

本指南假設你已熟悉 Room 永久性程式庫分頁程式庫的基本用法


Paging 程式庫為這項用途提供了 RemoteMediator 元件。在應用程式快取資料不足時,RemoteMediator 可視為來自分頁程式庫的信號。你可以使用這個信號從網路載入其他資料,並將其儲存至本機資料庫。PagingSource 可以載入資料,並提供給使用者介面顯示。

如果你需要更多資料,分頁程式庫會從 RemoteMediator 實作呼叫 load() 方法。這是一個暫停函式,因此可以放心執行長時間的工作。這項函式通常會從網路來源擷取新資料,並儲存至本機儲存空間。

這項程序適用於新資料,但儲存在資料庫中的資料一段時間後必然會失效,例如使用者手動觸發重新整理作業時。這個情況會以傳遞至 load() 方法的 LoadType 屬性表示。LoadType 會通知 RemoteMediator 是否需要重新整理現有資料,或擷取需要附加到現有清單之前或之後執行的其他資料。

在這種情況下,RemoteMediator 可確保你的應用程式以適當的順序載入使用者想查看的資料。


圖 1. 包含 PagingSource 和 PagingData 的分頁生命週期圖表。

直接從網路分頁時,PagingSource 會載入資料並傳回 LoadResult 物件。PagingSource 實作會透過 pagingSourceFactory 參數傳遞至 Pager

因為使用者介面需要新資料,Pager 會從 PagingSource 呼叫 load() 方法並傳回一組封裝新資料的 PagingData 物件。一般來說,每個 PagingData 物件都會先從 ViewModel 快取,然後再傳送到使用者介面顯示。

圖 2. 包含 PagingSource 和 RemoteMediator 的分頁生命週期圖表。

RemoteMediator 會變更這個資料流程。PagingSource 仍會載入資料。不過,一旦分頁資料用盡,分頁程式庫就會觸發 RemoteMediator,從網路來源載入新資料。RemoteMediator 會將新資料儲存在本機資料庫中,因此不需要 ViewModel 中的記憶體內快取。最後,PagingSource 會自動失效,而 Pager 會建立新的執行個體,以從資料庫載入最新資料。


假設你要應用程式將透過項目鍵分頁的網路資料來源 User 項目頁面載入到 Room 資料庫中儲存的本機快取。

RemoteMediator 會將網路中的資料載入到資料庫,而 PagingSource 會從資料庫載入資料。Pager 會同時使用 RemoteMediator 和 PagingSource 載入分頁資料。
圖 3. 使用分層資料來源的分頁實作圖表。

RemoteMediator 實作可將網路的分頁資料載入到資料庫,但不會將資料直接載入到使用者介面。不過,應用程式會使用資料庫做為真實資訊來源。換句話說,應用程式只會顯示資料庫中已快取的資料。PagingSource 實作 (例如 Room 產生的實作) 會負責將資料庫的快取資料載入到使用者介面。

建立 Room 實體

第一步是使用 Room 永久保存程式庫來定義資料庫,其中包含網路資料來源的分頁資料本機快取。首先請實作 RoomDatabase,詳情請參閱使用 Room 將資料儲存在本機資料庫中的說明。

接下來,請定義 Room 實體來代表清單項目的資料表,如使用 Room 實體定義資料一節所述。將 id 欄位設為主鍵,以及清單項目包含的任何其他資訊欄位。


@Entity(tableName = "users")
data class User(val id: String, val label: String)


@Entity(tableName = "users")
public class User {
  public String id;
  public String label;


@Entity(tableName = "users")
public class User {
  public String id;
  public String label;

你也必須按照使用 Room DAO 存取資料一節所述,定義這個 Room 實體的資料存取物件 (DAO)。清單項目實體的 DAO 必須包含以下方法:

  • 可將項目清單插入資料表中的 insertAll() 方法。
  • 可將查詢字串視為參數,並傳回結果清單 PagingSource 物件的方法。這樣一來,Pager 物件就可以使用這個資料表做為分頁資料來源。
  • 用於刪除資料表中所有資料的 clearAll() 方法。


interface UserDao {
  @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
  suspend fun insertAll(users: List<User>)

  @Query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE label LIKE :query")
  fun pagingSource(query: String): PagingSource<Int, User>

