يقدّم نظام التشغيل Android 15 ميزات وواجهات برمجة تطبيقات رائعة للمطوّرين. تلخّص المقاطع التالية هذه الميزات لمساعدتك على البدء باستخدام واجهات برمجة التطبيقات ذات الصلة.
للحصول على قائمة مفصّلة لواجهات برمجة التطبيقات التي تمت إضافتها أو تعديلها أو إزالتها، يُرجى الاطّلاع على تقرير اختلافات واجهة برمجة التطبيقات. للحصول على تفاصيل عن واجهات برمجة التطبيقات المُضافة، يُرجى الانتقال إلى مرجع واجهات برمجة تطبيقات Android. بالنسبة إلى Android 15، ابحث عن واجهات برمجة التطبيقات التي تمت إضافتها في مستوى واجهة برمجة التطبيقات 35. للتعرّف على المجالات التي قد تؤثر فيها تغييرات النظام الأساسي في تطبيقاتك، احرص على الاطّلاع على تغيُّرات السلوك في Android 15 للتطبيقات التي تستهدف Android 15 ولجميع التطبيقات.
الكاميرا والوسائط
يتضمّن الإصدار 15 من Android مجموعة متنوعة من الميزات التي تحسِّن تجربة استخدام الكاميرا والوسائط، وتوفّر لك إمكانية الوصول إلى الأدوات والأجهزة التي تساعد صنّاع المحتوى في تنفيذ أفكارهم على أجهزة Android.
لمزيد من المعلومات عن أحدث الميزات وحلول المطوّرين لتطبيقات الوسائط والكاميرا على Android، يمكنك الاطّلاع على محادثة إنشاء تجارب حديثة لتطبيقات الوسائط والكاميرا على Android من مؤتمر Google I/O.
تحسين الإضاءة المنخفضة
يقدّم نظام التشغيل Android 15 ميزة تحسين الإضاءة المنخفضة، وهو وضع للتعرّض التلقائي للضوء متاح في كلاً من الكاميرا 2 وإضافة "الوضع الليلي" في الكاميرا. تعمل ميزة "تحسين الإضاءة المنخفضة" على تعديل مستوى تعريض المعاينة المباشرة للشاشة في ظروف الإضاءة المنخفضة. يختلف ذلك عن طريقة إنشاء الصور الثابتة من خلال إضافة الكاميرا في "الوضع الليلي"، لأنّ "الوضع الليلي" يجمع سلسلة من الصور لإنشاء صورة واحدة محسّنة. على الرغم من أنّ وضع "الإضاءة المنخفضة" يعمل بشكلٍ جيد جدًا لإنشاء صورة ثابتة، إلا أنّه لا يمكنه إنشاء بثٍ متواصلٍ من اللقطات، ولكن يمكن لميزة "تحسين الإضاءة المنخفضة" فعل ذلك. وبالتالي، توفّر ميزة "تحسين الإضاءة المنخفضة" ميزات كاميرا ، مثل:
- توفير معاينة محسّنة للصور، ما يتيح للمستخدمين ضبط عناصر الصور المنخفضة الإضاءة بشكلٍ أفضل
- مسح رموز الاستجابة السريعة ضوئيًا في الإضاءة المنخفضة
في حال تفعيل ميزة "تحسين الإضاءة المنخفضة"، يتم تفعيلها تلقائيًا عند انخفاض مستوى الإضاءة، ويتم إيقافها عند زيادة الإضاءة.
يمكن للتطبيقات تسجيل فيديو من المعاينة المباشرة على الشاشة في ظروف الإضاءة المنخفضة لحفظه بدرجة سطوع أفضل.
لمزيد من المعلومات، يُرجى الاطّلاع على تحسين الإضاءة المنخفضة.
عناصر التحكّم في الكاميرا داخل التطبيق
Android 15 adds an extension for more control over the camera hardware and its algorithms on supported devices:
- Advanced flash strength adjustments enabling precise control of flash
intensity in both
modes while capturing images.
التحكّم في الحد الأقصى لمستوى الإضاءة في HDR
Android 15 chooses HDR headroom that is appropriate for the underlying device
capabilities and bit-depth of the panel. For pages that have lots of SDR
content, such as a messaging app displaying a single HDR thumbnail, this
behavior can end up adversely influencing the perceived brightness of the SDR
content. Android 15 lets you control the HDR headroom with
to strike a balance between SDR
and HDR content.
