Android Studio 2021.2.1 Closed Issues

Android Studio Chipmunk Patch 2 (2021.2.1.16)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 7.2.2
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
AndroidGradlePlugin version 7.2 breaks transform API when used along with ASM API
AGP 7.2.0-rc01 :buildSrc:generatePrecompiledScriptPluginAccessors - shadow/bundletool/com/android/prefs/AndroidLocation$AndroidLocationException
C++ Debugger
Release version of a native library from a dependent project gets packaged even for a debug build variant
Design Tools
Ctrl + D or “show diff” button doesn't show git diff
Dexer (D8)
Document the compiler version required for each desugared library version
Lint UnusedResources False Positive with Import Alias
Build problem with multiple product flavours in new version
Shrinker (R8)
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in IntSwitch
R8 3.1.7-dev and above improperly optimizes Enums, leading to NoSuchFieldError
R8 causing VerifyError on Scala libraries
Gradle 7.2.0 causing APK build error
NPE in shrinker, R8 version 3.2.60
[R8 3.3.57] NoClassDefFound due to interface replaced with abstract class with higher SDK requirements
NullPointerException in FieldAssignmentTracker using 3.3.35

Android Studio Chipmunk RC 2 (2021.2.1.13)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 7.2.0-rc02
Fixed Issues
Build Analyzer
Build analyzer's jetifier analysis says androidx databinding requires jetifier
tool windows emulator error
Android Support Plugin error messages need rewording
MBP 15" 2018 Touch Bar menu is missed.
Upgrade Assistant
Android Gradle Plugin Upgrade Assistant makes Android Studio non responsive

Android Studio Chipmunk RC 2 (2021.2.1.13)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 7.2.0-rc02
Fixed Issues
Build Analyzer
Build analyzer's jetifier analysis says androidx databinding requires jetifier
tool windows emulator error
Android Support Plugin error messages need rewording
MBP 15" 2018 Touch Bar menu is missed.
Upgrade Assistant
Android Gradle Plugin Upgrade Assistant makes Android Studio non responsive

Android Studio Chipmunk RC 1 (2021.2.1.12)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 7.2.0-rc01
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Duplicate class issues reported by R8
Android Studio Microbenchmark template fails to build
C++ Build
Path to ninja stripped on windows, causing CXX410 error
externalNativeBuildClean runs preBuild also when using AGP 4.0.0
Very confusing error when ninja and cmake are in different directories
Code Editor
Unresolved class name in proguard rules
Gradle Files Editor
Warning about Version catalog should be more clear
Cannot sync project with KMP module in Chipmunk with MPSS
Syncing with Gradle files fails with AGP 7.3.0-alpha01 in Chipmunk Studio
Lint setup is broken in source-set-per-module scenario
[Lint] "Recycle" detector incorrectly flags animations as not being started
Macrobenchmark template matchingFallbacks + profileable
Macrobenchmark template no .gitignore
Macrobenchmark template wrong minSdk
ExampleStartupBenchmark documentation refers to wrong attribute
ExampleStartupBenchmark uses non-existing CompilationMode.SpeedProfile
Symbolication is broken for Memory Profiler

Android Studio Chipmunk Beta 4 (2021.2.1.11)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 7.2.0-beta04
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
AGP 7.2.0-alpha05 breaks builds that use the Navigation Safe Args plugin
Vague error for invalid values.xml file
"Java file outside of source root" when using manifest.srcFile
Android studio 2021.1.1 beta5 . Gradle sync fails with "Unable to load class ''."
AGP should not use ProjectComponentIdentifier.projectPath without
Build Variants
versionNameSuffix no longer works if variant's version name is set via the new onVariants API
Compose Editing
Import Auto-completion does type completion instead
UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to find image_converter.dll
@TargetApi annotations are enforced on callers
Android lint NewApi regression
SafeArgs 2.4.0-rc01 and AGP 7.1.0-rc01 incompatible
Safe Args used deprecated getApplicationIdTextResource with AGP 4.1+
Network Inspector
Network Inspector in BumbleBee doesn't show the api response in readable format
TrackedHttpURLConnection.getHeaderField crashes with NullPointerException
I am constantly getting this error when the debugger is connected on the latest version of Android Studio.
New Network inspector crashes after Bumblebee update
New Code/Templates
Bug of error message: Argument for @NotNull parameter 'text2' of com/intellij/diff/comparison/ComparisonManagerImpl.isEquals must not be null