  @Query("DELETE FROM users")
  suspend fun clearAll()


interface UserDao {
  @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
  void insertAll(List<User> users);

  @Query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE mLabel LIKE :query")
  PagingSource<Integer, User> pagingSource(String query);

  @Query("DELETE FROM users")
  int clearAll();


interface UserDao {
  @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
  void insertAll(List<User> users);

  @Query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE mLabel LIKE :query")
  PagingSource<Integer, User> pagingSource(String query);

  @Query("DELETE FROM users")
  int clearAll();

實作 RemoteMediator

RemoteMediator 的主要角色是在 Pager 的資料用盡或現有資料失效時,從網路載入更多資料。其中包含一個必須覆寫以定義載入行為的 load() 方法。

常見的 RemoteMediator 導入方式包含下列參數:

  • query:這個查詢字串會定義要從後端服務擷取的資料。
  • database:做為本機快取的 Room 資料庫。
  • networkService:後端服務的 API 執行個體。

建立 RemoteMediator<Key, Value> 實作。Key 類型和 Value 類型應與定義該網路資料來源的 PagingSource 時相同。如要進一步瞭解如何選取類型參數,請參閱選取鍵和值類型


class ExampleRemoteMediator(
  private val query: String,
  private val database: RoomDb,
  private val networkService: ExampleBackendService
) : RemoteMediator<Int, User>() {
  val userDao = database.userDao()

  override suspend fun load(
    loadType: LoadType,
    state: PagingState<Int, User>
  ): MediatorResult {
    // ...


@UseExperimental(markerClass = ExperimentalPagingApi.class)
class ExampleRemoteMediator extends RxRemoteMediator<Integer, User> {
  private String query;
  private ExampleBackendService networkService;
  private RoomDb database;
  private UserDao userDao;

    String query,
    ExampleBackendService networkService, RoomDb database
  ) {
    query = query;
    networkService = networkService;
    database = database;
    userDao = database.userDao();

  public Single<MediatorResult> loadSingle(
    @NotNull LoadType loadType,
    @NotNull PagingState<Integer, User> state
  ) {


class ExampleRemoteMediator extends ListenableFutureRemoteMediator<Integer, User> {
  private String query;
  private ExampleBackendService networkService;
  private RoomDb database;
  private UserDao userDao;
  private Executor bgExecutor;

    String query,
    ExampleBackendService networkService,
    RoomDb database,
    Executor bgExecutor
  ) {
    this.query = query;
    this.networkService = networkService;
    this.database = database;
    this.userDao = database.userDao();
    this.bgExecutor = bgExecutor;

  public ListenableFuture<MediatorResult> loadFuture(
    @NotNull LoadType loadType,
    @NotNull PagingState<Integer, User> state
  ) {

load() 方法會負責更新備份資料集並使 PagingSource 失效。部分支援分頁的程式庫 (例如 Room) 會自動使已實作的 PagingSource 物件失效。

load() 方法可接受兩個參數:

load() 方法的傳回值為 MediatorResult 物件。MediatorResult 可以是 MediatorResult.Error (含錯誤說明) 或 MediatorResult.Success (當中包含信號,指出是否要載入更多資料)。

load() 方法必須執行下列步驟:

  1. 根據載入類型和目前載入的資料,判斷要從網路載入哪些網頁。
  2. 觸發網路要求。
  3. 根據載入作業的結果執行動作:
    • 如果載入成功且收到的項目清單並非空白,則將清單項目儲存在資料庫中,然後傳回 MediatorResult.Success(endOfPaginationReached = false)。資料儲存完畢後,讓資料來源失效以通知新資料的分頁程式庫。
    • 如果載入成功且收到的項目清單為空白或是最後一頁索引,則傳回 MediatorResult.Success(endOfPaginationReached = true)。資料儲存完畢後,讓資料來源失效以通知新資料的分頁程式庫。
    • 如果要求導致錯誤發生,則傳回 MediatorResult.Error


override suspend fun load(
  loadType: LoadType,
  state: PagingState<Int, User>
): MediatorResult {
  return try {
    // The network load method takes an optional after=<user.id>
    // parameter. For every page after the first, pass the last user
    // ID to let it continue from where it left off. For REFRESH,
    // pass null to load the first page.
    val loadKey = when (loadType) {
      LoadType.REFRESH -> null
      // In this example, you never need to prepend, since REFRESH
      // will always load the first page in the list. Immediately
      // return, reporting end of pagination.
      LoadType.PREPEND ->
        return MediatorResult.Success(endOfPaginationReached = true)
      LoadType.APPEND -> {
        val lastItem = state.lastItemOrNull()

