Android Studio Giraffe Closed Issues
Stay organized with collections
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Android Studio Giraffe | 2022.3.1 Patch 4
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.1.4
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Do not run dexing task on subprojects' classes when they are already dex'd through artifact transforms
Android Studio Giraffe | 2022.3.1 Patch 3
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.1.3
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
[AGP 8.1.0] ./gradlew test fails with "Unable to find manifest output" if both splits.abi.isEnable and testOptions.unitTests.isIncludeAndroidResources are true
Build failure after updating to AGP 8.1
Android Studio Giraffe | 2022.3.1 Patch 2
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.1.2
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
androidResources is not available in the android library module
[AGP 8.1.0] ./gradlew test fails with "Unable to find manifest output" if both splits.abi.isEnable and testOptions.unitTests.isIncludeAndroidResources are true
Database Inspector |
Android Studio 2022.3.1 Giraffe is missing database inspector
Shrinker (R8) |
Kotlin 1.9 causes Kotlin lambdas to be destroyed by R8 if nullchecks are stripped
R8 fails with "Undefined value encountered during compilation" for play-services-measurement-21.3.0-runtime.jar
Android Studio Giraffe | 2022.3.1 Patch 1
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.1.1
Fixed Issues |
Code Editor |
large webp images takes up half of coding area
Dexer (D8) |
Java 16 Records: equals(null) throws NullPointerException
Live Edit |
Out of date: "AGENT_ERROR"
Shrinker (R8) |
java.lang.VerifyError: Verifier rejected class
Build gets stuck on :minifyReleaseWithR8 when using Apache POI library
Rejecting invocation when enable r8 optimize
NoClassDefFoundError for java.lang.reflect.Executable
Android Studio Giraffe Stable (2022.3.1.18)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.1.0
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
generateLocaleConfig in agp 8.1.0 uses non-deterministic ordering, breaking reproducible builds
Shrinker (R8) |
Crash with Verification error on Android 12+
Android Studio Giraffe RC 01 (2022.3.1.17)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.1.0-rc01
Fixed Issues |
Shrinker (R8) |
dex-startup-optimization results in java.lang.VerifyError: Rejecting class
TargetSDKVersion Upgrade Assistant |
Filters that yield XML elements currently cause the corresponding step to be hidden, always
Android Studio Giraffe Beta 05 (2022.3.1.16)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.1.0-beta05
Fixed Issues |
Android SDK Upgrade Assistant |
Upgrade assistant incorrectly suggests updating to targetSdk 33
Shrinker (R8) |
A corner case in VirtualDispatchMethodArgumentPropagator.shouldActivateMethodStateGuardedByBounds() method
Android Studio Giraffe Beta 04 (2022.3.1.15)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.1.0-beta04
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Bug: "Enable KSP and use the KSP processor for this dependency instead" just goes to a website
Gradle 8.1 breaks configuration caching due to .gradle/.android/analytics.settings
Compose Preview |
Dexer (D8) |
agp 8.1.0 regression with API 21 - F/dex2oat ( 4176): art/compiler/driver/] Check failed: !method->IsAbstract()
Shrinker (R8) |
R8 on AGP 8 breaks Google Fit service
Including source file information with residual names that overlap input names is not correctly represented
R8 fails during Compose build with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Simple StringBuilder related code misses tail call to append in release or debuggable=false mode
Android Studio Giraffe Beta 03 (2022.3.1.14)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.1.0-beta03
Fixed Issues |
Compose |
Wear Compose tooling multi previews not working
Editing |
Essential highlighting accumulates gutter icons
IDE keeps flashing very fast after being moved from one display to another
Android Studio Giraffe Beta 02 (2022.3.1.13)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.1.0-beta02
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Request: let the IDE offer a fix for "PermittedSubclasses requires ASM9"
Debugger |
Error when trying to debug android test of library from AS
Deployment |
Android Studio install and launch app twice on debug
Import/Sync |
Just updated to Flamingo and I cant sync my project. Getting unsupported java
Shrinker (R8) |
VerifyError: Verifier rejected class when using R8 with Kotlin 1.8.20
Android Studio Giraffe Beta 01 (2022.3.1.12)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.1.0-beta01
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Custom source types should create multi-flavor sourcesets
DependenciesInfoBuilder needs API update + doc
DexingNoClasspathTransform (minSdk >= 24) with Java 11 target fails due to missing nest members
DslExtension.Builder.extendProjectWith() not working as described in Groovy
Add VariantSelector.withFlavor API that doesn't use kotlin.Pair
AndroidLintAnalysisTask ( :lintAnalyzeExternalRelease) has a cache miss because `proguard.txt` has changed
App merged manifest contains extractNativeLibs and useEmbeddedDex attributes from dependencies
AGP: Expose path to AIDL tool and framework AIDL file as public API
Apply Changes |
ApplyChangesAction: ClassCastException: class com.intellij.execution.DefaultExecutionTarget cannot be cast to class
Deployment |
Tiles and Complication Launchers not working in Android Studio Giraffe Canary 6
Design Tools |
Use "postSplashScreenTheme" attribute for the default theme in design tools
Import/Sync |
The org.gradle.util.VersionNumber type has been deprecated.