Android Studio Chipmunk Beta 3 (2021.2.1.10)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 7.2.0-beta03
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
OutOfMemoryError thrown from ResolutionResultUtils.getPathFromRoot(ResolutionResultUtils.kt:55)
AAB (resources.pb) intermittently bloated with comments from attrs.xml?
`Property 'layoutInfoDirectory' doesn't have a configured value` after upgrading AGP from 7.0.4
C++ Build
ModelCache.safeGet(androidProjectResult.androidProject::getNdkVersion, "") must not be null
Compose Preview
Compose Previews fail to find resources from other modules when non-transitive R classes is enabled
Data Binding
Loosing bindings
Device Manager
Can't run Android Device Manager
"variant must not be null" when importing Kotlin MPP project
Kotlin compiler options not applied in library projects
manifest merging error when package attribute missing from AndroidManifest.xml
Resource Manager
Cannot create icons
Shrinker (R8)
Compilation NPE
AGP 7.2.0-alpha06, espresso tests, colon in produced artifact name

Android Studio Chipmunk Beta 2 (2021.2.1.9)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 7.2.0-beta02
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
ASM-based transform API tries to compute frames for Java 6 bytecode when containing JSR/RET instructions
resources.txt diagnostics file is not created after running shrinkReleaseRes
Link for Studio and AGP compatibility options leads to corp site
Android studio 2021.1.1 beta5 . Gradle sync fails with "Unable to load class ''."
Macrobenchmark Links (that are not Perfetto Traces) don't work in Studio
Code Analysis
@IntDev doesn't support negative values?
Profile sampling corrupting benchmark measurement
Suspicious indentation lint check false positive in kotlinx-coroutines-core
ObsoleteSdkInt check should flag @TargetApi usage
Lint: Location computed by LintCliXmlParser's getValueLocation is incorrect
ObsoleteSdkInt check should include tools:targetApi
ObsoleteSdkInt should check RequiresApi, TargetApi, and SdkSuppress annotations
Quickfix logical order is not used in the IDE

Android Studio Chipmunk Beta 1 (2021.2.1.8)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 7.2.0-beta01
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
AGP 7.1 new publishing API: created javadoc jar does not get signed
Android Gradle Plugin 7.1.0-rc01 fails to perform ASM bytecode transformation during unit tests
Android Gradle Plugin: Fix compile dependency leak by ConstrainHandler.
SigningConfig for MergedFlavor (buildType+flavor) on Gradle 7.x
Some new DSL blocks can't be used from Groovy DSL in Android Gradle Plugin 7.0.0
App Development
Lint warningsAsErrors not escalating warning to error
Code Editor
Bug in Android Studio Live Templates - the className() expression is not resolving the class name
Log spam: "INFO - testKnownPluginVersionProvider - 'gradle' plugin missing from the offline Maven repo, will use default 7.2.0-alpha05 "
Kotlin Plugin
The class Application is never used warning
Possible weak checking in AuthLeakChecker linter code
Linter incorrectly asserts `android.content.ContextWrapper#checkCallingPermission` should take in PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED or PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED
Allow spaces in method names via backticks
UnknownNullness check shouldn't trigger on overrides of un-annotated platform APIs
Release Bundle/APKs
"Remember password" checkbox from "Generate signed Bundle or APK" window does not remember "Key store password"
Running Tests
Unable to run AndroidTest from the gutter menu while non-Android run configuration is selected
Cannot run instrumented tests from a directory scope
Shrinker (R8)
Virtual class merging issue on jar from b/211811489
[R8 3.2.24] NPE in MemberRebindingAnalysis
Sealed classes are not supported
R8 renames string literals
Bug: getting error of "Compilation of classes...requires its nest mates ...(unavailable) to be on program or class path"
Broken Kotlin compilation with inline fun + default args + crossinline

Android Studio Chipmunk Canary 7 (2021.2.1.7)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 7.2.0-alpha07
Fixed Issues
App Development
Lint warningsAsErrors not escalating warning to error
Kotlin Plugin
The class Application is never used warning
Linter incorrectly asserts `android.content.ContextWrapper#checkCallingPermission` should take in PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED or PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED
Possible weak checking in AuthLeakChecker linter code
Allow spaces in method names via backticks
UnknownNullness check shouldn't trigger on overrides of un-annotated platform APIs
Release Bundle/APKs
"Remember password" checkbox from "Generate signed Bundle or APK" window does not remember "Key store password"
Running Tests
Cannot run instrumented tests from a directory scope