        // You must explicitly check if the last item is null when
        // appending, since passing null to networkService is only
        // valid for initial load. If lastItem is null it means no
        // items were loaded after the initial REFRESH and there are
        // no more items to load.
        if (lastItem == null) {
          return MediatorResult.Success(
            endOfPaginationReached = true


    // Suspending network load via Retrofit. This doesn't need to be
    // wrapped in a withContext(Dispatcher.IO) { ... } block since
    // Retrofit's Coroutine CallAdapter dispatches on a worker
    // thread.
    val response = networkService.searchUsers(
      query = query, after = loadKey

    database.withTransaction {
      if (loadType == LoadType.REFRESH) {

      // Insert new users into database, which invalidates the
      // current PagingData, allowing Paging to present the updates
      // in the DB.

      endOfPaginationReached = response.nextKey == null
  } catch (e: IOException) {
  } catch (e: HttpException) {


public Single<MediatorResult> loadSingle(
  @NotNull LoadType loadType,
  @NotNull PagingState<Integer, User> state
) {
  // The network load method takes an optional after=<user.id> parameter. For
  // every page after the first, pass the last user ID to let it continue from
  // where it left off. For REFRESH, pass null to load the first page.
  String loadKey = null;
  switch (loadType) {
    case REFRESH:
    case PREPEND:
      // In this example, you never need to prepend, since REFRESH will always
      // load the first page in the list. Immediately return, reporting end of
      // pagination.
      return Single.just(new MediatorResult.Success(true));
    case APPEND:
      User lastItem = state.lastItemOrNull();

      // You must explicitly check if the last item is null when appending,
      // since passing null to networkService is only valid for initial load.
      // If lastItem is null it means no items were loaded after the initial
      // REFRESH and there are no more items to load.
      if (lastItem == null) {
        return Single.just(new MediatorResult.Success(true));

      loadKey = lastItem.getId();

  return networkService.searchUsers(query, loadKey)
    .map((Function<SearchUserResponse, MediatorResult>) response -> {
      database.runInTransaction(() -> {
        if (loadType == LoadType.REFRESH) {

        // Insert new users into database, which invalidates the current
        // PagingData, allowing Paging to present the updates in the DB.

      return new MediatorResult.Success(response.getNextKey() == null);
    .onErrorResumeNext(e -> {
      if (e instanceof IOException || e instanceof HttpException) {
        return Single.just(new MediatorResult.Error(e));

      return Single.error(e);


public ListenableFuture<MediatorResult> loadFuture(
  @NotNull LoadType loadType,
  @NotNull PagingState<Integer, User> state
) {
  // The network load method takes an optional after=<user.id> parameter. For
  // every page after the first, pass the last user ID to let it continue from
  // where it left off. For REFRESH, pass null to load the first page.
  String loadKey = null;
  switch (loadType) {
    case REFRESH:
    case PREPEND:
      // In this example, you never need to prepend, since REFRESH will always
      // load the first page in the list. Immediately return, reporting end of
      // pagination.
      return Futures.immediateFuture(new MediatorResult.Success(true));
    case APPEND:
      User lastItem = state.lastItemOrNull();

      // You must explicitly check if the last item is null when appending,
      // since passing null to networkService is only valid for initial load.
      // If lastItem is null it means no items were loaded after the initial
      // REFRESH and there are no more items to load.
      if (lastItem == null) {
        return Futures.immediateFuture(new MediatorResult.Success(true));

      loadKey = lastItem.getId();

  ListenableFuture<MediatorResult> networkResult = Futures.transform(
    networkService.searchUsers(query, loadKey),
    response -> {
      database.runInTransaction(() -> {
        if (loadType == LoadType.REFRESH) {

        // Insert new users into database, which invalidates the current
        // PagingData, allowing Paging to present the updates in the DB.

      return new MediatorResult.Success(response.getNextKey() == null);
    }, bgExecutor);

