Android Studio 2021.3.1 Closed Issues
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Android Studio Dolphin Patch 1 (2021.3.1.17)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.3.1
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Running instrumented android tests via gradle fails to properly apply desugaring
AGP 7.3.0 breaks gradle sync for gradle platform projects
Dexer (D8) |
Add a public API for conflict resolution when merging DEX (for bazel to allow duplicate classes)
Import/Sync |
Gradle Project Import fails after upgrade from Chipmunk Patch 2 (2021.2.1)
Resources |
NPE in AarResourceRepositoryCache.createCachingData (AS Dolphin+)
Shrinker (R8) |
Kotlin metadata is not copied when type substituting fields
Unexpected conversion of imprecise type: TOP (everything)
Gradle 7.3.0 causing APK build error
Strip dead default constructors in compat mode.
Conflict with JetBrains Markdown
Support for ThreadLocal.withInitial(java.util.function.Supplier)
AGP 7.3 generates dex for classes with broken constructor
Unexpected attempt to determine if non-CF code needs desugaring
ktor VerifyError
Undefined value encountered during compilation thrown when processing okio-jvm 3.2.0
Compilation failure from class inlining object with indirect instance-of users
java.lang.IllegalAccessError with R8 3.3.75
Android Studio Dolphin RC 1 (2021.3.1.14)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.3.0-rc01
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Accessing variant sources in onVariant makes standard android sources, such as buildconfig disappear
AGP 7.1-beta04 has a missing API and/or misleading kdoc
AGP ignores jniLibs overrides from 7.3.0-alpha08
Compose Preview |
Compose Previews in app modules fail to find resources in multi-module projects
Dexer (D8) |
Document the compiler version required for each desugared library version
Emulator |
AS Electric Eel Canary 2 - Error hitting "Finish" on device connection assistant does nothing
Gradle Files Editor |
Warning on too low buildToolsVersion isn't accurate
Import/Sync |
Editor of unit test source fails to resolve string resource declared in another module
Code Inspection doesn't seem to work.
KTIJ-22303: Mpp and Kotlin model cacheOriginIdentifier's do not match
Logcat |
Logcat Format Settings Isn't Persisted
New logcat not showing logs after the first 2 seconds
Shrinker (R8) |
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in IntSwitch
R8: NullPointerException on AGP 7.3.0-beta02 and 7.4.0-alpha03
[R8 3.3.61] StackOverflowError from NoClassInitializerCycles
NPE in shrinker, R8 version 3.2.60
[R8 3.3.57] NoClassDefFound due to interface replaced with abstract class with higher SDK requirements
Android Studio Dolphin Beta 5 (2021.3.1.14)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.3.0-beta05
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
AGP 7.2 module unable to access module's test fixture classes
[R8 3.3.40] dex2oat speed-profile invocation appears to hang on Android 8 device
Build Variants |
Variant switcher sometimes never finished
Import/Sync |
Switching variants while building never finishes
Shrinker (R8) |
R8 3.1.7-dev and above improperly optimizes Enums, leading to NoSuchFieldError
NullPointerException during generation of dump using R8 3.3
AssertionError: Cannot compute relationship for not set
[R8 3.3.57] NoClassDefFound due to interface replaced with abstract class with higher SDK requirements
Android Studio Dolphin Beta 4 (2021.3.1.13)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.3.0-beta04
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Lint crashing in Kotlin 1.7.0-RC2 build
[R8 3.3.40] dex2oat speed-profile invocation appears to hang on Android 8 device
Import/Sync |
Build problem with multiple product flavours in new version
Logcat |
2GB used by 9000 DeviceImpl held by AndroidLogcatService
Shrinker (R8) |
IncompatibleClassChangeError with R8 - 3.3.28 (Android API < 25)
Gradle 7.2.0 causing APK build error
Android Studio Dolphin Beta 3 (2021.3.1.12)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.3.0-beta03
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
processReleaseManifest: package found in source AndroidManifest.xml false negative
Make dokka-core as compile time dependency and load it at runtime
AGP 7.2.0-rc01 :buildSrc:generatePrecompiledScriptPluginAccessors - shadow/bundletool/com/android/prefs/AndroidLocation$AndroidLocationException
Compose Preview |
ComposePreviewRepresentations leak through message bus connections in FastPreviewManager
Updater |
Patcher on M1 does not work for EE c1 to EE c2
Android Studio Dolphin Beta 2 (2021.3.1.11)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.3.0-beta02
Fixed Issues |
Android App Bundles |
bundletool does not package baseline profiles correctly
Android Gradle Plugin |
AndroidGradlePlugin version 7.2 breaks transform API when used along with ASM API
Android Studio BumbleBee does not always deploy latest changes
Transforming an AAR artifact puts the final output under intermediates
Design Tools |
Ctrl + D or “show diff” button doesn't show git diff
Dexer (D8) |
Explicitly enable missing API modeling in D8/R8 from AGP
Avoid using version with pre-release desugared library
Import/Sync |
Circular POM dependency breaks project import
"Duplicate content roots detected" with Android Gradle plugin 7.2.0
Lint |
Lint in AGP 7.2.0 hanging in ApiDetector check
InconsistentLayout does not respect baseline
[Lint] Wrong Resource Type detector finds errors in valid code when code is across modules
Run |
Devices option is not visible and unable to run the app even though app module is available.
