Android Studio 2021.1.1 Closed Issues

Android Studio Bumblebee RC 01 (2021.1.1.19)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 7.1.0-rc01
Fixed Issues
Release Bundle/APKs
"Remember password" checkbox from "Generate signed Bundle or APK" window does not remember "Key store password"
Shrinker (R8)
PC based mapping is incorrect when jumbo string processing
Android Gradle Plugin 7.0.2 crashes app on Android 4 and 5 devices with Verifier rejected class due to bad method

Android Studio Bumblebee Beta 5 (2021.1.1.18)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 7.1.0-beta05
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
ComponentBuilder.enabled should be .enable
Can't build after updating to AGP 7.2.0-alpha04
Play Asset Delivery: bundle does not include all asset packs
ComponentArtifactIdentifier changed by artifact transforms, causing incorrect androidTest runtime classpath
Incorrect PrivateResource lint warning when using
new DiscouragedApi lint check is reporting duplicates and false positives
Logcat is displaying duplicate entries
Shrinker (R8)
[R8 3.1.39] Hard verification failure on Android 4.4
[R8 3.1.36] Deadlock on app startup during class static initializer

Android Studio Bumblebee Beta 4 (2021.1.1.17)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 7.1.0-beta04
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Validate usages of SkipIfEmpty on task inputs
Desugaring results in invalid dex only if ran from Android Studio Bumblebee
AGP 7.0.3's create{variant}UnitTestCoverageReport task runs tests on all variants
C++ Debugger
NDK (C code) debugger watch window - "Double-click to see more items" shows the same 50 items again
Code Analysis
"DrawAllocation" warning reported for value classes
Code Editor
New project: Kotlin source files don't show code/split/design tabs
AGP 7.1.0-beta01 Lint SuspiciousImport check flagging import aliases
Running Tests
[Manual Unit Tests running] "No tasks available" when trying to run unit tests from AS
Shrinker (R8)
[R8 3.1.29] Unitialized this verification error
applymapping is not respected in Version 3.0.73
java.lang.ClassCastException thrown in a class’s constructor in build minified by R8
[R8 3.1.29] java.lang.IllegalAccessError: Method '...' implementing interface method '...' is not public
[R8 3.1.29] Unreachable type adjustment from ... to ... during dex merging
The IDE unnecessarily invokes cleanTestDebugUnitTest before testDebugUnitTest when running unit tests

Android Studio Bumblebee Beta 3 (2021.1.1.3)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 7.1.0-beta03
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Support jacoco and publishing from the same library variant
missing AGP prefab task dependencies
AGP should bundle `baseline.profm` file in addition to ``
MergeResources task `rawLocalResourcesNoProcessRes` input is not marked as IgnoreEmptyDirectories.
Update to use JaCoCo 0.8.7 by default
Android Studio
Lint UnusedResources incorrectly fails when using ViewBinding via property delegation
AVD Manager
AVDs created using avdmanager cli tool show up as not having playstore in AVD manager (even when they do)
Code Editor
Optimize AndroidMissingOnClickHandlerInspection
Do not spam logs
DeprecatedMethodException: '...FileEditor.getFile' is deprecated, you need to override it in '...ApkEditor'
Variant selection is not propagated along androidTest dependencies
SuppressLint not working for AppBundleLocalechanges
ViewBinding fails to bind when nonTransitiveRClass is enabled and @android ids are used in the xml

Android Studio Bumblebee Beta 2 (2021.1.1.15)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 7.1.0-beta02
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Setting a Provider for VariantOutput.versionCode can break with configuration cache
AGP 7.0.0-alpha10 regression: Failed to apply plugin '' when databinding is enabled
lintDebug breaks configuration caching
Make sure `[consumer]proguardFiles` are supported in IDE models from v2
Relax resource name validation for overlayable
Android Studio
Jetpack Compose 1.0 template update
AVD Manager
CLI output polluted with parsing logs
Compose Editing
Could not build studio due to old kotlin language version
Compose Preview
Interactive Preview stops working once I drag scrollview
Databinding 7.0.0 uses depricated lifecycle-extensions
Design Tools
Shape drawable stroke with width < 1.0 is only displayed in layout Design pane if preceded by a "0"
Layout Editor
Compose preview font loading attempts to start threads (results in render error)
Layout Inspector
App crashing due to LayoutInspector
Lint TestMode.WHITESPACE test mode should not add spaces to label references in kotlin
lintVitalAnalyze throwing exception: "call to UsageTracker before initialization"
Red symbols in AndroidManifest.xml when using namespace DSL
New Code/Templates
Compose project template doesn't include debug dependency on androidx.compose.ui:ui-test-manifest
New Project Wizard
Move Gradle plugin definitions to root project build.gradle file
Switch colors to something other than red for the popup documentation describing resources
SDK Manager
I never got prompted to accept the license for the build tools by the first run wizard
Upgrade Assistant
Migrate AndroidManifest.xml's package attribute to namespace DSL
Gradle plug-in update stalls every time