  ListenableFuture<MediatorResult> ioCatchingNetworkResult =

  return Futures.catching(

定義 initialize 方法

RemoteMediator 實作也可以覆寫 initialize() 方法,檢查快取資料是否過時,並決定是否觸發遠端重新整理。這個方法會在所有載入作業之前執行,因此你可以在觸發任何本機或遠端載入之前,先操控資料庫 (例如清除舊資料)。

由於 initialize() 是非同步函式,因此你可以載入資料來確定資料庫中現有資料的關聯性。最常見的情況是,快取資料僅在一段時間內有效。RemoteMediator 可以檢查這個到期時間是否已過期;在這個情況下,分頁程式庫必須全面重新整理資料,initialize() 的實作應會傳回 InitializeAction,如下所示:

  • 如果本機資料需要完全重新整理,initialize() 會傳回 InitializeAction.LAUNCH_INITIAL_REFRESH。這會導致 RemoteMediator 執行遠端重新整理以完全重新載入資料。任何遠端 APPENDPREPEND 載入都會等待 REFRESH 載入成功,再進行下一步。
  • 如果本機資料不需要重新整理,initialize() 會傳回 InitializeAction.SKIP_INITIAL_REFRESH。這會導致 RemoteMediator 略過遠端重新整理並載入快取的資料。


override suspend fun initialize(): InitializeAction {
  val cacheTimeout = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(1, TimeUnit.HOURS)
  return if (System.currentTimeMillis() - db.lastUpdated() <= cacheTimeout)
    // Cached data is up-to-date, so there is no need to re-fetch
    // from the network.
  } else {
    // Need to refresh cached data from network; returning
    // LAUNCH_INITIAL_REFRESH here will also block RemoteMediator's
    // APPEND and PREPEND from running until REFRESH succeeds.


public Single<InitializeAction> initializeSingle() {
  long cacheTimeout = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(1, TimeUnit.HOURS);
  return mUserDao.lastUpdatedSingle()
    .map(lastUpdatedMillis -> {
      if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastUpdatedMillis <= cacheTimeout) {
        // Cached data is up-to-date, so there is no need to re-fetch
        // from the network.
        return InitializeAction.SKIP_INITIAL_REFRESH;
      } else {
        // Need to refresh cached data from network; returning
        // LAUNCH_INITIAL_REFRESH here will also block RemoteMediator's
        // APPEND and PREPEND from running until REFRESH succeeds.
        return InitializeAction.LAUNCH_INITIAL_REFRESH;


public ListenableFuture<InitializeAction> initializeFuture() {
  long cacheTimeout = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(1, TimeUnit.HOURS);
  return Futures.transform(
    lastUpdatedMillis -> {
      if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastUpdatedMillis <= cacheTimeout) {
        // Cached data is up-to-date, so there is no need to re-fetch
        // from the network.
        return InitializeAction.SKIP_INITIAL_REFRESH;
      } else {
        // Need to refresh cached data from network; returning
        // LAUNCH_INITIAL_REFRESH here will also block RemoteMediator's
        // APPEND and PREPEND from running until REFRESH succeeds.
        return InitializeAction.LAUNCH_INITIAL_REFRESH;


最後,你必須建立 Pager 執行個體,才能設定分頁資料串流。方法與從簡單的網路資料來源建立 Pager 類似,但有兩件事必須採取不同做法:

  • 你必須提供直接從 DAO 傳回 PagingSource 物件的查詢方法,而不是直接傳送 PagingSource 建構函式。
  • 你必須提供 RemoteMediator 實作執行個體做為 remoteMediator 參數。


val userDao = database.userDao()
val pager = Pager(
  config = PagingConfig(pageSize = 50)
  remoteMediator = ExampleRemoteMediator(query, database, networkService)
) {


UserDao userDao = database.userDao();
Pager<Integer, User> pager = Pager(
  new PagingConfig(/* pageSize = */ 20),
  null, // initialKey,
  new ExampleRemoteMediator(query, database, networkService)
  () -> userDao.pagingSource(query));


UserDao userDao = database.userDao();
Pager<Integer, User> pager = Pager(
  new PagingConfig(/* pageSize = */ 20),
  null, // initialKey
  new ExampleRemoteMediator(query, database, networkService, bgExecutor),
  () -> userDao.pagingSource(query));