Shrinker (R8) |
[R8 3.3.40] NoSuchMethodError due to super call to non-exsistent method
NullPointerException in desugared library during specification conversion
NullPointerException in FieldAssignmentTracker using 3.3.35
[R8 3.3.31] IncompleteHorizontalClassMergeCode unreachable exception
R8 causing VerifyError on Scala libraries
Android Studio Dolphin Beta 1 (2021.3.1.10)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.3.0-beta01
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Add desugar methods to lint model
Dexer (D8) |
Art / Dalvik VMs prior to version 8 does not support the fix for JDK-8272564
Emulator |
Option to disable clipboard sharing is gone in Android Studio Bumblebee, can't turn it off
Lint |
Add --offline flag to lint
Shrinker (R8) |
R8 3.3.28 corrupts reachable methods by putting "throw NPE" in method body.
Constructor of kept class throws NPE in Proguard compatibility mode
Android Studio Dolphin Canary 9 (2021.3.1.9)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.3.0-alpha09
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
"Similar" system images when failing to get the requested one are _not_ similar
Automated Test Devices: Not downloading the right system image? Or running the wrong one?
"We recommend using a newer Android Gradle plugin" when there isn't a newer one
Gradle Managed Device should offer compatible device type when one isn't found
kotlin-android-extensions plugin breaks when `package` attribute missing from AndroidManifest.xml
Device type/image type mismatch error is not user friendly
Gradle managed device location on disk
Build Analyzer |
Build analyzer's jetifier analysis says androidx databinding requires jetifier
Device Manager |
"Stop device" menu has disappeared from Device Manager context menu.
Emulator |
tool windows emulator error
Gradle |
Lint UnusedResources False Positive with Import Alias
Import/Sync |
Cannot sync project with KMP module in Chipmunk with MPSS
Kotlin 1.6.20 breaks KMP module depedencies
Non-actionable "LicenseNotAcceptedException"?
Module from composite build not imported in IDE
Logcat |
Logcat disconnected from device
Navigation |
Including navigation graph from different aar module breaks generating AndroidManifest.xml intent filters for deep links
Resources |
Bug: choosing to go to "implementation" of a resource doesn't go anywhere
SDK Manager |
SDK update does not work if /tmp is a symlink
SDK Manager should stop spamming log info to stdout
Android Studio Dolphin Canary 8 (2021.3.1.8)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.3.0-alpha08
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
AGP 7.1.1 Depends on Vulnerable Netty Version
Duplicate class issues reported by R8
AGP 7.1.1 does not generate RenderScript classes with disabled resource processing
Implement api/annotationProcessor/implementation resolutionStrategy for variant derived configurations
MergeSourceSetFolders launches too many worker actions
Gradle Managed Virtual Devices failing in CI (GitHub Actions)
issues related with android.defaultConfig.ndk.debugSymbolLevel
'debug' build type has default signing key, others do not
STRING_TOO_LARGE should fail build process
APK Viewer |
APK Analyzer should not say 'successfully loaded' if there were problems
AVD Manager |
avdmanager asks "Do you wish to create a custom hardware profile?" even if --silent flag was passed
It is possible to setup Android TV AVD with a portrait orientation
Android Studio 2.0: editing a Virtual Device reverts custom skin selection
AVD does not show TV landscape layout correctly in AVD selection dialog
2.7" QVGA device shows 'ldpi' in device list instead of 'mdpi', 33% size error between design and test
Android studio doesn't support emulator density of 200dpi
Download links are hidden when selecting a system image, if window is too narrow
Code Editor |
SQLite syntax highlight issue - "SELECT" can't be followed by "REPLACE"
Autocomplete id in layout editor fills field with incorrect String
Unresolved class name in proguard rules
Device Manager |
Retain emulator ordering in AVD Manager
Device Manager shows wrong path in error message when AVD was renamed inside AS