التحكّم في مستوى الصوت
Android 15 introduces support for the CTA-2075 loudness standard to help you avoid audio loudness inconsistencies and ensure users don't have to constantly adjust volume when switching between content. The system leverages known characteristics of the output devices (headphones and speaker) along with loudness metadata available in AAC audio content to intelligently adjust the audio loudness and dynamic range compression levels.
To enable this feature, you need to ensure loudness metadata is available in
your AAC content and enable the platform feature in your app. For this, you
instantiate a LoudnessCodecController
object by
calling its create factory method with the audio
session ID from the associated AudioTrack
; this
automatically starts applying audio updates. You can pass an
to modify or filter
loudness parameters before they are applied on the
// Media contains metadata of type MPEG_4 OR MPEG_D
val mediaCodec = …
val audioTrack = AudioTrack.Builder()
// Create new loudness controller that applies the parameters to the MediaCodec
try {
val lcController = LoudnessCodecController.create(mSessionId)
// Starts applying audio updates for each added MediaCodec
AndroidX media3 ExoPlayer will also be updated to use the
APIs for a seamless app integration.
أجهزة Virtual MIDI 2.0
Android 13 added support for connecting to MIDI 2.0 devices using USB, which communicate using Universal MIDI Packets (UMP). Android 15 extends UMP support to virtual MIDI apps, enabling composition apps to control synthesizer apps as a virtual MIDI 2.0 device just like they would with an USB MIDI 2.0 device.
فك ترميز برنامج AV1 بكفاءة أكبر
dav1d, the popular AV1 software decoder from VideoLAN is available for Android devices that don't support AV1 decode in hardware. dav1d is up to 3x more performant than the legacy AV1 software decoder, enabling HD AV1 playback for more users, including some low and mid tier devices.
Your app needs to opt-in to using dav1d by invoking it by name
. dav1d will be made the default AV1 software
decoder in a subsequent update. This support is standardized and backported to
Android 11 devices that receive Google Play system updates.
أدوات المطوّرين وإنتاجيتهم
على الرغم من أنّ معظم عملنا لتحسين إنتاجيتك يدور حول أدوات مثل استوديو Android وJetpack Compose ومكتبات Android Jetpack، نبحث دائمًا عن طرق في المنصة لمساعدتك في تنفيذ رؤيتك بسهولة أكبر.
تحديثات OpenJDK 17
Android 15 continues the work of refreshing Android's core libraries to align with the features in the latest OpenJDK LTS releases.
The following key features and improvements are included:
- Quality-of-life improvements around NIO buffers
- Streams
- Additional
methods util
package updates including sequencedcollection
, andset
support inDeflater
- Security updates such as
and security key updates
These APIs are updated on over a billion devices running Android 12 (API level 31) and higher through Google Play System updates, so you can target the latest programming features.
تحسينات على ملفات PDF
Android 15 includes substantial improvements to the PdfRenderer
APIs. Apps can incorporate advanced features such as rendering
password-protected files, annotations, form editing,
searching, and selection with copy. Linearized PDF
optimizations are supported to speed local PDF viewing and reduce resource use.
The Jetpack PDF library uses these APIs to simplify adding PDF
viewing capabilities to your app.
The PdfRenderer
has been moved to a module that can be updated using Google
Play system updates independent of the platform release, and we're supporting
these changes back to Android 11 (API level 30) by creating a compatible
pre-Android 15 version of the API surface, called
تحسينات على التبديل التلقائي للغات
Android 14 added on-device, multi-language recognition in audio with automatic
switching between languages, but this can cause words to get dropped,
especially when languages switch with less of a pause between the two
utterances. Android 15 adds additional controls to help apps tune this switching
to their use case.
confines the automatic switching to the beginning of the audio session, while
deactivates the
language switching after a defined number of switches. These options are
particularly useful if you expect that there will be a single language spoken
during the session that should be autodetected.
