Android Studio Iguana Closed Issues
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Android Studio Iguana | 2023.2.1 Patch 2
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.3.2
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
AGP 8.3 with desugaring enabled deadlock can happen
AGP 8.3 breaks zipApksFor Task
Import/Sync |
Android Studio Iguana | 2023.2.1 Canary 9 not generating a correct project for compose
Lint Integration |
Lint unable to disambiguate a KMP dependency
Android Studio Iguana | 2023.2.1 Patch 1
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.3.1
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
MergeJavaResourcesTask incremental inputs handling issue
Compose Preview |
New strings aren't picked up by Compose Preview until restart
Fail to load PreviewParameterProvider only on Iguana
Layout Inspector |
Layout inspector is crashing on Compose in AS Iguana Canary 10
Lint Integration |
Lint cannot resolve sibling source sets' types in AGP 8.3.0-rc02
Android Studio Iguana | 2023.2.1 RC 2
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.3.0-rc02
Fixed Issues |
Shrinker (R8) |
Test SimpleKotlinEnumUnboxingTest fails on kotlin_dev bot
Android Studio Iguana | 2023.2.1 RC 1
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.3.0-rc01
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Android Gradle Plugin 8.2.0 install task fails in project that uses dynamic features
Build Output |
AS Iguana Gradle Sync Errors Aren't Shown
Device Manager |
Definitions with identical names but different IDs crash the AVD Configuration dialog
Dexer (D8) |
[desugared library] Desugared library version 2.1 is not compatible with previous versions of R8
Optimizations running even just with D8?
Import/Sync |
Performance regression - setting up dependencies in the IDE
Android Studio Hedgehog hangs on Computing project size
Shrinker (R8) |
[R8 8.3.21] R8 8.3.21 is 1.57MB larger than R8 8.1.56
class.getInterfaces() return empty
Android Studio Iguana | 2023.2.1 Beta 2
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.3.0-beta02
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Unable to set JaCoCo version in AGP 8.2.0
Android Gradle Plugin 8.2.0 install task fails in project that uses dynamic features
Baseline Profiles & ProfileInstaller |
compileReleaseArtProfile fails with java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Import/Sync |
Using non-AndroidX libraries in an AndroidX project
Shrinker (R8) |
[R8 8.3.21] R8 8.3.21 is 1.57MB larger than R8 8.1.56
Android Studio Iguana | 2023.2.1 Beta 1
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.3.0-beta01
Fixed Issues |
Import/Sync |
Potential compatibility issue with Gradle 9 in Iguana because of org.gradle.util.VersionNumber
Shrinker (R8) |
R8 Flurry SDK crash with AGP 8.2.0
Android - R8 causes subclass of LinearLayoutManager to crash
R8 v8.2.33, "java.lang.VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack" runtime crash after upgrade
Android Studio Iguana | 2023.2.1 Canary 17
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.3.0-alpha17
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Please provide options to include generated sources on Javadoc and SourceJar
Need quick fix for discrepancy between compileSdk and dependency with minCompileSdkVersion
[Gradle] tools:overrideLibrary should support asterisk (*)
UI Freeze when editing manifest
App Quality Insights |
The sorting function of the Issues column isn't sorting intuitively
C++ Debugger |
LLDB Debugger not check apk for required architectures before launching
Code Analysis |
Lint library version checks don't work with BoM (Bill of Materials)
Code Editor |
Quick documentation action on a function shows "COMPILED_CODE" for default parameters in Iguana Canary 5
Device Manager |
Device skins copied to SDK directory
Gradle |
'InlineApi' instead of 'InlinedApi'
Import/Sync |
Allow tests for syncing with old versions of AGP to handle new namespace DSL
Firebase BOM not updated
Lint |
Android Studio / Lint doesn't tell you when "platform" dependencies are out of date
Bug: no suggestion to update Firebase-bom dependency
Project Structure (and Gradle (?)) does not discover Firebase BOM dependencies to be upgraded to a newer version.