Report internal errors as a sync issue
Surface actual sync exceptions intead of "No variants found for..."
Logcat |
High memory use (1.4GB) in MessageBacklog
Should we hide Studio-internal logging from the package:mine filter?
New Project Wizard |
Version catalog should use a single version for all AGP plugins
ProfileInstaller & Baseline Profiles |
NullPointerException in profgen-cli
Resources |
When values directories are removed, Studio still thinks the languages defined there exist
SDK Manager |
Android SDK settings entry shall be under "Languages & Frameworks"
Upgrade Assistant |
Do not remove android:useEmbeddedDex from source manifests
Do not add useLegacyPackaging DSL for library modules
Wear |
Wear Pairing assistant fails on emulator 33.1.3
Android Studio Giraffe Canary 11 (2022.3.1.11)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.1.0-alpha11
Fixed Issues |
Dexer (D8) |
Core library desugaring crashing app after recent updates.
Gradle |
Ignore sync changes is missing keymap option
Import/Sync |
[Giraffe | 2022.3.1 Canary 8] Red underlines in build.gradle.kts file for new project
Logcat |
Logcat V2 - Unable to use regex filter with spaces or parentheses
Android Studio Giraffe | 2022.3.1 Canary 9 logcat doesnt work with package:mine filter
Release Bundle/APKs |
Generate signed bundle error (Deleting all alias in keystore when creating a new one)
Android Studio Giraffe Canary 10 (2022.3.1.10)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.1.0-alpha10
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Can we remove AnalyticsRecordingTask?
Content of output-metadata.json is not consistent
Setting JVM toolchain does not affect JavaCompile targetCompatibility value
Navigation deepLink entries with wildcard domains don't have an `android:host` attribute in merged manifest
processDebugMainManifest task is failed since Android Gradle Plugin 8.1
Android Studio doesn't respect the STUDIO_GRADLE_JDK environment variable
C++ Editor |
C++ editor: syntax highlighting is not working beyond basic pattern matching
Compose Preview |
Compose preview cannot show the resource of content in my project [android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Could not resolve resource value: 0xAAE61.]
Code using the vibrator crashes the compose preview
Database Inspector |
Android Studio Canary shows no icon for `App Inspection`
Design Tools |
Preview xml : Failed to instantiate one or more classes
Changed device for preview in Android Studio`s editor is not saved after exit.
Device File Explorer |
Can't use speed search on process table
Device Manager |
Device Manager device list does not show extension level
Layout Editor |
Bug: missing views in the layout designer : ViewSwitcher and ViewAnimator
Lint |
Reformatting just the inserted code of a replace fix
Lint: intention preview throws exception for ReplaceStringQuickFix
Motion Editor |
MotionLayout: If I change id o fa view object, the function will duplicate the old one and create another new view object.
There is no option to collapse the MotionEditor
Motion editor is not showing with data binding
Navigation Editor |
New Destination dialog
Cannot switch the Navigation graph preview orientation by hotkey 'O' now?
Arguments in Navigation Map with CAPS
Bug in Navigation editor - All destinations shown in landscape
navigation xml editor should show an error when a fragment class is abstract
Kotlin SafeArgs fails with default value for parcelable in action
Profilers |
After is gone from Android SDK, there seems no way to get working trace for `audio` category
Resource Manager |
New Resource Directory dialog doesn't offer androidTest/ as source set
"Create Image Asset" option is constantly not generating the right files, I'll need to run it twice sometimes, sometimes it generates a file then deletes that file when I try to open it
Android Studio Giraffe Canary 9 (2022.3.1.9)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.1.0-alpha09
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Setting JVM toolchain does not affect JavaCompile targetCompatibility value
Navigation deepLink entries with wildcard domains don't have an `android:host` attribute in merged manifest
processDebugMainManifest task is failed since Android Gradle Plugin 8.1
Can we remove AnalyticsRecordingTask?
Content of output-metadata.json is not consistent
C++ Editor |
C++ editor: syntax highlighting is not working beyond basic pattern matching
Compose Preview |
apiLevel=21 is ignored in @Preview with regards to applying android:statusBarColor from the right themes.xml file
Compose preview cannot show the resource of content in my project [android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Could not resolve resource value: 0xAAE61.]
Design Tools |
Preview xml : Failed to instantiate one or more classes
Changed device for preview in Android Studio`s editor is not saved after exit.