واجهة برمجة تطبيقات محسّنة لخطوط OpenType المتغيّرة
Android 15 improves the usability of the OpenType variable font. You can create
a FontFamily
instance from a variable font without specifying weight axes
with the buildVariableFamily
API. The text renderer overrides the value
of wght
axis to match the displaying text.
Using the API simplifies the code for creating a Typeface
val newTypeface = Typeface.CustomFallbackBuilder( FontFamily.Builder( Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf").build()) .buildVariableFamily()) .build()
Typeface newTypeface = Typeface.CustomFallbackBuilder( new FontFamily.Builder( new Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf").build()) .buildVariableFamily()) .build();
Previously, to create the same Typeface
, you would need much more code:
val oldTypeface = Typeface.CustomFallbackBuilder( FontFamily.Builder( Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf") .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 400") .setWeight(400) .build()) .addFont( Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf") .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 100") .setWeight(100) .build() ) .addFont( Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf") .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 200") .setWeight(200) .build() ) .addFont( Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf") .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 300") .setWeight(300) .build() ) .addFont( Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf") .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 500") .setWeight(500) .build() ) .addFont( Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf") .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 600") .setWeight(600) .build() ) .addFont( Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf") .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 700") .setWeight(700) .build() ) .addFont( Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf") .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 800") .setWeight(800) .build() ) .addFont( Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf") .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 900") .setWeight(900) .build() ).build() ).build()
Typeface oldTypeface = new Typeface.CustomFallbackBuilder( new FontFamily.Builder( new Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf") .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 400") .setWeight(400) .build() ) .addFont( new Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf") .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 100") .setWeight(100) .build() ) .addFont( new Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf") .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 200") .setWeight(200) .build() ) .addFont( new Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf") .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 300") .setWeight(300) .build() ) .addFont( new Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf") .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 500") .setWeight(500) .build() ) .addFont( new Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf") .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 600") .setWeight(600) .build() ) .addFont( new Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf") .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 700") .setWeight(700) .build() ) .addFont( new Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf") .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 800") .setWeight(800) .build() ) .addFont( new Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf") .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 900") .setWeight(900) .build() ) .build() ).build();
Here's an example of how a Typeface
created with both the old and new APIs
In this example, the Typeface
created with the old API doesn't have the
capability to create accurate font weights for the 350, 450, 550 and 650
instances, so the renderer falls back to the closest weight. So in
this case, 300 is rendered instead of 350, 400 is rendered instead of 450, and
so on. By contrast, the Typeface
created with the new APIs dynamically creates
a Font
instance for a given weight, so accurate weights are rendered for 350,
450, 550, and 650 as well.
عناصر التحكّم الدقيقة في فواصل الأسطر
Starting in Android 15, a TextView
and the underlying
line breaker can preserve the given portion of text in the same line to improve
readability. You can take advantage of this line break customization by using
the <nobreak>
tag in string resources or
. Similarly, you can preserve words from
hyphenation by using the <nohyphen>
tag or
For example, the following string resource doesn't include a line break, and renders with the text "Pixel 8 Pro." breaking in an undesirable place:
<string name="pixel8pro">The power and brains behind Pixel 8 Pro.</string>
In contrast, this string resource includes the <nobreak>
tag, which wraps the
phrase "Pixel 8 Pro." and prevents line breaks:
<string name="pixel8pro">The power and brains behind <nobreak>Pixel 8 Pro.</nobreak></string>
The difference in how these strings are rendered is shown in the following images:
أرشفة التطبيقات
Android and Google Play announced support for app archiving last year, allowing users to free up space by partially removing infrequently used apps from the device that were published using Android App Bundle on Google Play. Android 15 includes OS level support for app archiving and unarchiving, making it easier for all app stores to implement it.
permission can call the
method to request archiving an
installed app package, which removes the APK and any cached files, but persists
user data. Archived apps are returned as displayable apps through the
APIs; users will see a UI treatment to highlight that those
apps are archived. If a user taps on an archived app, the responsible installer
will get a request to unarchive it, and the restoration process can be
monitored by the ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED
Enable 16 KB mode on a device using developer options
Starting with Android 15 QPR1, you can use the developer option that's available on certain devices to boot the device in 16 KB mode and perform on-device testing.