RemoteMediator 實作的 initialize() 方法傳回 LAUNCH_INITIAL_REFRESH 時,資料就會過時且必須替換成新資料。系統會強制要求任何 PREPENDAPPEND 載入要求等待遠端 REFRESH 載入成功。由於 PREPENDAPPEND 要求已在 REFRESH 要求之前加入佇列,因此傳遞給這些載入呼叫的 PagingState 在執行時可能已經過舊。

視資料在本機的儲存方式而定,如果快取資料的變更導致失效並擷取新的資料,你的應用程式可能會忽略多餘的要求。例如,Room 會讓任何資料插入查詢失效。也就是說,當新資料插入資料庫時,系統會為待處理的載入要求提供具有重新整理資料的新 PagingSource 物件。

解決這項資料同步處理問題至關重要,如此才能確保使用者可查看最相關且最新的資料。要找出最佳解決方案,主要參考依據是網路資料來源將資料分頁的方式。在任何情況下,遠端鍵都可讓你儲存伺服器要求的最新網頁相關資訊。您的應用程式可以運用這項資訊 要求接下來要載入的正確資料頁面


RemoteMediator 實作項目會使用「遠端鍵」,告知後端服務接下來要載入哪些資料。最簡單的情況下 分頁資料包含您可輕鬆參照的遠端鍵。不過,如果遠端鍵並未對應至個別項目,就必須分開儲存並在你的 load() 方法中加以管理。



本節說明如何使用與個別項目對應的遠端鍵。一般而言,當 API 金鑰從個別項目中移除時,項目 ID 會以查詢參數的形式傳遞。參數名稱會指出伺服器應在提供的指定 ID 之前或之後運用項目來回應。在 User 模型類別的範例中,來自伺服器的 id 欄位會當做遠端鍵,用於要求其他資料。

load() 方法需要管理項目專屬的遠端鍵時,這些鍵通常是從伺服器擷取的資料 ID。重新整理作業不需要載入鍵,因為這類作業只會擷取最新的資料。同樣地,前附作業不需要擷取任何其他資料,因為重新整理功能一律會從伺服器提取最新資料。

但是,附加作業就必須使用 ID。你必須從資料庫載入最後一個項目,並使用該項目的 ID 載入下一頁的資料。如果資料庫中沒有任何項目,則 endOfPaginationReached 會設為 true,表示需要重新整理資料。


class ExampleRemoteMediator(
  private val query: String,
  private val database: RoomDb,
  private val networkService: ExampleBackendService
) : RemoteMediator<Int, User>() {
  val userDao = database.userDao()

  override suspend fun load(
    loadType: LoadType,
    state: PagingState<Int, User>
  ): MediatorResult {
    return try {
      // The network load method takes an optional String
      // parameter. For every page after the first, pass the String
      // token returned from the previous page to let it continue
      // from where it left off. For REFRESH, pass null to load the
      // first page.
      val loadKey = when (loadType) {
        LoadType.REFRESH -> null
        // In this example, you never need to prepend, since REFRESH
        // will always load the first page in the list. Immediately
        // return, reporting end of pagination.
        LoadType.PREPEND -> return MediatorResult.Success(
          endOfPaginationReached = true
        // Get the last User object id for the next RemoteKey.
        LoadType.APPEND -> {
          val lastItem = state.lastItemOrNull()

          // You must explicitly check if the last item is null when
          // appending, since passing null to networkService is only
          // valid for initial load. If lastItem is null it means no
          // items were loaded after the initial REFRESH and there are
          // no more items to load.
          if (lastItem == null) {
            return MediatorResult.Success(
              endOfPaginationReached = true


      // Suspending network load via Retrofit. This doesn't need to
      // be wrapped in a withContext(Dispatcher.IO) { ... } block
      // since Retrofit's Coroutine CallAdapter dispatches on a
      // worker thread.
      val response = networkService.searchUsers(query, loadKey)

      // Store loaded data, and next key in transaction, so that
      // they're always consistent.
      database.withTransaction {
        if (loadType == LoadType.REFRESH) {

        // Insert new users into database, which invalidates the
        // current PagingData, allowing Paging to present the updates
        // in the DB.

