Android Studio 2022.1.1 Closed Issues
Stay organized with collections
Save and categorize content based on your preferences.
Android Studio Electric Eel Patch 2 (2022.1.1.21)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.4.2
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
DexingFileDependenciesTask.outputKeepRules is a directory but is marked as an OutputFile
`AnnotationProcessorOptions.arguments are queried` error when updating to 7.4 Beta 1
processDebugUnitTestManifest is failing with manifest placeholders for test variants
Compose Preview |
Compose Preview broken when using HTML text with b-Tags
Running Previews from library modules does not work
Layout Editor |
Exception in Layout editor
Shrinker (R8) |
AGP 7.4.0/7.3.1 - Attempt to enqueue an action in a non pushable enqueuer work list
`:app:minifyVariantWithR8` throws a NullPointerException in AGP 7.4.0-beta02
R8: ClassNotFoundException when -allowaccessmodification
Android Studio Electric Eel Patch 1 (2022.1.1.20)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.4.1
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Migrate from destination property to outputLocation property to address deprecation warning and prepare for Gradle 9.0
AGP 7.4.0-rc01 breaks Variant API with "Querying the mapped value of map(provider(java.util.Set)) before task '...' has completed is not supported"
Installer |
Android Studio Electric Eel | 2022.1.1 can't open Windows 11
Logcat |
Cannot type @ (conflict from logcat shortcut)
Android Studio Electric Eel Stable (2022.1.1.19)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.4.0
This release includes minor fixes and improvements.
Android Studio Electric Eel RC 3 (2022.1.1.18)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.4.0-rc03
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
VerifyError: [0x7] register v5 has type Precise Reference: int[] but expected Integer
Shrinker (R8) |
NPE / assertion error in CF frame verifier
Android Studio Electric Eel RC 2 (2022.1.1.17)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.4.0-rc02
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
r8.jvmArgs don't get used
Deployment |
Fragment |
Fragment DialogFragmentCallbacksDetector Lint is broken when I upgrade to lint 30.4.x (AGP 7.4.x)
Import/Sync |
No run configurations created for modules with "" Gradle plugin
Frozen IDE attempting kotlin method refactor in large project
Lint |
Lint: NPE due to querying Application instance in mergeOnly mode
Shrinker (R8) |
[R8 3.3.68] Crash on some Android 6 devices after upgrading from R8 3.2
Latest version with okhttp 3.12.13 crashes on Android API 16
R8 doesn't properly obfuscate enum constant values for Kotlin enum class
R8 stripping out unused field, causes NPE in the code down below in the class constructor.
Creating an D8 AppInfo for horizontal merging may invalidate D8 type assumptions
Android Studio Electric Eel RC 1 (2022.1.1.16)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.4.0-rc01
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
AGP 7.4.0-alpha09 generates builds that won't upload into Firebase App Distribution
Compose Preview |
jetified font/myfont.xml does not exist (or is not a file)
Import/Sync |
OutputBuildAction has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime
Kotlin Plugin |
Regression in EE: Extracting a method sometimes doesn't work
Profilers |
Bottom Up view of simpleperf trace not populating correctly in Flamingo C6
Release Bundle/APKs |
'Generate Signed Bundle / APK' - destination path should depend on the module
Running Tests |
Every time I run unit tests with coverage I have to recompile (twice)
Upgrade Assistant |
Upgrade assistant does not handle settings plugin
Android Studio Electric Eel Beta 5 (2022.1.1.15)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.4.0-beta05
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Gradle 8.0-milestone-2 causes exception in AGP
Layout Editor |
138MB memory leak in CustomViewPreviewRepresentation
Shrinker (R8) |
[R8 4.0.30] Cannot constrain type: LONG for value: v147 by constraint: OBJECT
Android Studio Electric Eel Beta 4 (2022.1.1.14)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.4.0-beta04
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Add gradle-settings-api to the javadoc generation
Device Manager |
Editing an AVD enables the Device Frame, ignoring previous setting
Android Studio Electric Eel Beta 3 (2022.1.1.13)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.4.0-beta03
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Stop creating androidJacocoAnt configuration if coverage is not enabled
Using @IntDef in a library component doesn't generate in the aar
Take `--release` flag into account when setting up JavaCompile task
Overriding resources with resValue in build.gradle leads to Error: Duplicate resources
generated source directory listed as Java directory in lint model's main source provider