This developer option is available on the following devices:
- Pixel 8 and 8 Pro (with Android 15 QPR1 or higher)
- Pixel 8a (with Android 15 QPR1 or higher)
- Pixel 9, 9 Pro, and 9 Pro XL (with Android 15 QPR2 Beta 2 or higher)
يقدّم الإصدار 15 من Android أحدث تحسينات الرسومات، بما في ذلك ANGLE و الإضافات إلى نظام الرسومات Canvas.
تحديث إمكانية الوصول إلى وحدة معالجة الرسومات في Android
Android hardware has evolved quite a bit from the early days where the core OS would run on a single CPU and GPUs were accessed using APIs based on fixed-function pipelines. The Vulkan® graphics API has been available in the NDK since Android 7.0 (API level 24) with a lower-level abstraction that better reflects modern GPU hardware, scales better to support multiple CPU cores, and offers reduced CPU driver overhead — leading to improved app performance. Vulkan is supported by all modern game engines.
Vulkan is Android's preferred interface to the GPU. Therefore, Android 15 includes ANGLE as an optional layer for running OpenGL® ES on top of Vulkan. Moving to ANGLE will standardize the Android OpenGL implementation for improved compatibility, and, in some cases, improved performance. You can test out your OpenGL ES app stability and performance with ANGLE by enabling the developer option in Settings -> System -> Developer Options -> Experimental: Enable ANGLE on Android 15.
The Android ANGLE on Vulkan roadmap
As part of streamlining our GPU stack, going forward we will be shipping ANGLE as the GL system driver on more new devices, with the future expectation that OpenGL/ES will be only available through ANGLE. That being said, we plan to continue support for OpenGL ES on all devices.
Recommended next steps
Use the developer options to select the ANGLE driver for OpenGL ES and test your app. For new projects, we strongly encourage using Vulkan for C/C++.
تحسينات على "لوحة الرسم"
Android 15 continues our modernization of Android's Canvas graphics system with additional capabilities:
provides a 4x4 matrix for transforming coordinates that should be used when you want to manipulate the canvas in 3D.clipShader
intersects the current clip with the specified shader, whileclipOutShader
sets the clip to the difference of the current clip and the shader, each treating the shader as an alpha mask. This supports the drawing of complex shapes efficiently.
الأداء والبطارية
يواصل فريق Android التركيز على مساعدتك في تحسين أداء تطبيقاتك وجودتها. يقدّم نظام التشغيل Android 15 واجهات برمجة تطبيقات تساعد في تنفيذ المهام في تطبيقك بفعالية أكبر وتحسين أداء التطبيق وجمع إحصاءات عن تطبيقاتك.
للاطّلاع على أفضل الممارسات المتعلقة بكفاءة البطارية وتصحيح أخطاء استخدام الشبكة والطاقة، ومعرفة تفاصيل عن كيفية تحسين كفاءة البطارية في العمليات التي تعمل في الخلفية في Android 15 والإصدارات الحديثة من Android، يمكنك مشاهدة مناقشة تحسين كفاءة البطارية في العمليات التي تعمل في الخلفية على Android من مؤتمر Google I/O.
ApplicationStartInfo API
In previous versions of Android, app startup has been a bit of a mystery. It was
challenging to determine within your app whether it started from a cold, warm,
or hot state. It was also difficult to know how long your app spent during the
various launch phases: forking the process, calling onCreate
, drawing the
first frame, and more. When your Application
class was instantiated, you had no
way of knowing whether the app started from a broadcast, a content provider, a
job, a backup, boot complete, an alarm, or an Activity
The ApplicationStartInfo
API on Android 15 provides
all of this and more. You can even choose to add your own timestamps into the
flow to help collect timing data in one place. In addition to collecting
metrics, you can use ApplicationStartInfo
to help directly optimize app
startup; for example, you can eliminate the costly instantiation of UI-related
libraries within your Application
class when your app is starting up due to a
معلومات تفصيلية عن حجم التطبيق
Since Android 8.0 (API level 26), Android has included the
API that summarizes the installed
size of an app as a single number of bytes, which is a sum of the APK size, the
size of files extracted from the APK, and files that were generated on the
device such as ahead-of-time (AOT) compiled code. This number is not very
insightful in terms of how your app is using storage.