Android Studio Iguana | 2023.2.1 Canary 16
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.3.0-alpha16
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
The link for "decoupled Projects" in studio settings goes to the wrong place.
Espresso Recorder |
Record Your Test window not displayed in Android Studio for "Expresso Test Recorder"
Import/Sync |
Unclear error/warning after project sync
Network Inspector |
gRPC support for network inspector
gRPC inspector cannot capture from AndroidChannelBuilder
Shrinker (R8) |
isShrinkResources overoptimizes in 8.3.0-alpha11 to alpha14
Android Studio Iguana | 2023.2.1 Canary 15
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.3.0-alpha15
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
DexArchiveBuilderTaskDelegate was failed with resource only library module
AGP7.4 custom plugin variant toTransform for all throw duplicate entry: META-INF/MANIFEST.MF exception
Support new Manifest tags,
Espresso Recorder |
Record Your Test window not displayed in Android Studio for "Expresso Test Recorder"
Import/Sync |
UI for "Gradle JDK" does not suggest "Gradle Sync"
Layout Inspector |
Iguana Canary 13: Layout inspector is spamming logcat with "No package ID ff found for resource ID 0xffffffff."
Network Inspector |
gRPC support for network inspector
Resources |
Resource resolution breaks when resource files are moved
When extracting string it become error
Running Devices |
Unable to connect to physical device for development
Android Studio Iguana | 2023.2.1 Canary 14
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.3.0-alpha14
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
SDK Manager should stop spamming log info to stdout
Build Output |
ksp AutoMigration error is not shown in Android Studio
Gradle |
NoClassDefFoundError with AGP 8.1.0, desugaring and minify
Lint |
StackOverflow from `LintClient.getSdkHome`
New Code/Templates |
TODO: Remove once KTIJ-19369 is fixed
Resource Manager |
SVG import error, Error while parsing *.svg - Not a proper SVG file
Running Tests |
Cannot run instrumented test for lib module on Pixel 7 Pro
Android Studio Iguana | 2023.2.1 Canary 13
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.3.0-alpha13
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Feature Request: Promote to a public API
Android SDK Upgrade Assistant |
No upgrade path to API level 34
Compose Preview |
IDE becomes very slow in Hedgehog 9 (possibly ComposePreviewRunLineMarkerContributor)
New Code/Templates |
Adding a New Library Module Dependency Doesn't Compile
Project Structure |
The supplied javaHome seems to be invalid. I cannot find the java executable
Running Devices |
device preview has oval shape
Android Studio Iguana | 2023.2.1 Canary 12
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.3.0-alpha12
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
AGP 8.1.0: dynamic feature: Implicit dependency between exportReleaseConsumerProguardFiles and extractProguardFiles cause compilation errors
`variant.unitTest.jniLibs.addGeneratedSourceDirectory` does not seem to do anything
Update XML parser used in AGP for Gradle 8.4 compatibility
AGP 8.0.1 release package jacoco instrument does not take effect
HEDGEHOG REGRESSION: Run button is delayed by a few seconds (Creating spec)
AGP 8.3.0-alpha11 produces release APK that crashes on startup with android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException
Graduate "android.lint.printStackTrace" AGP property to stable
C++ Import/Sync |
Android studio keeps indexing unrelated c++ code
Android Studio freeze when profiling/recording CPU trace. Last Bumblebee and Dolphin version
Device File Explorer |
Update App Inspector to use Device Explorer
Lint |
Unused Resources Processor might delete Gradle build file
NewApi lint check does not undertand "isAtleastU() && otherCondition()" final field
Running Tests |
AS 2022.3.1.13 C3 doesn't allow debugging integration tests when the tested variant is non debuggable
Android Studio Iguana | 2023.2.1 Canary 11
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.3.0-alpha11
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Migrate to new Gradle configuration alignment API
Resource compilation fails when Kotlin compiler tries to update to IDEA 21.3
Reactive get() with artifacts API
Graduate "android.lint.printStackTrace" AGP property to stable
API | has no useful javadoc.