Gradle sync failed: Sync failed: reason unknown
DependencyReportTask is incompatible with the configuration cache
Unable to find common super type for and
Using dynamic features and resource shrinking cause runtime crash
Migrate from destination property to outputLocation property to address deprecation warning and prepare for Gradle 9.0
'debug' build type has default signing key, others do not
C++ Debugger |
Native breakpoints not working since Android Studio 2021.1.1
Code Editor |
Extracting string resource may include qoutes (" ")
Inspection "RegExp" > "Redundant character escape" mistakes "\\}" as redundant
Compose Editing |
Jetpack Compose syntax highlighting is inconsistent
Compose Preview |
DropdownMenu expanded in incorrect position in Preview Interactive Mode
Debugger |
Debug sources default to compileSdkVersion instead of the emulator version
Dependency Management |
Remove ancient build-tools
Emulator |
Screen mirroring Tap disconnect the device
Import/Sync |
Cherry-pick platform fix for IDEA-303282
Compiler options are not included with IDE Gradle sync
IllegalStateException: Build (name=':') not found
Kotlin Multiplatform project fails to import in AS 2022.1.1 Beta 1
Layout Editor |
Time View Widgets
Design preview no longer working if any attribute is missing from theme
incorrect default inputType for editText
Incorrect handling of gravity attribute in blueprint view
Support for sampledata directories to be picked up transitively for use in multi-module projects
RTL Refactoring tries to edit App Compat files
Duplicate options on Component Tree in design mode of layout editor
Android Studio is adding absolute position attributes on ConstraintLayout Groups
XML preview Render Problem with font_family
Custom Views Preview Error
Suggestion: Cell of Item property view should be size changeable
Lint |
Lint false positive Recycle regarding openInputStream
[BuildTool/Lint] ChecksSdkIntAtLeast constructor property
Logcat |
[LogcatV2] Wrong hotkey hint if you change default `control + space`
Logs stopped showing on console
Network Inspector |
Network Inspector displays requests twice if the OkHttpClient was built from another OkHttpClient using newBuilder()
New Code/Templates |
An empty meta-data tag added to new projects
Android Studio Electric Eel Beta 2 (2022.1.1.12)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.4.0-beta02
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
MergeGeneratedProguardFilesCreationAction configuration is slow even with configuration caching on
Add a gradle property version of LINT_PRINT_STACKTRACE=true
[AGP] Add generated source directory to IDE model (Variant API)
Android Gradle Plugin should not use the deprecated ConfigureUtil.configure(closure, target) function
Warn when proguard files do not exist
AGP tries to add kotlinOptions.freeCompilerArgs on task execution phase
apksig library: ApkVerifier$Result.getV4SchemeSigners() is marked private
Stale prefab artifacts being packaged into AAR
JavaPluginConvention and HasConvention is deprecated
[AGP-7.3.0-beta03] ShrinkResourcesNewShrinkerTask is failed when there is an empty line after xml declaration
lintVital target run by default in a debug variant
Don't add ignorewarnings to R8 by default
AGP 7.3.0 breaks gradle sync for gradle platform projects
APK Viewer |
APK Analyzer Table Column Headings Lack Padding
Dialog label alignment incorrect
Show contents of .version files in APK Analyzer
AVD Manager |
Bug on AVD Manager Error: Unable to locate adb but adb.exe is on path.
Background Task Inspector |
Background task inspector
Code Editor |
Extracting string resource may include qoutes (" ")
SQL context highlighting does not work in Room 2.5.0
Suggested name for Extract String Resource sometimes empty
Debugger |
Debug sources default to compileSdkVersion instead of the emulator version
Device Manager |
Improper sorting in Device Manager
Ambiguous results in Action Search Menu when searching for 'Device Manager'
Emulator |
Turn off device screen while mirroring
unable to download the image for Android 12.0 without Google APIs for the ABI arm64-v8a on my MacBook Pro 14
Import/Sync |
Gradle Project Import fails after upgrade from Chipmunk Patch 2 (2021.2.1)
Support new KMP source layout
Allow tests for syncing with old versions of AGP to handle new namespace DSL
Kotlin Plugin |
Refactor -> Modularize tool doesn't work with Kotlin code
Lint |
ResourceType lint check is not working for kotlin sources
VersionChecks doesn't handle Kotlin range checks
False positive for InlinedApi when wrapped
Logcat |
Logcat issues
Logcat Shows Banner "All logs entries are hidden by the filter" When Device is Disconnected
Please, bring back the ability to customize the logcat font size
Modularize Refactor |
AS 3.3 alpha8: Modularize... refactoring is greyed out
Navigation |
If the namespace is moved to build.gradle, the build fails with an unreferenceable R declaration.