Android Studio Bumblebee Beta 1 (2021.1.1.14)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 7.1.0-beta01
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Relax resource name validation for overlayable
Code Editor
Bug: reaching wrong location in xml file for ids in code
Invalid Dimension Resource Created by Quick-Fix
String preview is incorrect for aliasing string resources
Design Tools
SVG gradients not converted properly to VectorDrawable when viewBox starts from a negative coordinate
Gradle sync fails due to inability to start daemon.
SDK Manager
I never got prompted to accept the license for the build tools by the first run wizard

Android Studio Bumblebee Canary 13 (2021.1.1.13)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 7.1.0-alpha13
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
JPS build triggered while Gradle build runs outside of Studio
Add minAgpVersion to AarMetadata
Make AndroidLintAnalysisTask cacheable
Java base image created does not match the Java toolchain version
AGP build cache causes duplicate class error when running minifyR8 on dynamic module with custom build type
Warning evaluating Gradle 7.2-rc-1, AGP 7.0
Enabling both KSP and Kapt in a project with both containing processors that generate sources breaks BundleLibraryClassesInputs
C++ Build
Gradle build CMake OBJECT library failed: [CXX1402] Target produces multiple outputs
Native build fails with CMake imported target on Windows
C++ Import/Sync
Gradle sync stucks on Resolving C/C++ configurations
Code Analysis
Bug: false positive of using MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission - IDE claims it's only for system apps
Compose Preview
Using java.util.Random break Compose Preview
NPE in LiveLiteralsService.isElementManaged
Database Inspector
Unable to export data using App Inspection/Database Inspector with blank space in path
Allow saving DBs
Android Arctic Fox failed to detect correct device ABI for proper apk deployment
Bug: after already installed app via IDE, using "-g" on the next time, it doesn't auto-grant permissions
Android Studio instrumentation triggers strictmode.DiskReadViolation
First Launch
Info.plist within macOS Application has incorrect file permissions.
Gradle Files Editor
Bug: IDE suggests to update to a androidx.fragment:fragment-ktx:1.4.0-alpha07 which doesn't support API 31
Layout Editor
[Bumblebee] Layout editor's "Design" panel fails to measure ConstraintLayout
ToastDetector not working correctly for Kotlin properties
[Lint] StaticFieldLeak false positive for anonymous object in a companion object
@RequiresApi in is not enforced by NewApi lint check
"Dismiss" button is cutoff for Network Profiler Has Moved notification (in default profiler view)
New Project Wizard
Sluggish painting performance in the new project template chooser
Running Tests
When running tests with UTP, the build invocation does not contain IDE injected properties.
unable to get correct test task when executing instrumented tests
AS 7.0.0-alpha04 cannot run unit test of KMP module: No tasks available
Shrinker (R8)
Issue while executing R8 3.0.69 (from AGP 7.0.2) and 3.0.72
Upgrade Assistant
Upgrade assistant does not update android.buildToolsVersion

Android Studio 2021.1.1.12

Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
IDE tries to build a binary for ABI that isn't mentioned by abiFilters
gradleResValues.xml not updated on signing for release
lintAnalyzeDebug failing with "Method not implemented" on ClsPackageStatementImpl.getAnnotationList
"Dismiss" button is cutoff for Network Profiler Has Moved notification (in default profiler view)
Upgrade Assistant
Studio non-stable should not offer to upgrade stable AGP projects

Android Studio 2021.1.1.11

Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
ASM api fails tests when using inline functions from tested code
Apply Changes
App crashes with KotlinReflectionNotSupportedError after incremental build on API level 30 emulator
Databinding not working with platform tools 31.0.3; platform-tools/api/api-versions.xml no longer available
StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in Lint's SourceTransformationTestMode.performEdits after update to AGP 7.1.0-alpha08
Lint failing on AGP 7.0 with "Can't initialize detector"
"Lint check for lint checks" not running
Running Tests
Test failures in Studio don't show test output when running through gradle

Android Studio 2021.1.1.10

Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Minor missing_rules.txt formatting issue.
Move deployment build output to intermediates folder
NewApi check doesn't understand conditionals in `when` block
AGP 7.0.0 Lint HTML reports renders feedback urls wrong
False positive on SupportAnnotationUsage lint check
Lint does not call visitAnnotationUsage for overrides of methods within annotation scope
Motion Editor
MotionLayout: I spend a lot of time to add constraints because I have over 10 to 20 items on the layout.
Navigation Editor
Add "toSavedStateHandle"

Android Studio 2021.1.1.9

Fixed Issues
C++ Debugger
AS Arctic Fox Error while starting native debug session on Mac M1, "Found broken LLDB configuration"

Android Studio 2021.1.1.8

Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
TypedefRemover uses ASM5 and is incompatible with JDK 11 sources that require ASM7
AGP compresses all assets for unit test .apk regardless of aaptOptions.noCompress
Android library plugin should provide a way to build sources jar
AGP 7.0.0 stable throws an ExternalApiUsageException on libraryVariants.all { applicationId }
Jacoco reports do not display source code lines, with Android Gradle Build Tools 4.1.2 (or 4.2.x) plus Gradle 6.5
Design Tools
Vector drawable preview bug.
Lint: does not contain a valid registry manifest key (Lint-Registry-v2).
Network Profiler does not display multiple headers with the same name
Resource Manager
(Windows) New -> Vector Asset -> picture.svg: invalid 'minus' character in generated xml
Running Tests
Android Studio Bumblebee: Wrong tests executed when using "Run Configurations" dialog for Instrumented Tests
Grade test runner not working with AndroidX project

Android Studio 2021.1.1.7

Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Crash when run Jetpack Compose App in Android Studio 2021.1.1 Canary 4
android.enableAppCompileTimeRClass=true causes builds to fail with AGP 7.0.0-alpha09
LinkApplicationAndroidResourcesTask fails with - dir is not a readable directory
AGP 7.1-alpha fails when running instrumentation tests from command line on old devices
Layout Inspector
Attribute is missing resolutionStackList and source
RedundantNamespace: False positive for XML files in raw directory
Lint incorrectly flagging Bundle#get as API 21+ method

Android Studio 2021.1.1.6

Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Crash when run Jetpack Compose App in Android Studio 2021.1.1 Canary 4
Android Studio 4.2 no longer creates debug symbols in bundles for Play Console upload
Profgen fails parsing ObfuscationMap with class name that has no namespacing (root)
Recycle lint check fails on super() call
Lint failure shows hint for disabling lint with a deprecated api (completely wrong if using kts)
Potential issue with the RestrictedApi detector in the new lint integration
New Code/Templates
New module template inserts buildToolsVersion

Android Studio 2021.1.1.5

Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
AGP should not re-run dexing when user deploy to devices with different API levels from the IDE
Add lint baseline file as lint task input
Bug: Lint quick-fix of "Replace "-" with an "en dash" character (–, –) ?" changes the order of the text
Running Tests
Edit configuration - test configuration parameters are not saved

Android Studio 2021.1.1.4

Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
No lint text output when the lint task is up-to-date
android.lintOptions.textOutput is broken when set with 'stdout' and 'stderr'
AGP7.0: Discrepancy in handling of androidTest namespace between API/Model and R generation
AGP should not re-run dexing when user deploy to devices with different API levels from the IDE
Android library plugin should provide a way to build sources jar
Code Editor
Compose RadioButton completion adds a trailing lambda
Please let Lint (?) discover in layout xmls that ScrollView can host only one direct child !
Android Lint VectorDrawableCompat check warns incorrectly
Lint.xml: file options use the wrong base location for path resolution
Lint no longer picks up lint.baselines.continue system property when set from Gradle plugin
Crashes in custom lint rules cause no results to be reported
AGP 7 Duplicate ObsoleteLintCustomCheck issues
Lint Integration
Android Lint Gradle plugin verbosity
Navigation Editor
Passing an argType that's an inner enum class doesn't generate the FragmentArgs correctly
New Project Wizard
Update generated Gradle file to use new plugin DSL
Release Bundle/APKs
Password sometimes decoded wrongly when using KeePass
Only latest passwords pair saved overriding previously saved passwords
Android Studio doesn't update compiled code | Intermittent
View Binding
lint tools:viewBindingType in studio

Android Studio 2021.1.1.3

Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
SdkLibDataFactory not compatible with Gradle Configuation Cache broke manifest placeholders in libraries
Build fails after updating project to 4.2.
copyDebugAndroidLintReports: NoSuchFileException: lint-results-debug.txt
Test fixtures with default res support (false) still have resvalue generated folders
Pass --client-id, --client-name, and --client-version to lint from AGP
Add "-parameters" javac option only if Room is present
Cannot run :test task anymore starting from AGP 7.0.0-beta03
AGP does not enable Live Literals for Library modules
[Gradle] `initWith` exists for copying build configs, but not for flavors.
Unresolved reference: setProguardFiles
android.disableAutomaticComponentCreation should not be experimental
initWith() is not available in Gradle Kotlin DSL
Android Studio
Alpha channel not reflected in Android Studio's gutter for Compose colors
Build Analyzer
Copy & Paste broken for build analyzer warnings tab
C++ Build
Project build fails on windows because of read-only git files.
Nullpointer in build with cmake ( prebuild openssl , building libgit2 )
GNUMAKE throws exception on arguments like "-mllvm -oXXXX"
target_precompile_headers not working
Android Gradle Plugin 4.0: CMake argument starting from '-C' is not passed to cmake executable, rendering build broken
C++ Editor
Line separator error when auto-generating JNI method
Code Analysis
Invalid warning in gradle to upgrade to alpha version of work-runtime lib
False positive ShowToast linting warning with Snackbar
Compose Editing
LiveLiterals causing a crash in a non-Compose module
Data Binding
Support tags
Layout Inspector
Copying attributes copies a reference, not the value
Lint UnusedResources incorrectly fails when using ViewBinding via property delegation
Lint unable to find project exploded aar for :camera:camera-extensions-stub
UnusedQuantity false positive
lint:TypographyQuotes false positive with accented text
Bug: quick-fix of version check doesn't do anything
Lint no longer picks up lint.baselines.continue system property when set from Gradle plugin
Outdated error messages related to partial Lint analysis
Android Studio 4.2 hangs on WrongConstant lint check
lintClient not receiving user.home
Lint: ShiftFlags reports false positive when using Kotlin
AGP 7 Duplicate ObsoleteLintCustomCheck issues
Android S intent-filter without android:exported lint should report issues with
StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when writing SARIF format for Lint
Running Lint with a SARIF report throws an exception for some SourceLockedOrientationActivity failures
Lint not detecting type error with StringDef when there are multiple string method parameters
AGP lint task fails when there's an indirect compileOnly module dependency
Android Studio stuck suggesting to update library to SNAPSHOT version after reverting to proper stable/beta version
[lint] MissingTranslation does not detect plurals
WrongViewCast Lint false positive when using FragmentContainerView and findFragmentByTag
Lint Integration
AGP 7.0.0 Alpha 14 Lint RAM Usage Unbounded
Dynamic-feature lint issues not reported when app's checkDependencies=true and there are library modules
New Project Wizard
Update generated Gradle file to use new plugin DSL
Bug: new projects still can't remove "jcenter" even though it's about to be removed, and also doesn't help what should be done
Project System
RenderScript target API problem in Android build tools r25
Merge resources fails on escaped string resource
Running Tests
Bumblebee 2021.1.1 Canary 2 doesn't show failed tests anymore
Shrinker (R8)
Shrinker removes used vector drawables with new agp 4.1.0
R8 doesn't remove compile-time (VISIBILITY_BUILD) annotations
View Binding
Connection to the ViewBinding falls off after random actions in its xml-file
Type inference with multiple layout variants

Android Studio 2021.1.1.2

Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Test fixtures with default res support (false) still have resvalue generated folders
We need a Version interface in gradle-api
AGP 4.2.0 produces test APK that is missing a class, perhaps due to mixed java/kotlin source set
Next artifact to expose should be CLASSES
Invalid injected android support version '202.7660.26.42.7322048', expected to be of the form 'w.x.y.z' - getting this error while executing compose samples
Re-enable DSL creation vis implementation class instead of interface
Android Studio
UI_MODE_NIGHT_YES doesn't work in Preview
Layout Editor
Layout preview trouble with TextClock object
Preview unequal to running app | ?attr not supported in fillColor of an XML (Vector Drawable)
Android Studio layout preview stops working for native android.preference.Preference and custom preferences, when "androidx.preference:preference:1.1.0" is added
Android studio 4.0 zoom sensitivity
Layout Rendering Engine: Missing Unicode charaters when updating strings.xml
Android Studio crashes
Lint Recycle False Positive
Android lint unable to see androidx.annotation jar in a specific project
@CheckResult doesn't work inside lambda expressions
`UnknownIssueId` still prints warnings when disabled
UnusedResources lint check does not work correctly for libraries
Lint error with firebase-perf [OutdatedLibrary] even if we are using the latest version.
Drawables with transparent shapes are not rendered correctly.
White-space added to some string resources after upgrade to 4.2
View Binding
Usaging static import of inflate view binding `inflate` method results in unused resource
Wear Pairing Assistant
Wear Pairing Assistant fails to launch from IJ