Android 15 adds the
API, which lets
you get insight into how your app is using up all that space, including APK file
splits, AOT and speedup related code, dex metadata, libraries, and guided
الملف الشخصي الذي تديره التطبيقات
Android 15 includes the ProfilingManager
which lets you collect profiling information from within your app such as heap
dumps, heap profiles, stack sampling, and more. It provides a callback to your
app with a supplied tag to identify the output file, which is delivered to your
app's files directory. The API does rate limiting to minimize the performance
To simplify constructing profiling requests in your app, we recommend using the
corresponding Profiling
AndroidX API, available
in Core 1.15.0-rc01 or higher.
تحسينات على قاعدة بيانات SQLite
Android 15 introduces SQLite APIs that expose advanced features from the underlying SQLite engine that target specific performance issues that can manifest in apps. These APIs are included with the update of SQLite to version 3.44.3.
Developers should consult best practices for SQLite performance to get the most out of their SQLite database, especially when working with large databases or when running latency-sensitive queries.
- Read-only deferred transactions: when issuing transactions that are
read-only (don't include write statements), use
to issue read-onlyDEFERRED
transactions. Such transactions can run concurrently with each other, and if the database is in WAL mode, they can run concurrently withIMMEDIATE
transactions. - Row counts and IDs: APIs were added to retrieve the count of changed
rows or the last inserted row ID without issuing an additional query.
returns the number of rows that were inserted, updated, or deleted by the most recent SQL statement within the current transaction, whilegetTotalChangedRowCount()
returns the count on the current connection.getLastInsertRowId()
returns therowid
of the last row to be inserted on the current connection. - Raw statements: issue a raw SQlite statement, bypassing convenience wrappers and any additional processing overhead that they may incur.
تحديثات إطار عمل الأداء الديناميكي في Android
Android 15 continues our investment in the Android Dynamic Performance Framework (ADPF), a set of APIs that allow games and performance intensive apps to interact more directly with power and thermal systems of Android devices. On supported devices, Android 15 adds ADPF capabilities:
- A power-efficiency mode for hint sessions to indicate that their associated threads should prefer power saving over performance, great for long-running background workloads.
- GPU and CPU work durations can both be reported in hint sessions, allowing the system to adjust CPU and GPU frequencies together to best meet workload demands.
- Thermal headroom thresholds to interpret possible thermal throttling status based on headroom prediction.
To learn more about how to use ADPF in your apps and games, head over to the documentation.
يتضمّن Android 15 مجموعة متنوعة من الميزات التي تساعد مطوّري التطبيقات في حماية خصوصية المستخدمين.
رصد تسجيل الشاشة
Android 15 adds support for apps to detect that they are being recorded. A callback is invoked whenever the app transitions between being visible or invisible within a screen recording. An app is considered visible if activities owned by the registering process's UID are being recorded. This way, if your app is performing a sensitive operation, you can inform the user that they're being recorded.
val mCallback = Consumer<Int> { state ->
// We're being recorded
} else {
// We're not being recorded
override fun onStart() {
val initialState =
windowManager.addScreenRecordingCallback(mainExecutor, mCallback)
override fun onStop() {
إمكانات IntentFilter الموسّعة
Android 15 builds in support for more precise Intent
resolution through
, which contains a set of
objects that form a set of Intent
matching rules that must each be satisfied, including URL query parameters, URL
fragments, and blocking or exclusion rules.
These rules can be defined in the AndroidManifest
XML file with the
tag, which can optionally include an
tag. These tags can contain <data>
tags that use existing data
tag attributes as well as the android:query
and android:fragment
Here's an example of the AndroidManifest
<intent-filter android:autoVerify="true">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<data android:scheme="http" />
<data android:scheme="https" />
<data android:host="astore.com" />
<data android:pathPrefix="/auth" />
<data android:query="region=na" />
<uri-relative-filter-group android:allow="false">
<data android:pathPrefix="/auth" />
<data android:query="mobileoptout=true" />
<uri-relative-filter-group android:allow="false">
<data android:pathPrefix="/auth" />
<data android:fragmentPrefix="faq" />
المساحة الخاصة
Private space lets users create a separate space on their device where they can keep sensitive apps away from prying eyes, under an additional layer of authentication. The private space uses a separate user profile. The user can choose to use the device lock or a separate lock factor for the private space.