New Varian API DSL feature request: Equivalent for old API BaseVariant.preBuildProvider
Import/Sync |
GradleProjectInfo.setSkipStartupActivity is still being used
Refresh VFS after project builds
Offer quickfix for "Could not install Gradle distribution"
Layout Inspector |
Iguana Canary 2: Embedded Layout inspector spams logcat with `Invalid resource ID` errors
Lint |
Invalid highlight of an warning which is false positive
Lint visitAnnotationUsage not called for usages of annotated classes in variable declarations
Network Inspector |
Make Network Inspector Static
Running Devices |
Pixel fold device streaming broken for API level 34
Android Studio Iguana | 2023.2.1 Canary 9
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.3.0-alpha09
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Transforming the ASSETS artifact give broken input/output locations
Promote android.experimental.r8.dex-startup-optimization=true to be default
Editing |
shrinkunusedprotofields is marked as invalid flag in
IntelliJ |
Iguana: Process 471 is still running
Lint |
Quickfix Lint doesn't work and results in an IDE error
Inconsistent test failure due to partial analysis
Logcat |
Add a Process Name Column in Logcat
Android Studio Iguana | 2023.2.1 Canary 8
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.3.0-alpha08
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Tranforming an APK leads to a error with ListingFileRedirectTask
Baseline Profiles & ProfileInstaller |
Desugared classes are missing from the compiled profile
Code Editor |
Android Studio deadlock (AttachAndroidSdkSourcesNotificationProvider)
Compose Editing |
Don't implement optional trailing lambdas by default
Compose Preview |
Change request: prev Live Template should generate a private function
Debugger |
App Inspection Instructions are Misleading
Import/Sync |
AndroidGradleProjectResolver.isAndroidGradleProject takes significant time
Live Edit |
10-30 second freezes caused by Live Edit
Profilers |
Profiler becomes unusably slow after just 3-4 runs, have to restart IDE
Resource Manager |
Bug: importing SVG file puts it in wrong folder, of "drawable-svg" instead of "drawable", causing "Android resource linking failed" error
Testing |
Macrobenchmark test results show same timing info for all tests using Run -> Import Tests From File
Android Studio Iguana | 2023.2.1 Canary 7
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.3.0-alpha07
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
AGP 8.1.0 uninstalls app after running instrumented tests - 7.4.2 does not
Layout Editor |
androidx.core:core-ktx:1.12.0 causes Render Problem in Android Studio
Navigation Editor |
Problem to Define Args in Navigation
Profilers |
Save (or copy) traces recorded by Macrobenchmark library
Rendering |
Android Studio Hedgehog 2023.1.1 Canary 15 hangs when typing drawable resource name.
Resources |
String Extract generates getString() instead of stringResource() in Electric Eel
Run |
Minimum port 5038 for 'user managed adb' prevents use of the default port 5037 which may be desired
Tip of the Day |
Suppress tip-of-the-day in Android Studio
Android Studio Iguana | 2023.2.1 Canary 6
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.3.0-alpha06
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Enforce `android.enableDexingArtifactTransform=true`
[Gradle 8.4][upgrade] Integration test failure after upgrade due to file handling in configuration phase
AGP 8.3.0-alpha-02 - `Error: Failed to deserialize cached resource repository.`
[Gradle 8.4][upgrade] Integration test failure after upgrade due file handling in configuration phase of TestLabBuildService
Code Editor |
Editor for ProGuard rules warns about missing class for -dontwarn
Compose Editing |
Don't put `@Composable` on extract constants
Emulator |
Bluetooth Exceptions when using Android Emulator 33.1.13
Import/Sync |
Sources for AndroidX KMP libraries are not downloaded in Studio I Canary 5
Lint |
No Lint warning about kotlin.text.MatchNamedGroupCollection#get(String) requiring API 26
lint:TypographyQuotes false negatives: more than one escaped apostrophe are ignored
AGP 8.0.2 lint InvalidId detector false positive
LintError issues added to lint baselines
Resources |
Remove unused STRING resources
Android Studio Iguana | 2023.2.1 Canary 5
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.3.0-alpha05
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Please reduce/remove info-level logging for AGP "Analytics other plugin to proto: ..."