New Code/Templates |
Incorrect comment in Tabbed Activity template
Too Narrow Module Name
New Project Wizard |
Version Distribution Screen is Too Big and Can't Be Scrolled.
Project View |
Package name is not updated in the sidebar after renaming
Release Bundle/APKs |
Keystore generation does not escape or quote arguments
Resources |
Background transparent SVG files change to yellow
Can't extract string resource from kotlin if it contains line breaks
Android Studio silently replacing drawable resource
Convert to WebP action should work for launcher icons
SDK Manager |
SdkManager displays toString on RemotePackage
Clip art icons directory causes severe delays in SDK Manager
Translations Editor |
Translation Editor doesn't differentiate between Serbian Cyrilic and Serbian Latin. Also a lot of locales are missing from Translation Editor
Multiple columns are overwritten when pasting text
Translation editor: keep resource files not place all of them to strings.xml
Adding a string in Translation Editor adds resource twice (AS Bumblebee)
Upgrade Assistant |
Support change to package name for AndroidTest
Migrate AndroidManifest.xml's package attribute to namespace DSL
Android Studio Electric Eel Beta 1 (2022.1.1.11)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.4.0-beta01
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Component.sources does not give access to the "resources" files
Flaky build failure in MergeResources task
SourceDirectories.addGeneratedSourceDirectory does not wire correctly for android Resources
kotlin-android-extensions plugin breaks when `package` attribute missing from AndroidManifest.xml
Android Gradle Plugin should not use the deprecated GUtil.toWords(string) function
Android Gradle Plugin should not use the deprecated ConfigureUtil.configure(closure, target) function
New "unknown enum constant" from javac on AGP 7.4.0-alpha09
There should be a sync error when namespace == testNamespace
AGP duplicates res/ folders at top-level of generated AARs
JavaPluginConvention and HasConvention is deprecated
Wrong and inconsistent file location for new transform API
Update AGP tests to use KGP 1.7.20-Beta
Gradle 7.4 fails (could not create instance of AnalyticsService)
Variant API: In AGP 7.1+, updates to new variant objects are not forwarded to old variant objects
Build Analyzer |
Gradle Build keeps running indefinitely after successful build
C++ Editor |
External C++ .h cannot be located in Android project view
Code Editor |
Disable wildcard imports by default for Kotlin projects in Android Studio
Deployment |
Project leak via AndroidProcessHandler/SingleDeviceAndroidProcessMonitor
Device Manager |
Device Manager shows Auto images for phone selection
Dexer (D8) |
Provide precise warning for the need to turn on lamdba desugaring
Emulator |
Android TV Hardware profile shows incorrect device size
Import/Sync |
Sync fails with "Cannot find a variant matching build type and product flavors"
Cannot sync project with KMP module in Chipmunk with MPSS
Kotlin Multiplatform: Unresolved reference
Avoid querying for KMP models in order to determine if a module is a KMP one
//tools/adt/idea/ fails on JDK17
Kotlin Multiplatform project fails to import in AS 2022.1.1 Canary 10
Please sort build variants alphabetically
Missing flavor dimensions crashes sync
Lint |
Backticks appearing when applying annotation autofix with use-site target
LintFixPerformer's shortenNames incorrectly shortening names with same prefix
Fix flaking lintAnalyze tasks
Lint Integration |
AGP 7.0.0 Alpha 14 Lint RAM Usage Unbounded
Memory |
Memory Profile tool showing 0.2 GB instead of 150 MB
Project Structure |
misleading dependency update suggestion
Project View |
Project tool window -> Android view: Class visibility icons not showing
build.gradle and proguard files mixed in Project View in Electric Eel Canary 9
"Write-unsafe context!" exception in GradleModuleModel.getBuildFile
Release Bundle/APKs |
AGP: Cannot publish a specific build type in a multi-variant setup
SDK Manager |
writeInstallerMetadata does not log the IOException when failing to create a directory
Upgrade Assistant |
AGP Upgrade assistant should handle projects using android.disableAutomaticComponentCreation
Android Studio Electric Eel Canary 10 (2022.1.1.10)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.4.0-alpha10
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Component.sources does not give access to the "resources" files
SourceDirectories.addGeneratedSourceDirectory does not wire correctly for android Resources
AGP ignores jniLibs overrides from 7.3.0-alpha08
kotlin-android-extensions plugin breaks when `package` attribute missing from AndroidManifest.xml
| Couldn't delete res.jar
There should be a sync error when namespace == testNamespace
AGP duplicates res/ folders at top-level of generated AARs
Compose with KMM - Backend Internal error: Exception during IR lowering
App Quality Insights |
Please stop showing the Crashlytics banner when Studio starts up
Build Analyzer |
Gradle Build keeps running indefinitely after successful build
C++ Build |
stable output location for compile_commands.json
Data Binding |
LayoutBindingModuleCaches leak via message bus
Dexer (D8) |
Provide precise warning for the need to turn on lamdba desugaring
Import/Sync |
Sync fails with "Cannot find a variant matching build type and product flavors"
Kotlin Multiplatform: Unresolved reference
Code Inspection doesn't seem to work.