Apps in the private space show up in a separate container in the launcher, and are hidden from the recents view, notifications, settings, and from other apps when the private space is locked. User-generated and downloaded content (such as media or files) and accounts are separated between the private space and the main space. The system sharesheet and the photo picker can be used to give apps access to content across spaces when the private space is unlocked.
Users can't move existing apps and their data into the private space. Instead, users select an install option in the private space to install an app using whichever app store they prefer. Apps in the private space are installed as separate copies from any apps in the main space (new copies of the same app).
When a user locks the private space, the profile is stopped. While the profile is stopped, apps in the private space are no longer active and can't perform foreground or background activities, including showing notifications.
We recommend that you test your app with private space to make sure your app works as expected, especially if your app falls into one of the following categories:
- Apps with logic for work profiles that assumes that any installed copies of their app that aren't in the main profile are in the work profile.
- Medical apps
- Launcher apps
- App store apps
طلب آخر اختيار للمستخدِم بشأن الوصول إلى "الصور المحدّدة"
Apps can now highlight only the most-recently-selected photos and videos when
partial access to media permissions is granted. This feature can improve
the user experience for apps that frequently request access to photos and
videos. To use this feature in your app, enable the
argument when querying MediaStore
through ContentResolver
val externalContentUri = MediaStore.Files.getContentUri("external") val mediaColumns = arrayOf( FileColumns._ID, FileColumns.DISPLAY_NAME, FileColumns.MIME_TYPE, ) val queryArgs = bundleOf( // Return only items from the last selection (selected photos access) QUERY_ARG_LATEST_SELECTION_ONLY to true, // Sort returned items chronologically based on when they were added to the device's storage QUERY_ARG_SQL_SORT_ORDER to "${FileColumns.DATE_ADDED} DESC", QUERY_ARG_SQL_SELECTION to "${FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE} = ? OR ${FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE} = ?", QUERY_ARG_SQL_SELECTION_ARGS to arrayOf( FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE.toString(), FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO.toString() ) )
Uri externalContentUri = MediaStore.Files.getContentUri("external"); String[] mediaColumns = { FileColumns._ID, FileColumns.DISPLAY_NAME, FileColumns.MIME_TYPE }; Bundle queryArgs = new Bundle(); queryArgs.putBoolean(MediaStore.QUERY_ARG_LATEST_SELECTION_ONLY, true); queryArgs.putString(MediaStore.QUERY_ARG_SQL_SORT_ORDER, FileColumns.DATE_ADDED + " DESC"); queryArgs.putString(MediaStore.QUERY_ARG_SQL_SELECTION, FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE + " = ? OR " + FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE + " = ?"); queryArgs.putStringArray(MediaStore.QUERY_ARG_SQL_SELECTION_ARGS, new String[] { String.valueOf(FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE), String.valueOf(FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) });
"مبادرة حماية الخصوصية" على Android
Android 15 includes the latest Android Ad Services extensions, incorporating the latest version of the Privacy Sandbox on Android. This addition is part of our work to develop technologies that improve user privacy and enable effective, personalized advertising experiences for mobile apps. Our privacy sandbox page has more information about the Privacy Sandbox on Android developer preview and beta programs to help you get started.
Health Connect
Android 15 integrates the latest extensions around Health Connect by Android, a secure and centralized platform to manage and share app-collected health and fitness data. This update adds support for additional data types across fitness, nutrition, skin temperature, training plans, and more.
Skin temperature tracking allows users to store and share more accurate temperature data from a wearable or other tracking device.
Training plans are structured workout plans to help a user achieve their fitness goals. Training plans support includes a variety of completion and performance goals:
- Completion goals around calories burned, distance, duration, repetition, and steps.
- Performance goals around as many repetitions as possible (AMRAP), cadence, heart rate, power, perceived rate of exertion, and speed.
Learn more about the latest updates to Health Connect in Android in the Building adaptable experiences with Android Health talk from Google I/O.