[Gradle 8.4][upgrade] File operation during configuration in ProcessJavaResTask breaks config caching
Variant API to get symbol table (R.txt)
lint standalone plugin doesn't handle gradleApi() dependency properly
Poor kDocs on AGP classes/properties. `VariantOutput.enable` suggests it should be replaced with `VariantOutput.enable`
AGP 8.3.0-alpha02 cannot install release profiles on Windows hosts
Data Binding |
BindingXmlIndex.getInputFilter violates contract of FileBasedIndexExtension
Losing bindings
Editing |
Iguana Canary 1: Double colors in gutter
Emulator |
Error running test on an emulator : Unable to recompile * (Output(stdout=Failure: package * could not be compiled , stderr=))
Gradle Files Editor |
Unused property 'unqualifiedResLocale'
Import/Sync |
Studio should detect new jar dropped in libs folder and offer re-sync
Lint |
LINT check Unused Resource false positive detection inside of binding and click listener
Could not load custom lint check jar file: Node cannot be cast to TreeNode
Lint visitAnnotationUsage not called for usages of annotated classes in variable declarations
Lint 31.0.2 fails with java.util.NoSuchElementException: Array is empty.
Network Inspector |
AS Flamingo Network Inspector rules dont work
New Code/Templates |
Plugin repositories in new project wizard leads to slower first-time sync
Profilers |
Save (or copy) traces recorded by Macrobenchmark library
Release Bundle/APKs |
Export build to folder ending with a Space
Run |
Unable to run Activity from the gutter menu
Running Devices |
Device mirroring causing extremely high CPU usage on phone
Android Studio Iguana | 2023.2.1 Canary 4
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.3.0-alpha04
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Don't check for the existence of manifest overlay files during configuration phase
Broken link to Gradle doc on MergeJavaResWorkAction error
Gradle 8.1 breaks configuration caching due to .gradle/.android/analytics.settings
AGP should not use ProjectComponentIdentifier.projectPath without
Editing |
Unresolved reference in IDE for safeargs-generated classes
Import/Sync |
StopGradleDaemonsAction runs on the UI thread
Recommended AGP version is 3.3.2
Network Inspector |
AS Flamingo Network Inspector rules dont work
Release Bundle/APKs |
"APK(s) generated successfully..." message is misleading when APK file isn't modified.
Resources |
"Remove Unused Resources" does not work when selecting module in the project view
Android Studio Iguana | 2023.2.1 Canary 3
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.3.0-alpha03
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Execution failed for task ':app:mergeReleaseClasses' after Updating AGP from 8.0.2 to 8.1.0
[Gradle 8.4][upgrade] Integration test failure after upgrade due to use of deprecated feature in kotlin gradle plugin
App Quality Insights |
AQI tool window shows always users count from event count
App Quality Insight shows invalid OS version
Baseline Profiles & ProfileInstaller |
Gradle plugin isn't compatible with 8.3 alphas
Code Editor |
"Incorrect formatting" firing on layout XML files based on incorrect setting value
Gradle Files Editor |
Version catalog shows unused symbols in Groovy when names are nested
Resources |
Android Studio hangs with indirect resource reference to duplicate name
Android Studio Iguana | 2023.2.1 Canary 2
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.3.0-alpha02
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Minimum Gradle version check does not run on the second build and after
Compose Preview |
DropdownMenu expanded in incorrect position in Preview Interactive Mode
Code using the vibrator crashes the compose preview
Compose Preview broken when using HTML text with b-Tags
Design Tools |
Design goes blank when inserting tab widget
Import/Sync |
Studio complains about unsupported modules during gradle sync
Unclear error/warning after project sync
IntelliJ |
Android Studio Iguana - Start Failed - NPE in BytecodeTransformerAdapter
Layout Editor |
BufferedInputStream cannot be cast to class AssetManager$AssetInputStream
Lint Integration |