Please sort build variants alphabetically
Missing flavor dimensions crashes sync
Infrastructure |
prepareKotlinBuildScriptModel failing with prefab dir not readable
Lint |
Backticks appearing when applying annotation autofix with use-site target
LintFixPerformer's shortenNames incorrectly shortening names with same prefix
Fix flaking lintAnalyze tasks
Lint Integration |
AGP 7.0.0 Alpha 14 Lint RAM Usage Unbounded
AndroidLintAnalysisTask has cache misses due to relative path normalization
Project Structure |
misleading dependency update suggestion
Project View |
Project tool window -> Android view: Class visibility icons not showing
build.gradle and proguard files mixed in Project View in Electric Eel Canary 9
"Write-unsafe context!" exception in GradleModuleModel.getBuildFile
Release Bundle/APKs |
AGP: Cannot publish a specific build type in a multi-variant setup
Running Tests |
HTML test report for androidTest see the skipped test cases as success in success rate
SDK Manager |
writeInstallerMetadata does not log the IOException when failing to create a directory
Android Studio Electric Eel Canary 9 (2022.1.1.9)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.4.0-alpha09
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Target SDK handling changes break robolectric tests
ProcessLibraryManifest does not correctly handle deletions of library manifest files
AGP ignores jniLibs overrides from 7.3.0-alpha08
Allow running R8 out of process
Error syncing gradle
Accessing variant sources in onVariant makes standard android sources, such as buildconfig disappear
"Make Project" uses wrong version of Gradle
AGP 7.1-beta04 has a missing API and/or misleading kdoc
Upgrade to json-simple:1.1.1
Electric Eel Canary 3+ can't run JVM project using a KMP library; Gradle CLI works
Compose Preview |
androidx.media3.exoplayer.offline.Download causes no preview
Recursive call of PreviewParameterProvider causes NoSuchMethodException or empty preview without error
Deployment |
Deploying Compose Preview to device requires two gradle builds
Design Tools |
Layout validation: "androidx.viewpager2.widget.ViewPager2 is partially hidden in layout"
Import/Sync |
Make applicationIds for all variants available at sync time
KTIJ-22303: Mpp and Kotlin model cacheOriginIdentifier's do not match
Editor of unit test source fails to resolve string resource declared in another module
Sync cancelled/crashes at data importers phase is never reported to the main sync listener
Getting IDEA Project structure dialog
KMP with HMPP common code not resolving with Android-only target
Cryptic JDK location warning suggesting a problem but not defining it
Lint |
Wrong lint warning for `@Parcelize` annotation on sealed class.