Android Studio Chipmunk Canary 6 (2021.2.1.6)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 7.2.0-alpha06
Fixed Issues
Android Game Development Extension
Stop using Embedded JDK in favor of user-installed JDK
Android Gradle Plugin
Failed to install the following Android SDK packages as some licenses have not been accepted.
Clean up / remove ProjectInfo
Support java-test-fixtures plugin
Unable to run Gradle Managed Device tests on multiple devices at a time
Unable to Build the Project with API 32.
Move Managed Device DSL into its own segment of TestOptions.
Prefix product flavor attributes to avoid confusion and collisions
Provide AGP API Definition
Evaluate usages of @CacheableTask
Disable caching of BundleLibraryClassesJar using @DoNotCacheByDefault
Update AGP buildbenchmarks to use Kotlin 1.5
Can't build after updating to AGP 7.2.0-alpha04
AGP 7.0.0 does not create unit test jacoco exec files correctly with testCoverageEnabled true
Compose update broke postsubmit benchmarks
Invalid application ID in build output listing files when deploying via bundle
ComponentArtifactIdentifier changed by artifact transforms, causing incorrect androidTest runtime classpath
Play Asset Delivery: bundle does not include all asset packs
ComponentBuilder.enabled should be .enable
AGP offers META-INF classes to bytecode processors
Jetifier check fails in Chipmunk Canary 3
Update gradle version to 7.3
Android Studio
Studio picks the wrong SDK when using extensions
Reduce the number of default Wear OS device configurations in the AVD creation flow.
MlLightClassTest methods fail after IDEA 211.7442.40 update
App Development
StaticFieldLeak should not report usage of hilt annotated @ApplicationContext
Apply Changes
Support --user flag to install on a specific user
Assistant Window
UI for Digital Asset Links file is not clear
AVD Manager
The "Localized image" alert doesn't wrap
Background Task Inspector
Show full content of column on mouse hover
[2021.1.1 Beta 4] Show in graph is enabled and when it's clicked blank UI is shown
Toolbar show warnings for disabled local UI context
Add links between workers and their related jobs
Build Output
[BA - Check Jetifier] Instead of removing the enableJetifier flag set it to false so remaining comments above that line are not confusing
[BA] [UX String Improvement] Update String to give priority to action, and bold dependencies count
[BA] Accessibility: When using VoiceOver on Mac I was not able to bring focus to the action links to remove "enableJetifier"
[Check Jetifier] For multiple usage, running check after fixing one dependency still shows fixed dependencies in finder window
CM Canary 5: Jetifier warning left over from previous check after build
C++ Build
Enable clangd on Android Studio dev build from IJ IDEA
Clangd integration broken in chipmunk canary 3
Compose Editing
BridgeContext.getSystemService() violates contract by throwing rather than returning null for unrecognized services
Compose Preview
Issue with Pan Screen in Compose preview
ModuleClassLoader retaining PSI in ParametrizedPreviewTest.testLoremIpsumInstance
[Compose animation preview] "Tab" traversal should work in Animation preview (A11y)
[Compose animation preview]IDE fatal exception on refreshing on preview
Changing combobox value from 'Exit' to 'Enter' not refreshing animation
NPE while initializing the preview
Core IDE
Reuse Intellij Coroutine Debugger in Android Studio
Core IDE (read-only)
[Wear Pairing Assistant] Clicking "Pair" on an already paired watch, doesn't warn user that it can only be paired with one device
Startup cpu profiling is not recording correct selected option for cpu recording
Poor contrast in Darcula when Vsync is turned off
The details panel is missing the graph for actual vs expected
Change string in details panel from "Jank" to "Frame"
Nit: Jank Frame tab has a collapsable arrow that always has a dark background?
Selecting a frame should autoscroll to start of that frame
Right click CPU capture on L2 timeline shouldn't go to capture stage
Remove reorder icon from the last swimlane
Zoom to selection button doesn't work
Frame lifecycle tracks are duplicated for different frames
Remove timestamp details from analysis pane
Change “Expected deadline” -> “Deadline”
Databinding caused the java.lang.StackOverflowError
Design Tools
compose-ide-plugin is having flaky test failures
resourcemanager.rendering.SlowResourcePreviewManager.getIcon ui layout/generation is recursive and can overflow the stack
[Android Studio Chipmunk | 2021.2.1 Canary 5] Default vector icon color is showing white instead of black color
ModuleClassLoader unable to locate some java classes
Device File Explorer
Files are deleted unexpectedly upon closing
Device Manager
Make Details panel resizeable
Mock WearPairingManager in unit tests
PhysicalDevicePanelTest fails sporadically on Windows
Add pairing icon for connected, not connected states
[Resizable emulator] Remove S as selectable system image from AVD creation
[Wear pairing assistant] Open embedded emulator tab for virtual phone device
