Android 11 - Week 4 - Compatibility

Learn how to build apps that are compatible with Android 11.


App compatibility in Android 11

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Get started with an overview of app compatiblity in Android 11 and features for testing your apps.

Faster compatibility testing in Android Studio

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Quick demo of how you can run compatibility tests in parallel on device sets in Android Studio.

Compatibility framework for easier testing and debugging

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Quick demo of the compatiblity framework and how to toggle platform changes individually for easier app testing.

GSI for testing on more devices

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Try this codelab if you'd like to install an Android 11 Generic System Image (GSI) on your Treble-compliant device for app compatibliity testing.

Android 11 Beta 2 and Platform Stability

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Learn about Android 11 reaching Platform Stability, how this milestone affects the release timeline, and when you should make your apps compatible.

The Android 11 release timeline for developers

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Overview of the Android 11 timeline, milestones for app developers, and the actions you should take.

Accelerating Android updates

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Learn about the latest in Android updatability and how it's making OS updates faster and easier across the ecosystem.

Take the Compatibility quiz to earn a badge.

Test your compatibility knowledge, then save your badge to your Google Developer Profile!