Layout Editor |
Bug: missing views in the layout designer : ViewSwitcher and ViewAnimator
Motion Editor |
MotionLayout: If I change id o fa view object, the function will duplicate the old one and create another new view object.
There is no option to collapse the MotionEditor
Motion editor is not showing with data binding
Navigation Editor |
New Destination dialog
Bug in Navigation editor - All destinations shown in landscape
Cannot switch the Navigation graph preview orientation by hotkey 'O' now?
Arguments in Navigation Map with CAPS
Android Studio Giraffe Canary 8 (2022.3.1.8)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.1.0-alpha08
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
namespace property probably belongs to HasAndroidResources
Can't disable "Gradle files have changed since last project sync" message
"We recommend using a newer Android Gradle plugin" when there isn't a newer one
processDebugUnitTestManifest is failing with manifest placeholders for test variants
Boolean flag for disabling compile SDK check in CheckAarMetadataTask
Build error refers to API level 34, which does not exist
Android Studio |
AS Electric Eel Running Devices Tool window loses connection to pixel watch while device mirroring
C++ Editor |
[Giraffe | 2022.3.1 Canary 2] On opening CPP file, showing infinite loader in editor.
Code Editor |
Feature request: Intention to extract string resource with placeholders from Kotlin string template
Compose Editing |
[AS] "Create @Composable function" action creates wrong parameter name
Autocomplete for rememberSaveable {} is incorrect
Consider offering an option to use a compose gutter icon to indicate composable function calls
Compose completion leaves the caret at the wrong position
Compose Preview |
Debugger |
ArrayMap debugger does not show keys
Stuck Collecting data... in debug
Running apps in debug mode does not work
Deployment |
New UI: Run bar should include `Attach debugger` action
Design Tools |
[Custom View] Previewing in the IDE a custom view that embeds a ComposeView leads to a rendering failure
Device Manager |
[Giraffe Canary 6] Local History corrupt: too many open files
UI not refreshed after -returning- from HAXM Install (3.1 RC3)
Device Manager - Unknown Error
Import/Sync |
Add a shortcut for "gradle sync"
PSD dependencies: version catalog dependency experience is different that regular dependency
Blank screen after laptop goes to sleep for multi-monitor setups
Giraffe Canary 2: UI freeze (beachball) on startup: sun.java2d.metal.MTLLayer.blitTexture
Lint |
TypographyQuotes lint check does not work on escaped quotes
TrustAllX509TrustManager lint check incorrectly flags interfaces that extends X509TrustManager
Logcat |
Exceptions shown in logcat don't use the device API to navigate to source
Logcat (new version). Clickable filename in log.
New Code/Templates |
Bug: when minSdk is 26 (Android 8) for a new project, it generates resources that aren't needed, and Lint warns about it and yet doesn't help fixing it
Templates: don't create a drawable-v24 folder when minSdkVersion >= 24
New Project Wizard |
New Jetpack Compose project that the name starts with numeral does not compile.
ProfileInstaller & Baseline Profiles |
Unite naming baselineprofiles -> baselineProfiles
Project Structure |
Version Catalogs upgrade dependency suggestion- the previous dependency version is shown as null
Project View |
Generated sources shown under `java` node in the Android view
Resources |
NestedScrollView breaks XML autocomplete under unknown circumstances
no asset name validation in new image asset screen
SDK Manager |
Missing API Level information when upgrading system images
"HAXM can only be installed on Windows" error message is displayed on Windows
Translations Editor |
Translations Editor doesn't load
Android Studio Giraffe Canary 7 (2022.3.1.7)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.1.0-alpha07
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
processDebugUnitTestManifest is failing with manifest placeholders for test variants
Code Editor |
Feature request: Intention to extract string resource with placeholders from Kotlin string template
Compose Editing |
Consider offering an option to use a compose gutter icon to indicate composable function calls
Compose completion leaves the caret at the wrong position
Autocomplete for rememberSaveable {} is incorrect
Debugger |
ArrayMap debugger does not show keys
Stuck Collecting data... in debug
Device Manager |
UI not refreshed after -returning- from HAXM Install (3.1 RC3)
Import/Sync |
PSD dependencies: version catalog dependency experience is different that regular dependency
Blank screen after laptop goes to sleep for multi-monitor setups
Giraffe Canary 2: UI freeze (beachball) on startup: sun.java2d.metal.MTLLayer.blitTexture
Logcat |
Logcat (new version). Clickable filename in log.