      // End of pagination has been reached if no users are returned from the
      // service
        endOfPaginationReached = response.users.isEmpty()
    } catch (e: IOException) {
    } catch (e: HttpException) {


public Single>MediatorResult< loadSingle(
  @NotNull LoadType loadType,
  @NotNull PagingState>Integer, User< state
) {
  // The network load method takes an optional String parameter. For every page
  // after the first, pass the String token returned from the previous page to
  // let it continue from where it left off. For REFRESH, pass null to load the
  // first page.
  Single>String< remoteKeySingle = null;
  switch (loadType) {
    case REFRESH:
      // Initial load should use null as the page key, so you can return null
      // directly.
      remoteKeySingle = Single.just(null);
    case PREPEND:
      // In this example, you never need to prepend, since REFRESH will always
      // load the first page in the list. Immediately return, reporting end of
      // pagination.
      return Single.just(new MediatorResult.Success(true));
    case APPEND:
      User lastItem = state.lastItemOrNull();

      // You must explicitly check if the last item is null when
      // appending, since passing null to networkService is only
      // valid for initial load. If lastItem is null it means no
      // items were loaded after the initial REFRESH and there are
      // no more items to load.
      if (lastItem == null) {
        return Single.just(new MediatorResult.Success(true));
      remoteKeySingle = Single.just(lastItem.getId());

  return remoteKeySingle
    .flatMap((Function<String, Single<MediatorResult>>) remoteKey -> {
      return networkService.searchUsers(query, remoteKey)
        .map(response -> {
          database.runInTransaction(() -> {
            if (loadType == LoadType.REFRESH) {
            // Insert new users into database, which invalidates the current
            // PagingData, allowing Paging to present the updates in the DB.

          return new MediatorResult.Success(response.getUsers().isEmpty());
    .onErrorResumeNext(e -> {
      if (e instanceof IOException || e instanceof HttpException) {
        return Single.just(new MediatorResult.Error(e));

      return Single.error(e);


public ListenableFuture<MediatorResult> loadFuture(
  @NotNull LoadType loadType,
  @NotNull PagingState<Integer, User> state
) {
  // The network load method takes an optional after=<user.id> parameter.
  // For every page after the first, pass the last user ID to let it continue
  // from where it left off. For REFRESH, pass null to load the first page.
  ResolvableFuture<String> remoteKeyFuture = ResolvableFuture.create();
  switch (loadType) {
    case REFRESH:
    case PREPEND:
      // In this example, you never need to prepend, since REFRESH will always
      // load the first page in the list. Immediately return, reporting end of
      // pagination.
      return Futures.immediateFuture(new MediatorResult.Success(true));
    case APPEND:
      User lastItem = state.lastItemOrNull();

      // You must explicitly check if the last item is null when appending,
      // since passing null to networkService is only valid for initial load.
      // If lastItem is null it means no items were loaded after the initial
      // REFRESH and there are no more items to load.
      if (lastItem == null) {
        return Futures.immediateFuture(new MediatorResult.Success(true));


  return Futures.transformAsync(remoteKeyFuture, remoteKey -> {

    ListenableFuture<MediatorResult> networkResult = Futures.transform(
      networkService.searchUsers(query, remoteKey),
      response -> {
        database.runInTransaction(() -> {
        if (loadType == LoadType.REFRESH) {

        // Insert new users into database, which invalidates the current
        // PagingData, allowing Paging to present the updates in the DB.

      return new MediatorResult.Success(response.getUsers().isEmpty());
    }, bgExecutor);

    ListenableFuture<MediatorResult> ioCatchingNetworkResult =

    return Futures.catching(
  }, bgExecutor);




當遠端鍵沒有與清單項目直接關聯時,最好將鍵儲存在本機資料庫的不同資料表中。定義代表遠端鍵資料表的 Room 實體:


@Entity(tableName = "remote_keys")
data class RemoteKey(val label: String, val nextKey: String?)


@Entity(tableName = "remote_keys")
public class RemoteKey {
  public String label;
  public String nextKey;


@Entity(tableName = "remote_keys")
public class RemoteKey {
  public String label;
  public String nextKey;

你也必須定義 RemoteKey 實體的 DAO:


interface RemoteKeyDao {
  @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
  suspend fun insertOrReplace(remoteKey: RemoteKey)

  @Query("SELECT * FROM remote_keys WHERE label = :query")
  suspend fun remoteKeyByQuery(query: String): RemoteKey

  @Query("DELETE FROM remote_keys WHERE label = :query")
  suspend fun deleteByQuery(query: String)


interface RemoteKeyDao {
  @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
  void insertOrReplace(RemoteKey remoteKey);

