated lists of restricted non-SDK interfaces based on collaboration with Android developers and the latest internal testing. Whenever possible, we make sure that public alternatives are available before we restrict non-SDK interfaces.

If your app does not target Android 14, some of these changes might not immediately affect you. However, while you can currently use some non-SDK interfaces (depending on your app's target API level), using any non-SDK method or field always carries a high risk of breaking your app.

If you are unsure if your app uses non-SDK interfaces, you can test your app to find out. If your app relies on non-SDK interfaces, you should begin planning a migration to SDK alternatives. Nevertheless, we understand that some apps have valid use cases for using non-SDK interfaces. If you cannot find an alternative to using a non-SDK interface for a feature in your app, you should request a new public API.

Per scoprire di più sulle modifiche in questa release di Android, consulta Aggiornamenti alle limitazioni relative alle interfacce non SDK in Android 14. Per scoprire di più sulle interfacce non SDK in generale, consulta Restrizioni sulle interfacce non SDK.