
public final class LayoutAssertions

A collection of layout ViewAssertions.


Public methods

static ViewAssertion

Returns a ViewAssertion that asserts that view hierarchy does not contain ellipsized or cut off text views.

static ViewAssertion

Returns a ViewAssertion that asserts that view hierarchy does not contain multiline buttons.

static ViewAssertion

Returns a ViewAssertion that asserts that descendant objects assignable to TextView or ImageView do not overlap each other.

static ViewAssertion
noOverlaps(Matcher<View> selector)

Returns a ViewAssertion that asserts that descendant views matching the selector do not overlap each other.

Public methods


public static ViewAssertion noEllipsizedText()

Returns a ViewAssertion that asserts that view hierarchy does not contain ellipsized or cut off text views.


public static ViewAssertion noMultilineButtons()

Returns a ViewAssertion that asserts that view hierarchy does not contain multiline buttons.


public static ViewAssertion noOverlaps()

Returns a ViewAssertion that asserts that descendant objects assignable to TextView or ImageView do not overlap each other.

Example: onView(rootView).check(noOverlaps());


public static ViewAssertion noOverlaps(Matcher<View> selector)

Returns a ViewAssertion that asserts that descendant views matching the selector do not overlap each other.

Example: onView(rootView).check(noOverlaps(isAssignableFrom(TextView.class));