  @Query("SELECT * FROM remote_keys WHERE label = :query")
  Single<RemoteKey> remoteKeyByQuerySingle(String query);

  @Query("DELETE FROM remote_keys WHERE label = :query")
  void deleteByQuery(String query);


interface RemoteKeyDao {
  @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
  void insertOrReplace(RemoteKey remoteKey);

  @Query("SELECT * FROM remote_keys WHERE label = :query")
  ListenableFuture<RemoteKey> remoteKeyByQueryFuture(String query);

  @Query("DELETE FROM remote_keys WHERE label = :query")
  void deleteByQuery(String query);


load() 方法需要管理遠端頁面鍵時,你必須採取下列與 RemoteMediator 基本用法不同的方式加以定義:

  • 納入另一個屬性,其中包含遠端鍵資料表的 DAO 參照。
  • 透過查詢遠端鍵資料表 (而非使用 PagingState) 來決定要載入哪些鍵。
  • 除了分頁資料本身之外,同時也插入或儲存網路資料來源傳回的遠端鍵。


class ExampleRemoteMediator(
  private val query: String,
  private val database: RoomDb,
  private val networkService: ExampleBackendService
) : RemoteMediator<Int, User>() {
  val userDao = database.userDao()
  val remoteKeyDao = database.remoteKeyDao()

  override suspend fun load(
    loadType: LoadType,
    state: PagingState<Int, User>
  ): MediatorResult {
    return try {
      // The network load method takes an optional String
      // parameter. For every page after the first, pass the String
      // token returned from the previous page to let it continue
      // from where it left off. For REFRESH, pass null to load the
      // first page.
      val loadKey = when (loadType) {
        LoadType.REFRESH -> null
        // In this example, you never need to prepend, since REFRESH
        // will always load the first page in the list. Immediately
        // return, reporting end of pagination.
        LoadType.PREPEND -> return MediatorResult.Success(
          endOfPaginationReached = true
        // Query remoteKeyDao for the next RemoteKey.
        LoadType.APPEND -> {
          val remoteKey = database.withTransaction {

          // You must explicitly check if the page key is null when
          // appending, since null is only valid for initial load.
          // If you receive null for APPEND, that means you have
          // reached the end of pagination and there are no more
          // items to load.
          if (remoteKey.nextKey == null) {
            return MediatorResult.Success(
              endOfPaginationReached = true


      // Suspending network load via Retrofit. This doesn't need to
      // be wrapped in a withContext(Dispatcher.IO) { ... } block
      // since Retrofit's Coroutine CallAdapter dispatches on a
      // worker thread.
      val response = networkService.searchUsers(query, loadKey)

      // Store loaded data, and next key in transaction, so that
      // they're always consistent.
      database.withTransaction {
        if (loadType == LoadType.REFRESH) {

        // Update RemoteKey for this query.
          RemoteKey(query, response.nextKey)

        // Insert new users into database, which invalidates the
        // current PagingData, allowing Paging to present the updates
        // in the DB.

        endOfPaginationReached = response.nextKey == null
    } catch (e: IOException) {
    } catch (e: HttpException) {


public Single<MediatorResult> loadSingle(
  @NotNull LoadType loadType,
  @NotNull PagingState<Integer, User> state
) {
  // The network load method takes an optional String parameter. For every page
  // after the first, pass the String token returned from the previous page to
  // let it continue from where it left off. For REFRESH, pass null to load the
  // first page.
  Single<RemoteKey> remoteKeySingle = null;
  switch (loadType) {
    case REFRESH:
      // Initial load should use null as the page key, so you can return null
      // directly.
      remoteKeySingle = Single.just(new RemoteKey(mQuery, null));
    case PREPEND:
      // In this example, you never need to prepend, since REFRESH will always
      // load the first page in the list. Immediately return, reporting end of
      // pagination.
      return Single.just(new MediatorResult.Success(true));
    case APPEND:
      // Query remoteKeyDao for the next RemoteKey.
      remoteKeySingle = mRemoteKeyDao.remoteKeyByQuerySingle(mQuery);

  return remoteKeySingle
    .flatMap((Function<RemoteKey, Single<MediatorResult>>) remoteKey -> {
      // You must explicitly check if the page key is null when appending,
      // since null is only valid for initial load. If you receive null
      // for APPEND, that means you have reached the end of pagination and
      // there are no more items to load.
      if (loadType != REFRESH && remoteKey.getNextKey() == null) {
        return Single.just(new MediatorResult.Success(true));

      return networkService.searchUsers(query, remoteKey.getNextKey())
        .map(response -> {
          database.runInTransaction(() -> {
            if (loadType == LoadType.REFRESH) {

