Notifikasi yang berfokus pada progres

Android 16 memperkenalkan notifikasi yang berfokus pada progres untuk membantu pengguna melacak perjalanan awal hingga akhir yang dimulai pengguna dengan lancar.

Notification.ProgressStyle adalah gaya notifikasi baru yang memungkinkan Anda membuat notifikasi yang berfokus pada progres. Kasus penggunaan utama mencakup transportasi online, pengiriman, dan navigasi. Dalam class Notification.ProgressStyle, Anda dapat menunjukkan status dan tonggak pencapaian dalam perjalanan pengguna menggunakan titik dan segmen.

Notifikasi yang berfokus pada progres yang ditampilkan di layar kunci.
Notifikasi yang berfokus pada progres yang ditampilkan di panel notifikasi.

Relevant classes and methods

The following classes contain the different APIs that you use to construct a ProgressStyle notification:

Anatomy and customization

The following images show the different parts that make up ProgressStyle notifications:

The different parts of a ProgressStyle notification.
Apps can set a vehicle image for the tracker icon and use segments and points to denote the rideshare experience and milestones.

Best practices

Adhere to the following best practices to help provide the best possible user experience with progress-centric notifications:

  • Use the right visual elements to guide the user in their journey. For example, rideshare apps should set a vehicle image and the most accurate color of the vehicle being used in a rideshare experience using Notification#setLargeIcon
  • Use concise and clear language to define the progress of that user journey. Time of arrival, driver name, and state of journey are critical text that should be communicated in the notification.
  • Provide useful and relevant actions in the notification that will help streamline the user journey. For example, providing a tip or adding an additional dish to a newly-initiated order for food delivery are actionable items prior to its delivery.
  • Use segments and points to denote states. For example, use segments to colorize a state and duration of traffic in a rideshare journey, and use points for states for milestones, food preparation, delivery, and passenger pick-up.
  • Update the progress experience frequently and accurately to match the actual progression of the journey. For example, traffic conditions that change can be reflected in changes in segment colors and updates in text.

The following code snippet shows how a ProgressStyle notification could be used for a rideshare context:

var ps =
        .setProgressTrackerIcon(Icon.createWithResource(appContext, R.drawable.ic_car_red))

Note that in the example, a vehicle image is set for the tracker icon, and segments and points are used to denote the rideshare experience and milestones to provide a more complete user experience.