`./gradlew lintDebug` not always printing specific violations
Lint's ignoreWarnings flag (-w) ignores warnings but not informational severity
Lint "AutoCloseable used without 'try'-with-resources" and "This TypedArray should be recycled after use with #recycle()" conflict
Lint initializes UAST from reporting task which should be invalid
Android Lint Report tasks are never up-to-date
Lint Integration |
AndroidLintAnalysisTask has cache misses due to relative path normalization
Logcat |
[LogcatV2] populate "level:" options earlier
Electric Eel c4: "Unable to save settings"
Project View |
Android Studio shows build.gradle twice when using symlink
Run |
Misleading exception message
Android Studio Electric Eel Canary 8 (2022.1.1.8)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.4.0-alpha08
Fixed Issues |
C++ Build |
Cannot find (fork) CMAKE after upgrading AGP from 4.1.3 to 4.2.0 / 7.2.1
Gradle Files Editor |
Warning on too low buildToolsVersion isn't accurate
Lint |
Android lint permission check flakily crashing
Android Studio Electric Eel Canary 7 (2022.1.1.7)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.4.0-alpha07
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
No ability to add "STORED" zip entries to apk after AGP introduced zipflinger in 4.1.0
Compose Preview |
Compose Previews in app modules fail to find resources in multi-module projects
Lint |
Lint crashes on empty kt files
Resources |
EEL Canary 5 - custom views unable to instantiate and display in xml editor
Testing |
Fix Unit tests execution fr directories in EE
Android Studio Electric Eel Canary 6 (2022.1.1.6)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.4.0-alpha06
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Wrong file name in output file for transforming SingleArtifact.AAR
JdkImageInput should be less sensitive to inconsequential changes
Dynamic feature conflicts with `android.uniquePackageNames`
Lint |
Lint UnusedIds incorrectly fails when using ViewBinding as suggested by official docs
Android Studio Electric Eel Canary 5 (2022.1.1.5)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.4.0-alpha05
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Gradle version check inside of AGP can be expensive
Android Gradle plugin should use Gradle toolchain configured via extension for Java compilation tasks
AGP 7.2 module unable to access module's test fixture classes
Lint crashing in Kotlin 1.7.0-RC2 build
Import/Sync |
Build problem with multiple product flavours in new version
ProjectStructureDumper does not record exported dependency flag
Android Studio Electric Eel Canary 4 (2022.1.1.4)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.4.0-alpha04
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
AGP 7.x test listener fails on MacOS since 7.0.0-beta04 (inclusive)
Remove usage of kotlin reflect in cxx code
Use target 11 when compiling AGP
AGP 7.2.0-rc01 :buildSrc:generatePrecompiledScriptPluginAccessors - shadow/bundletool/com/android/prefs/AndroidLocation$AndroidLocationException
App Development |
Translations Editor not scrollable
Code Analysis |
Lint does not run on the fly in the editor
Compose Preview |
ComposePreviewRepresentations leak through message bus connections in FastPreviewManager
Design Tools |
Image Asset ignores background color for icon
Asset Studio does not recreate .png files for Image Assets
Device Manager |
The AVD Manager picks the wrong system image
Dexer (D8) |
Explicitly enable missing API modeling in D8/R8 from AGP
First Launch |
Data Sharing dialog pop up on each launch
Import/Sync |
Failed sync should not break Build | Make project
Stop blocking on MergedManifestManager.getSnapshot() in LaunchUtils
Migrate AndroidProjectTaskRunner to non-deprecated APis
IntelliJ |
"version": "dev build" in product-info.json
Lint |
ObsoleteSdkInt doesn't catch Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= minSdkVersion
SystemPermissionTypo false positive on android.permission.WAKE_LOCK
Logcat |
[Logcat V2] We need better support for values that include spaces
2GB used by 9000 DeviceImpl held by AndroidLogcatService
Logcat Format Settings Isn't Persisted
[Logcat V2] Not all keys come with the colon when using autocomplete
Release Bundle/APKs |
Tasks invocation from Gradle tool window does not go through Android Studio infra unless at the top level
Resource Manager |
Request: offer "convert to webp" for folder's context menu, and not just to files
Android Studio 4.1 RC3 doesn't retain position in Resource Manager when deleting resources
Resource Manager can't search the value of strings
Bug: Android Studio forgets how to view resources list as a grid
Android Asset Studio prefixes files with ic_
Vector asset studio needs button tooltip
Image Asset doesn't show resource directory sorted by asc
When adding an asset image, the flavor list is in random order.
