Unit 2
Architecture components
Learn about ViewModel, LiveData, data binding with ViewModel and LiveData, and LiveData transformations. You complete the GuessTheWord app, which is a two-player charades-style game, in which the players collaborate to achieve the highest score possible.
Databases and RecyclerView
During the first part of this pathway, you create a database using the Room library and use coroutines to simplify asynchronous programming. During the second part of the pathway, you display a list of items with RecyclerView and make list items clickable. Throughout the pathway, you build up the TrackMySleep app, which allows users to rate their sleep quality and store their sleep data over time.
Connect to the internet
Learn how to get data and images from the internet and display them in the app. You complete the MarsRealEstate app, which shows properties for sale on Mars by retrieving data from a web service.
Repository and WorkManager
Learn how to create a repository, add an offline cache, and schedule background tasks with WorkManager by completing an app called DevBytes. This app displays a list of DevByte videos which are short tutorials made by the Google Android Developer Relations team. The app fetches a list of video URLs from the network using the Retrofit library and displays the list using a RecyclerView.
Design for everyone
Learn the basics of Android's styling system, how to apply Material Design principles to the UI of your app, and how to make your app more accessible for all users. You will complete the GDG-finder app, which finds a local Google Developer Group (GDG) in your region.