[Wear Pairing Assistant] Connecting devices step inaccurate
[Wear Pairing Assistant] Pairing Assistant Didn't Realize Devices were paired
TimeoutException in AsyncDetailsBuilderTest
MigrateToAppCompat[Gradle]Test methods fail sporadically after IDEA 193.4697.15 merge
Embedded Emulator
Exception report: at$ScreenshotReceiver.onNext-1b7313ae
Some times getting RejectedExectionException IDE error while closing emulator
There is a width alignment line within the emulator window that takes unnecessary space .
Getting IllegalStateException IDE error at emulator first launch
[Embedded Emulator] Resizable menu missing selected device
V2 assumes projects do always have a variant
Move gradle sync KTS tests to a separate class or package
Symbols are not resolving when we Undo Migrate To Non-Transitive R Classes
[DBP] Expose DBP data (properties file + refresh task) via V2 Model
Exception when configuring JDK table
Error syncing with gradle in Chipmunk Canary 5
Incorrect error highlight accessing kotlin internal field from unit test
Syncing AGP 7.2.0-alpha04 and IDE Canary 5 fails w/o offering upgrade
Sync does not populate LintOptions.severityOverrides
Sync failed with Unsupported method: LintOptions.getBaseline()
"Unresolved reference" for classes generated in a kotlin-only module
Gradle shows "sync failed: reason unknown" in a case if app target sdk is missing
IDE error (java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException) has occurred while selecting 'Set Bookmark' in the MainActivity
Jetpack Compose
Auto fix for @Preview is wrong
Layout Editor
[Compose-CL] Add autocomplete support for the ConstraintLayout Json syntax
[lint] use "notificationInfo" icon for tips
[Preview Picker] Add tracking, considering device classes
Vector icons are not loading for the very first time in vector select icon window
[New DeviceDropdown] nit: why are the title names / sections different across tools?
SourceCodeEditorProviderTest.testStateSerialization fails sporadically
MultiRepresentationPreviewTest.testMultipleProviders_conditionallyAccepting fails sporadically
MultiRepresentationPreviewTest.testPreviewRepresentationShortcutsRegistered fails sporadically
Remove wrench icon on top of AVD preview
project leak in PreviewProviderTest.testRenderTaskTimeOutReturnsANullDragImage
IDE error (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException) has observed in drawable layout editor
SingleWidgetView setting top margin is broken
IDE error (java.lang.ClassCastException) has observed while scrolling widget's attributes panel by using mouse
Zoom bar shrinks and is broken
avoid slow operation on EDT by DependencyManager.checkForRelevantDependencyChanges
Add resource Qualifier dropdown in Layout Editor
Layout Inspector
[2021.1.1 Beta 4 ]Some times buttons in "Connect Without restarting activity" banner are displayed twice times out often
Fold line drawn incorrectly when device fully closed
“IllegalStateException: Timeout” in ReportingCountDownLatch
App crash while switching between live and non-live mode
Timeout in AppInspectionSnapshotSupportTest
The legacy layout inspector is no longer available
IndexOutOfBoundsException in LintResourcePersistence.deserialize(LintResourcePersistence.kt:483)
Running lint flags a warning of mismatching kotlin library versions
Crash reported during lint analysis of vector_drawable.xml files
Unnecessary NewApi error at android.util.SparseArray#set
IntentReset false negative when chaining
Lint inspection registration code omits a dot in the FQ class name
new DiscouragedApi lint check is reporting duplicates and false positives
Incorrect PrivateResource lint warning when using
ExportedReceiverDetector lint check shouldn't warn for elements
Broken links in lint documentation
Logcat is displaying duplicate entries
RegexFilter & NegatedRegexFilter Throw a PatternSyntaxException
Record video: Unexpected error while copying video recording from device: Remote object doesn't exist!
Optimize the slowdown to the app due to allocation tracking
New Project Wizard
New Compose Project fails to build if SDK-31 is not installed
Offline Support
Permission denied: no further information
Actually disable dragging for tracks with disabled `isDragEnabled`
Stand alone profiler is not working
Project Structure
Extract Gradle related code into Gradle project system modules.
consider how to trigger sync after undo
PSD shows AGP versions incompatible with studio
PSD - Unordered `Gradle Versions` in dropdown
Project View
Android Studio freezes when right clicking on Kotlin file in project view
AS 4.2 hangs on second attempted install to AVD
Stop watchFaces
Running Tests
GMD tests with ATD system image with API level 30 fails due to missing system image
SDK Manager
Remove StudioNetUtils when Intellij is merged
Shrinker (R8)
Studio integration test failing on roll
Can't roll to studio due to import of internal obfuscated R8 class
undisposed GradleVersionCatalogDetector in ConfigureAndroidModuleStepTest
[Artwork Request] Send Feedback icon
Windows & Menus
annoying icons in the lower right corner