Project Structure |
Version Catalogs upgrade dependency suggestion- the previous dependency version is shown as null
SDK Manager |
"HAXM can only be installed on Windows" error message is displayed on Windows
Missing API Level information when upgrading system images
Android Studio Giraffe Canary 6 (2022.3.1.6)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.1.0-alpha06
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
processDebugUnitTestManifest is failing with manifest placeholders for test variants
Code Editor |
Feature request: Intention to extract string resource with placeholders from Kotlin string template
Compose Editing |
Consider offering an option to use a compose gutter icon to indicate composable function calls
Debugger |
Stuck Collecting data... in debug
Device Manager |
UI not refreshed after -returning- from HAXM Install (3.1 RC3)
Import/Sync |
PSD dependencies: version catalog dependency experience is different that regular dependency
Logcat |
Logcat (new version). Clickable filename in log.
Project Structure |
Version Catalogs upgrade dependency suggestion- the previous dependency version is shown as null
SDK Manager |
"HAXM can only be installed on Windows" error message is displayed on Windows
Missing API Level information when upgrading system images
Android Studio Giraffe Canary 5 (2022.3.1.5)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.1.0-alpha05
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
ClassNotFoundException in dynamic feature that depends directly on Kotlin library subproject
Blank screen after laptop goes to sleep for multi-monitor setups
Giraffe Canary 2: UI freeze (beachball) on startup: sun.java2d.metal.MTLLayer.blitTexture
Android Studio Giraffe Canary 4 (2022.3.1.4)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.1.0-alpha04
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Upgrading to AGP 7.4 results in a StackOverflowError
Import/Sync |
[Flamingo | 2022.2.1 Canary 6][Mac M1]Default JDK Version is 11.0.5 instead of 17.0.4
Cannot invoke GradleSyncListener.syncFailed" because "syncListener" is null
Gradle sync failed on AS 2022.3.1 Canary 2
Android Studio Giraffe Canary 2 (2022.3.1.2)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.1.0-alpha02
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
[Android Studio : Flamingo | 2022.2.1 Canary 8] is packaged inside the APK
KGP reads manifest during configuration, invalidating configuration cache on manifest change
Build warning message unclear when problem in merged manifest
Compose Preview |
"Render issues" found while rendering Compose previews, but the Problems tab is empty
Deployment |
com.intellij.diagnostic.PluginException: 345 ms to call on EDT DeviceAndSnapshotComboBoxAction#update@NavBarToolbar
Emulator |
Record Screen hangs when switching emulators during recording
Import/Sync |
Updating does not start a new Gradle daemon
Installer |
Android Studio Electric Eel | 2022.1.1 can't open Windows 11
Lint |
Lint false positive about remember after Kotlin upgrade to 1.8.0
False positive Lint warning for SDK_INT checks performed inside a method with a enum parameter
New Project Wizard |
Sluggish painting performance in the new project template chooser
Running Devices |
Loading of Quickboot snapshot always fails and takes the emulator with it
SDK Manager |
NDK fails to install due to checksum error
Android Studio Giraffe Canary 1 (2022.3.1.1)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.1.0
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
`` issues with configuration cache
Adding to Java resources using AGP APIs breaks configuration cache
Build Analyzer |
NPE in TasksTreeStructure.updateStructure (Build Analyzer)
Compose Editing |
Autocomplete is unclear and adds redundant trailing lambda
Deployment |
com.intellij.diagnostic.PluginException: 345 ms to call on EDT DeviceAndSnapshotComboBoxAction#update@NavBarToolbar
Emulator |
Privacy warning has to be shown when user enables device mirroring in Settings
Gradle |
I can't set gradle JDK to simply point at JAVA_HOME like I can in IntelliJ IDEA.
Import/Sync |
JDK missing from the IDE
useLibrary is ignored by the IDE // Android "Car" library resolution fails (red in IDE): OK in ArticFox/Bumblebee, failing in Chipmunk
Lint |
Lint only checks safe casts for directly implemented interfaces, not inherited ones
Lint doesn't check valid casts for call receivers
TypedArray#close (API 31) not desugared but AS does not display warning when used in try-with-resources
Bug: false positive warning of "The 'BC' provider is deprecated and as of Android P..."
Logcat |
Request: remove max duration of screen recording of 3 minutes
SDK Manager |
NDK fails to install due to checksum error
Content and code samples on this page are subject to the licenses described in the Content License. Java and OpenJDK are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Last updated 2024-11-07 UTC.
[[["Easy to understand","easyToUnderstand","thumb-up"],["Solved my problem","solvedMyProblem","thumb-up"],["Other","otherUp","thumb-up"]],[["Missing the information I need","missingTheInformationINeed","thumb-down"],["Too complicated / too many steps","tooComplicatedTooManySteps","thumb-down"],["Out of date","outOfDate","thumb-down"],["Samples / code issue","samplesCodeIssue","thumb-down"],["Other","otherDown","thumb-down"]],["Last updated 2024-11-07 UTC."],[],[]]