Draw 9 Patch tool should be able to zoom out to below 100%
Help button for Save As .9.png dialog
Request: allow finding items in combobox by pressing on letters on the keyboard
While creating new app icon and have shared resource folder for multiple flavors the location of the importing icon cannot be changed
New Vector Asset Dialog label cut off
Asset Studio generates white background for images even when shape set to 'none'
batch import drawables ignores locale and region
Resource Manager: Keeps defaulting to another module besides my app module
Translations Editor |
Translations Editor should write new entries at the correct position in the files
Android Studio Electric Eel Canary 3 (2022.1.1.3)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.4.0-alpha03
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
processReleaseManifest: package found in source AndroidManifest.xml false negative
Remove check that forbids usages of distributionSha256Sum in wrapper properties file
AndroidGradlePlugin version 7.2 breaks transform API when used along with ASM API
Assistant Window |
URL Assistant: The default implementation of method 'getFile' is deprecated, you need to override it
Emulator |
AS Electric Eel Canary 2 - Error hitting "Finish" on device connection assistant does nothing
Import/Sync |
Circular POM dependency breaks project import
"Duplicate content roots detected" with Android Gradle plugin 7.2.0
Lint |
SystemPermissionTypo false positive on android.permission.WAKE_LOCK
Logcat |
AS 2021.3.1 Canary 8 new logcat unable to copy text, missing option to search selected text in Google
New logcat not showing logs after the first 2 seconds
Release Bundle/APKs |
Tasks invocation from Gradle tool window does not go through Android Studio infra unless at the top level
Resources |
NPE in AarResourceRepositoryCache.createCachingData (AS Electric Eel)
Run |
Devices option is not visible and unable to run the app even though app module is available.
Updater |
Patcher on M1 does not work for EE c1 to EE c2
Upgrade Assistant |
"Cannot find AGP version in build files". What does that mean? And HOW can someone fix it?
Android Studio Electric Eel Canary 1 (2022.1.1.2)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.4.0-alpha02
Fixed Issues |
Import/Sync |
AlreadyDisposedException occurred when sync
Lint |
[Lint] Wrong Resource Type detector finds errors in valid code when code is across modules
Android Studio Electric Eel Canary 1 (2022.1.1.1)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.4.0-alpha01
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
XML newlines mangled in release builds with splits
Add desugar methods to lint model
Build Variants |
Build Variants window stuck when switching variant in the middle of sync/build
The build flavor is locked on the default ndk abi flavor, can't change it
AS cannot switch between build variants in case product flavors have non-overlapping native ABI sets
Variant switcher sometimes never finished
Switching variants with different ABIs is broken
Compose Editing |
BridgeContext.getSystemService() violates contract by throwing rather than returning null for unrecognized services
Compose Preview |
Interactive Preview stops working once I drag scrollview
Design Tools |
Shape drawable stroke with width < 1.0 is only displayed in layout Design pane if preceded by a "0"
Display of HTML string in the designer does not match what is displayed on any device/emulator I have tried
Emulator |
Option to disable clipboard sharing is gone in Android Studio Bumblebee, can't turn it off
Import/Sync | does not catch missing dependencies
Switching variants while building never finishes
Android Studio does not support Gradle nesting Composite-Build
Android Support Plugin error messages need rewording
IntelliJ |
MBP 15" 2018 Touch Bar menu is missed.
Layout Editor |
android:theme attribute on ViewGroup is ignored
Preview rendering issue when using ?android/attr:[color].
Custom view fails to display in preview when loading font
Android Studio crashes
Layout Renderer Error
Bug: no preview for customized Preferences
Preview unequal to running app | ?attr not supported in fillColor of an XML (Vector Drawable)
Render Problem cause using CameraView
Lint |
Add --offline flag to lint
InconsistentLayout does not respect baseline
Material |
Dialogs don't appear in Preview
New Project Wizard |
New Benchmark module wizard should select minSdk 23
Release Bundle/APKs |
Bundletool: Intent filter elements are not merged properly between feature modules and base modules
Upgrade Assistant |
AGP Upgrade Assistant never finishes
Content and code samples on this page are subject to the licenses described in the Content License. Java and OpenJDK are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Last updated 2024-12-13 UTC.
[[["Easy to understand","easyToUnderstand","thumb-up"],["Solved my problem","solvedMyProblem","thumb-up"],["Other","otherUp","thumb-up"]],[["Missing the information I need","missingTheInformationINeed","thumb-down"],["Too complicated / too many steps","tooComplicatedTooManySteps","thumb-down"],["Out of date","outOfDate","thumb-down"],["Samples / code issue","samplesCodeIssue","thumb-down"],["Other","otherDown","thumb-down"]],["Last updated 2024-12-13 UTC."],[],[]]