Android Studio Chipmunk Canary 5 (2021.2.1.5)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 7.2.0-alpha05
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Desugaring results in invalid dex only if ran from Android Studio Bumblebee
Please annotate BundleToApkTask with @CacheableTask
Warning evaluating Gradle 7.2-rc-1, AGP 7.0
Validate usages of SkipIfEmpty on task inputs
AGP 7.0.3's create{variant}UnitTestCoverageReport task runs tests on all variants
Code Editor
New project: Kotlin source files don't show code/split/design tabs
UnknownNullness check false positives on kotlin properties
Logcat is displaying duplicate entries
Running Tests
Exporting test results 'overwrite existing' button text not localised
[Manual Unit Tests running] "No tasks available" when trying to run unit tests from AS
The IDE unnecessarily invokes cleanTestDebugUnitTest before testDebugUnitTest when running unit tests
Wear Pairing Assistant
Error starting AVD

Android Studio Chipmunk Canary 4 (2021.2.1.4)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 7.2.0-alpha04
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Support jacoco and publishing from the same library variant
Update to use JaCoCo 0.8.7 by default
AGP should bundle `baseline.profm` file in addition to ``
AVD Manager
AVDs created using avdmanager cli tool show up as not having playstore in AVD manager (even when they do)
Do not spam logs
DeprecatedMethodException: '...FileEditor.getFile' is deprecated, you need to override it in '...ApkEditor'

Android Studio Chipmunk Canary 3 (2021.2.1.3)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 7.2.0-alpha03
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Support jacoco and publishing from the same library variant
missing AGP prefab task dependencies
MergeResources task `rawLocalResourcesNoProcessRes` input is not marked as IgnoreEmptyDirectories.
Android Studio
Lint UnusedResources incorrectly fails when using ViewBinding via property delegation
Code Editor
Optimize AndroidMissingOnClickHandlerInspection
Variant selection is not propagated along androidTest dependencies
SuppressLint not working for AppBundleLocalechanges
ViewBinding fails to bind when nonTransitiveRClass is enabled and @android ids are used in the xml

Android Studio Chipmunk Canary 2 (2021.2.1.2)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 7.2.0-alpha02
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
AGP 7.0.0-alpha10 regression: Failed to apply plugin '' when databinding is enabled
lintDebug breaks configuration caching
Make sure `[consumer]proguardFiles` are supported in IDE models from v2
Android Studio
Jetpack Compose 1.0 template update
AVD Manager
CLI output polluted with parsing logs
Compose Editing
Could not build studio due to old kotlin language version
Compose Preview
Interactive Preview stops working once I drag scrollview
Databinding 7.0.0 uses depricated lifecycle-extensions
Layout Editor
Compose preview font loading attempts to start threads (results in render error)
Layout Inspector
App crashing due to LayoutInspector
Lint TestMode.WHITESPACE test mode should not add spaces to label references in kotlin
lintVitalAnalyze throwing exception: "call to UsageTracker before initialization"
Red symbols in AndroidManifest.xml when using namespace DSL
New Code/Templates
Compose project template doesn't include debug dependency on androidx.compose.ui:ui-test-manifest
New Project Wizard
Move Gradle plugin definitions to root project build.gradle file
Switch colors to something other than red for the popup documentation describing resources
SDK Manager
I never got prompted to accept the license for the build tools by the first run wizard
Upgrade Assistant
Migrate AndroidManifest.xml's package attribute to namespace DSL
Gradle plug-in update stalls every time

Android Studio Chipmunk Canary 1 (2021.2.1.1)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 7.2.0-alpha01
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Relax resource name validation for overlayable
Setting a Provider for VariantOutput.versionCode can break with configuration cache
Design Tools
SVG gradients not converted properly to VectorDrawable when viewBox starts from a negative coordinate
Nullability lintJar in IdeAndroidLibrary via v2
Long freeze on project save after sync
Gradle sync fails due to inability to start daemon.
NewApi lint check doesn't honor Robolectric SDK configurations
Wear Pairing Assistant
Wear Pairing trying to start virtual device when it is already running