DuplicatePlatformClasses lint error from testImplementation dependency
Modularize Refactor |
Modularize does not list modules in any specific order
Network Inspector |
Error in logs: "lateinit property model has not been initialized"
Resource Manager |
Resource Manager doesn't show drawables with custom color attributes
Resource Manager crops some vector drawables
Running Tests |
Unit tests will not rerun
Shrinker (R8) |
R8 doesn't work after upgrade from AGP 8.0.2 to 8.1.0
Android Studio Iguana Canary 1 (2023.2.1.1)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.3.0-alpha01
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Build cache is redundant for PackageForUnitTest task
[AGP 8.1.0] ./gradlew test fails with "Unable to find manifest output" if both splits.abi.isEnable and testOptions.unitTests.isIncludeAndroidResources are true
AGP model building fails with nested gradle composite builds
Resource shrinker mangles resource IDs, leading to runtime crashes
Android SDK Upgrade Assistant |
Target SDK Upgrade Assistant never loads
Baseline Profiles & ProfileInstaller |
Profgen - option to output all DM files simultaneously
Build Variants |
Switch active variant when default variant changes
Conflicts in the Build Variants window should be on the consumer project rather than the producer
C++ Build |
C++ plugin reports preprocessor errors on gradlew
C++ Editor |
Updating symbols constantly which blocks building
Short-circuit C/C++ Analyses when there are no C/C++ projects
Code Analysis |
Proguard awareness highlights @interface type as invalid
Debugger |
Compose Preview attempts to open for external libraries
JVM_IR evaluate expression fails to evaluate fragments with SAM wrappers
For Compose Preview, Split-view seems to be an over-aggressive default
Gradle Files Editor |
[Version Catalog] False positive on unused dependency alias when used in bundles
Import/Sync |
UI for "Gradle JDK" does not synchronize field content
GradleProjectInfo.setSkipStartupActivity is still being used
Unable to make progress running work.
Hide Java main method run configurations in gutter for Android modules
Studio fails to handle included builds that are symlinked
Layout Editor |
XML design preview size resets as cursor moves around
layout xml: design-left-component tree ,select a component and can't use ctrl+B hotkey to code
Layout Inspector |
Debug app crashes sometimes when Layout Inspector is active
Lint |
[Lint] TranslucentViewDetector crashes in filterIncident function and causes lint to produce wrong result
TranslucentViewDetector should accept "behind" value
Android Lint fails on a KMP library with `property '' doesn't have a configured value.`
TranslucentViewDetector report wrong line in manifest
lintDebug falsely reports UseTomlInstead warnings when using project dependencies
Unexpected issues from another project flagged by Android Lint
Logcat |
The color of Logcat tag indicators cannot be changed
Logcat soft-wrap not working
Resource Manager |
Create Resource Folder is missing Directory
Resources |
Find usages/go to definition does not work for androidTest resources
Resource references are not resolved under androidTest
R class for a library isn't recognized from androidTest source set
Run |
Cannot save Dynamic features settings on run/debug configurations
Content and code samples on this page are subject to the licenses described in the Content License. Java and OpenJDK are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Last updated 2024-04-09 UTC.
"type": "thumb-down",
"id": "missingTheInformationINeed",
"label":"Missing the information I need"
"type": "thumb-down",
"id": "tooComplicatedTooManySteps",
"label":"Too complicated / too many steps"
"type": "thumb-down",
"id": "outOfDate",
"label":"Out of date"
"type": "thumb-down",
"id": "samplesCodeIssue",
"label":"Samples / code issue"
"type": "thumb-down",
"id": "otherDown",
"type": "thumb-up",
"id": "easyToUnderstand",
"label":"Easy to understand"
"type": "thumb-up",
"id": "solvedMyProblem",
"label":"Solved my problem"
"type": "thumb-up",
"id": "otherUp",
{"lastModified": "Last updated 2024-04-09 UTC."}