Android Studio Hangs when deleting a virtual device
IllegalArgumentException in SkinLayoutDefinition.parseFile
Editing |
Spurious syntax errors in AIDL files
Emulator |
Android Studio hosted emulator: AZERTY keyboard compatibility for the Virtual Scene Navigation
Firebase |
Firebase assistant doesn't load
First Launch |
IOException in WindowsPerformanceHintsChecker
Gradle Files Editor |
Warning about Version catalog should be more clear
Import/Sync |
Cannot sync project with KMP module in Chipmunk with MPSS
Syncing with Gradle files fails with AGP 7.3.0-alpha01 in Chipmunk Studio
Installer |
Android Studio small bug
Chipmunk Beta 1: Setup wizard doesn't calculate download size correctly
Lint |
Lint setup is broken in source-set-per-module scenario
NewApi check doesn't handle new inherited interfaces case
[Lint] "Recycle" detector incorrectly flags animations as not being started
Lint Integration |
AndroidLintAnalysisTask causes cache miss due to timestamp difference in `lint.jar`
Logcat |
Logcat autoscrolls to the end
Clearing logcat buffer breaks logcat
Logcat stops working after closing it and then opening it again
Motion Editor |
Animation inspector buttons shown as ">>" (overflow) when system fonts are larger
New Code/Templates |
Android Studio new project wizard still using deprecated function "onActivityCreated" for "Fragment + ViewModel"
New C++ project build file has duplicate externalNativeBuild block
Resources |
Unordered list in Image Asset > Confirm Icon Path > Res Directory
Bug: choosing to go to "implementation" of a resource doesn't go anywhere
XML editor doesn't warn when using apostrophe (or even ') without escaping with backslash which leads to Gradle failure
Run |
Running Tests |
Unit tests results are not displayed in Dolphin
Addd more test coverage for Unit tests
Instrumented tests fail with "Project 'X' not found in root project 'X'."
SDK Manager |
sdkmanager double dependencies issue
Every AS update = new unsolved bugs :|
SDK update does not work if /tmp is a symlink
AVDManager - "Error: Package path is not valid. Valid system image paths are:ository..."
AGP downloads SDK Tools package if only newer command line tools package is installed
SDK Manager not in Tools menu, SDK licenses not accepted, cannot continue
Testing |
GMD test failed due device provisioning error on Windows
Android Studio Dolphin Canary 7 (2021.3.1.7)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.3.0-alpha07
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Add workers to R8
Add desugar methods to lint model
Import/Sync |
"Gradle build model" Load Issue on IDE
Lint |
Lint IconMissingDensityFolder message uses absolute path in lint-baseline.xml
Move VersionChecks into API package to open up visibility
Lint's NewApi checks don't handle `when` statements in Kotlin
Android Studio Dolphin Canary 6 (2021.3.1.6)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.3.0-alpha06
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Critical Vulnerabilities in org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on:1.56
Remove baseline file input for AndroidLintAnalysisTask
Automated Test Devices: Not downloading the right system image? Or running the wrong one?
Stop including lint rule jars from .android/lint in AGP 7.2
Add desugar methods to lint model
Benchmark |
Android Studio Microbenchmark template fails to build
C++ Build |
externalNativeBuildClean runs preBuild also when using AGP 4.0.0
Find Usages |
Go to declaration doesn't work for @animator/foo (possibly anything under animated-vector)
Macrobenchmark |
Macrobenchmark template no .gitignore
ExampleStartupBenchmark documentation refers to wrong attribute
Macrobenchmark template matchingFallbacks + profileable
Macrobenchmark template wrong minSdk
ExampleStartupBenchmark uses non-existing CompilationMode.SpeedProfile
Android Studio Dolphin Canary 5 (2021.3.1.5)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.3.0-alpha05
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
On device tests fail silently when tests aren't able to run
Android studio 2021.1.1 beta5 . Gradle sync fails with "Unable to load class ''."