            // Update RemoteKey for this query.
            remoteKeyDao.insertOrReplace(new RemoteKey(query, response.getNextKey()));

            // Insert new users into database, which invalidates the current
            // PagingData, allowing Paging to present the updates in the DB.

          return new MediatorResult.Success(response.getNextKey() == null);
    .onErrorResumeNext(e -> {
      if (e instanceof IOException || e instanceof HttpException) {
        return Single.just(new MediatorResult.Error(e));

      return Single.error(e);


public ListenableFuture<MediatorResult> loadFuture(
  @NotNull LoadType loadType,
  @NotNull PagingState<Integer, User> state
) {
  // The network load method takes an optional after=<user.id> parameter. For
  // every page after the first, pass the last user ID to let it continue from
  // where it left off. For REFRESH, pass null to load the first page.
  ResolvableFuture<RemoteKey> remoteKeyFuture = ResolvableFuture.create();
  switch (loadType) {
    case REFRESH:
      remoteKeyFuture.set(new RemoteKey(query, null));
    case PREPEND:
      // In this example, you never need to prepend, since REFRESH will always
      // load the first page in the list. Immediately return, reporting end of
      // pagination.
      return Futures.immediateFuture(new MediatorResult.Success(true));
    case APPEND:
      User lastItem = state.lastItemOrNull();

      // You must explicitly check if the last item is null when appending,
      // since passing null to networkService is only valid for initial load.
      // If lastItem is null it means no items were loaded after the initial
      // REFRESH and there are no more items to load.
      if (lastItem == null) {
        return Futures.immediateFuture(new MediatorResult.Success(true));

      // Query remoteKeyDao for the next RemoteKey.

  return Futures.transformAsync(remoteKeyFuture, remoteKey -> {
    // You must explicitly check if the page key is null when appending,
    // since null is only valid for initial load. If you receive null
    // for APPEND, that means you have reached the end of pagination and
    // there are no more items to load.
    if (loadType != LoadType.REFRESH && remoteKey.getNextKey() == null) {
      return Futures.immediateFuture(new MediatorResult.Success(true));

    ListenableFuture<MediatorResult> networkResult = Futures.transform(
      networkService.searchUsers(query, remoteKey.getNextKey()),
      response -> {
        database.runInTransaction(() -> {
        if (loadType == LoadType.REFRESH) {

        // Update RemoteKey for this query.
        remoteKeyDao.insertOrReplace(new RemoteKey(query, response.getNextKey()));

        // Insert new users into database, which invalidates the current
        // PagingData, allowing Paging to present the updates in the DB.

      return new MediatorResult.Success(response.getNextKey() == null);
    }, bgExecutor);

    ListenableFuture<MediatorResult> ioCatchingNetworkResult =

    return Futures.catching(
  }, bgExecutor);


如果應用程式只需要如上述範例所述,支援從清單最上方依序重新整理網路,則你的 RemoteMediator 不需要定義前附載入行為。

但如果應用程式需要支援從網路逐步載入的功能 安裝到本機資料庫中,然後您必須提供重新啟用分頁支援功能 從錨定廣告開始標記,使用者的捲動位置就會消失。Room 的 PagingSource 實作項目會為您處理這個部分,但如果您不使用 Room,則可以藉由覆寫 PagingSource.getRefreshKey() 完成這項作業。如需 getRefreshKey() 的導入範例,請參閱定義 PagingSource

圖 4 說明先從本機資料庫載入資料,然後當資料庫資料用盡之後,再從網路載入資料的程序。

PagingSource 將資料從資料庫載入到使用者介面,直到資料庫資料用盡。接著,RemoteMediator 會將資料從網路載入到資料庫,之後 PagingSource 會繼續載入。
圖 4. 顯示 PagingSource 和 RemoteMediator 如何合作載入資料的圖表。


如要進一步瞭解 Paging 程式庫,請參閱以下資源:

