Kotlin Fundamentals: Build Your First App Quiz

  1. Fill-in-the-blanks

    Enter one or more words to complete the sentence.

    ___ ___ is an integrated development environment or IDE used for building Android apps.

  2. What is the name of the auto-generated layout file in the new project you created with Android Studio?

  3. The AndroidManifest.xml file contains important information that the Android system needs to run your app. Choose two from the following list that should be defined in AndroidManifest.xml.

    Choose as many answers as you see fit.

  4. In Android Studio, which tool do you use to create a new virtual device to run in the emulator?

  5. Fill-in-the-blanks

    Enter one or more words to complete the sentence.

    ___ is a build automation system that uses a domain-specific language to describe the app's project structure, configuration, and dependencies.