AGP 7.2.0-alpha05 breaks builds that use the Navigation Safe Args plugin
Vague error for invalid values.xml file
Compose Editing |
Import Auto-completion does type completion instead
Emulator |
UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to find image_converter.dll
Layout Editor |
BUG: Additional wrong spaces on layout. Tapping in layout design on any view - causing changing format in layout text
Lint |
Bug: a string template isn't considered a string when used as parameter for getString function
Navigation |
Safe Args used deprecated getApplicationIdTextResource with AGP 4.1+
SafeArgs 2.4.0-rc01 and AGP 7.1.0-rc01 incompatible
Network Inspector |
TrackedHttpURLConnection.getHeaderField crashes with NullPointerException
I am constantly getting this error when the debugger is connected on the latest version of Android Studio.
New Network inspector crashes after Bumblebee update
Resources |
Unexpected 'The resource name must begin with a character' error when a string resource starts with a '@string/string_name' reference and is followed by whitespace and any other text
Running Tests |
Unit tests results are not displayed in Dolphin
Android Studio Dolphin Canary 4 (2021.3.1.4)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.3.0-alpha04
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Add support for preview minCompileSdk libraries
"Java file outside of source root" when using manifest.srcFile
Collision during device setup if more than one sub-project declares the same device
Improve readability of CheckAarMetadataTask error messages
AGP should not use ProjectComponentIdentifier.projectPath without
`Property 'layoutInfoDirectory' doesn't have a configured value` after upgrading AGP from 7.0.4
Implement api/annotationProcessor/implementation resolutionStrategy for variant derived configurations
Assistant Window |
Emulator |
UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to find image_converter.dll
Layout Inspector |
App inspection & layout inspector & db inspector not working
Lint |
@TargetApi annotations are enforced on callers
Lint typealias test mode creates invalid typealiases with generics
Android lint NewApi regression
Memory |
Symbolication is broken for Memory Profiler
Network Inspector |
Network Inspector in BumbleBee doesn't show the api response in readable format
New Code/Templates |
Bug of error message: Argument for @NotNull parameter 'text2' of com/intellij/diff/comparison/ComparisonManagerImpl.isEquals must not be null
Running Tests |
Unit tests results are not displayed in Dolphin
Android Studio Dolphin Canary 3 (2021.3.1.3)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.3.0-alpha03
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Ensure empty dirs from local sources and runtime classpath are considered for Java resources
lateinit property projectProvider has not been initialized
AAB (resources.pb) intermittently bloated with comments from attrs.xml?
AGP ignores package name set in androidTest/AndroidManifest.xml
Assistant Window |
Change "Assistant" tool window title to include a colon
Compose Preview |
Empty Compose Preview Panel when Composable accesses Build.VERSION.SDK_INT
Layout Editor |
Absolute positions not removed for referenced views
Studio freezes on build.
Misc.xml contains local path
In the Activity Design editor, mouse wheel scrolling is smaller than expected
Bug: showing RadioButton in items of RecyclerView, it puts text to them even though they weren't set
Bug: no preview for customized Preferences
Confusing warning on Preference's entryValues
Lint |
TypographyQuotes lint check raises issue for quotes used by html tag attributes
Inconsistency between Lint and AGP suggestions on how to package native libs
AndroidLintAnalysisTask IllegalArgumentException warning because unsupported class files in META-INF
Memory |
Symbolication is broken for Memory Profiler
Navigation Editor |
Navigating to safearg shows navigation editor but not the arg
Resource Manager |
Testing |
AGP 7.2.0-alpha06, espresso tests, colon in produced artifact name
Android Studio Dolphin Canary 2 (2021.3.1.2)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.3.0-alpha02
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
ASM-based transform API tries to compute frames for Java 6 bytecode when containing JSR/RET instructions
Android studio 2021.1.1 beta5 . Gradle sync fails with "Unable to load class ''."
