Support multiple links in a single string of text

You can support multiple links in a single string of text to perform different actions when clicking a subsection of text.

Version compatibility

This implementation requires that your project minSDK be set to API level 21 or higher.


This snippet embeds multiple clickable links into a single string of text:

Key points about the code

  • Uses the buildAnnotatedString function to create an annotated string of text.
  • Specifies the the link and text styling by passing them as arguments of the LinkAnnotation.Url() function (itself passed as an argument of the withLink() function). A click listener is built into LinkAnnotation.Url().
  • Adds text using append() in the body of the withLink function.
  • Repeats this process to add another linked text segment.


One text string containing two different links
Figure 1. A screenshot of one text string containing two different links.

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Text is a central piece of any UI. Find out different ways you can present text in your app to provide a delightful user experience.

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