User metrics on Google Play

Google Play cares about app quality and uses various signals to evaluate users' experience of your app. Apps are only eligible for certain features if they meet a minimum quality bar.

Play uses a combination of user metrics and in-app evaluation to evaluate the quality of your app, including (but not limited to) uninstalls, daily active users (DAUs), monthly active users (MAUs), and Monthly Returning Users. We may also look at other app experience metrics like ad load, usability, performance, and content or feature depth compared to your peers.

User metrics for Play details page treatments (beta)

User metrics are generally the strongest indication of a quality app. Thresholds are currently being tested in an early access program to determine eligibility for quality treatments on certain surfaces of the Play Store. Apps that pass all of the following criteria are eligible for these treatments:

  • User loss rate < 3.5%.
  • DAU divided by MAU > 10%.
  • Monthly returning user rate > 5%.
  • You also need to have a sufficient number of users installing and engaging with your app to accurately assess these metrics over a minimum of 24 days in a 30 day period.

In addition, apps must continue to meet our technical quality core vitals and bad behavior thresholds.

You can use Play Console Statistics (under the Compare to peers tab) to monitor your metrics.