OutOfMemoryError thrown from ResolutionResultUtils.getPathFromRoot(ResolutionResultUtils.kt:55)
Add a test for AGP&KMP publishing
Link for Studio and AGP compatibility options leads to corp site
Collision during device setup if more than one sub-project declares the same device
Managed devices test result merging should not output help messages.
resources.txt diagnostics file is not created after running shrinkReleaseRes
JarFlinger should provide a mode which doesn't ignore empty directories
Android Studio |
Add lint quickfix support for lint warnings/errors on import statements
C++ Build |
ModelCache.safeGet(androidProjectResult.androidProject::getNdkVersion, "") must not be null
Compose Preview |
Usage of @PreviewParameter not displaying composable in preview window
Compose Previews fail to find resources from other modules when non-transitive R classes is enabled
Profile sampling corrupting benchmark measurement
Data Binding |
Databinding |
Collect StateFlow using addRepeatingJob/flowWithLifecycle
Design Tools |
AS 2.3: WebP Conversion Radio Button Captions
9-patch image preview on dark theme display light text on light background
Device Manager |
Can't run Android Device Manager
Import/Sync |
"variant must not be null" when importing Kotlin MPP project
Layout Editor |
layout editor mode hotkeys enabled in files other than layouts
Studio freezes on build.
Android studio preference editor not working properly
Layout Preview does not find all project themes
Layout Inspector |
Inspector shows content after "stop" is selected
Unable to copy attribute values in layout inspector
Lint |
Suspicious indentation lint check false positive in kotlinx-coroutines-core
Lint: Location computed by LintCliXmlParser's getValueLocation is incorrect
List custom checks executed in lint-report.html
Add @DeprecatedSdkVersion annotation for indicating a method is deprecated after a certain minimum API level
ObsoleteSdkInt should check RequiresApi, TargetApi, and SdkSuppress annotations
@ReturnThis annotation and Lint enforcement
[Android Lint Checks] Kotlin @OpenForTesting annotation & lint check
ObsoleteSdkInt check should flag @TargetApi usage
ObsoleteSdkInt check should include tools:targetApi
Lint reports UnknownIssueId when using custom issue ids in lint config.
Running Tests |
Cannot use instrumentation arguments containing "-e"
Respect a custom instrumentation params specified in Android Studio run configuration (UTP)
Upgrade Assistant |
"Cannot find AGP version in build files". What does that mean? And HOW can someone fix it?
Android Studio Dolphin Canary 1 (2021.3.1.1)
Released together with:
- Android Gradle Plugin 7.3.0-alpha01
Fixed Issues |
Android Gradle Plugin |
Android Gradle Plugin 7.1.0-rc01 fails to perform ASM bytecode transformation during unit tests
Android Gradle Plugin: Fix compile dependency leak by ConstrainHandler.
SigningConfig for MergedFlavor (buildType+flavor) on Gradle 7.x
Some new DSL blocks can't be used from Groovy DSL in Android Gradle Plugin 7.0.0
AGP 7.1 new publishing API: created javadoc jar does not get signed
Code Editor |
Bug in Android Studio Live Templates - the className() expression is not resolving the class name
Import/Sync |
Log spam: "INFO - testKnownPluginVersionProvider - 'gradle' plugin missing from the offline Maven repo, will use default 7.2.0-alpha05 "
Show JDK versions and file locations in menu When Gradle jdk location is not set.
Running Tests |
Unable to run AndroidTest from the gutter menu while non-Android run configuration is selected
Shrinker (R8) |
Virtual class merging issue on jar from b/211811489
[R8 3.2.24] NPE in MemberRebindingAnalysis
Sealed classes are not supported
R8 renames string literals
Broken Kotlin compilation with inline fun + default args + crossinline
Bug: getting error of "Compilation of classes...requires its nest mates ...(unavailable) to be on program or class path"
Content and code samples on this page are subject to the licenses described in the Content License. Java and OpenJDK are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Last updated 2024-12-13 UTC.
[[["Easy to understand","easyToUnderstand","thumb-up"],["Solved my problem","solvedMyProblem","thumb-up"],["Other","otherUp","thumb-up"]],[["Missing the information I need","missingTheInformationINeed","thumb-down"],["Too complicated / too many steps","tooComplicatedTooManySteps","thumb-down"],["Out of date","outOfDate","thumb-down"],["Samples / code issue","samplesCodeIssue","thumb-down"],["Other","otherDown","thumb-down"]],["Last updated 2024-12-13 UTC."],[],[]]