مشاركة شاشة التطبيق
يتيح نظام التشغيل Android 15 مشاركة شاشة التطبيق كي يتمكّن المستخدمون من مشاركة أو تسجيل
نافذة التطبيق فقط بدلاً من شاشة الجهاز بالكامل. تم تفعيل هذه الميزة لأول مرة في ملف APK لنظام التشغيل
Android 14 QPR2، وتشمل MediaProjection
طلبات إعادة الاتصال التي تسمح لتطبيقك
بتخصيص تجربة مشاركة شاشة التطبيق. يُرجى العلم أنّه بالنسبة إلى التطبيقات التي تستهدف الإصدار 14 من Android (المستوى 34 لواجهة برمجة التطبيقات) أو الإصدارات الأحدث، يجب الحصول على موافقة المستخدم لكل جلسة رصد MediaProjection
تجربة المستخدم وواجهة المستخدم للنظام
يوفّر Android 15 لمطوّري التطبيقات ومستخدميها المزيد من التحكّم والمرونة في ضبط إعدادات أجهزتهم بما يتناسب مع احتياجاتهم.
للاطّلاع على مزيد من المعلومات حول كيفية استخدام أحدث التحسينات في Android 15 لتحسين تجربة المستخدم في تطبيقك، يمكنك الاطّلاع على محادثة تحسين تجربة المستخدم في تطبيق Android من مؤتمر Google I/O.
معاينات أكثر تفاعلية للتطبيقات المصغّرة باستخدام واجهة برمجة التطبيقات Generated Previews API
Before Android 15, the only way to provide widget picker previews was to specify a static image or layout resource. These previews often differ significantly from the look of the actual widget when it is placed on the home screen. Also, static resources can't be created with Jetpack Glance, so a Glance developer had to screenshot their widget or create an XML layout to have a widget preview.
Android 15 adds support for generated previews. This means that app widget
providers can generate RemoteViews
to use as the picker preview, instead
of a static resource.
Push API
Apps can provide generated previews through a push API. Apps can provide
previews at any point in their lifecycle, and don't receive an explicit request
from the host to provide previews. Previews are persisted in AppWidgetService
and hosts can request them on-demand. The following example loads an XML widget
layout resource and sets it as the preview:
RemoteViews("com.example", R.layout.widget_preview)
The expected flow is:
- At any time, the widget provider calls
. The provided previews are persisted inAppWidgetService
with other provider info. setWidgetPreview
notifies hosts of an updated preview through theAppWidgetHost.onProvidersChanged
callback. In response, the widget host reloads all of its provider information.- When displaying a widget preview, the host checks
, and if the chosen category is available, callsAppWidgetManager.getWidgetPreview
to return the saved preview for this provider.
When to call setWidgetPreview
Because there is no callback to provide previews, apps can choose to send previews at any point when they are running. How often to update the preview depends on the widget's use case.
The following list describes the two main categories of preview use cases:
- Providers that show real data in their widget previews, such as personalized or recent information. These providers can set the preview once the user has signed in or has done initial configuration in their app. After this, they can set up a periodic task to update the previews at their chosen cadence. Examples of this type of widget could be a photo, calendar, weather or news widget.
- Providers that show static information in previews or quick-action widgets that don't display any data. These providers can set previews once, when the app first launches. Examples of this type of widget include a drive quick actions widget or chrome shortcuts widget.
Some providers might show static previews on the hub mode picker, but real information on the homescreen picker. These providers should follow the guidance for both of these use cases to set previews.
نافذة ضمن النافذة
Android 15 introduces changes in Picture-in-Picture (PiP) ensuring an even smoother transition when entering into PiP mode. This will be beneficial for apps having UI elements overlaid on top of their main UI, which goes into PiP.
Developers use the onPictureInPictureModeChanged
callback to define logic
that toggles the visibility of the overlaid UI elements. This callback is
triggered when the PiP enter or exit animation is completed. Beginning in
Android 15, the PictureInPictureUiState
class includes another state.
With this UI state, apps targeting Android 15 (API level 35) will observe the
callback being invoked with
as soon as the PiP animation starts. There are
many UI elements that are not relevant for the app when it is in PiP mode, for
example views or layout that include information such as suggestions, upcoming
video, ratings, and titles. When the app goes to PiP mode, use the
callback to hide these UI elements. When the
app goes to full screen mode from the PiP window, use
callback to unhide these elements, as shown in
the following examples:
override fun onPictureInPictureUiStateChanged(pipState: PictureInPictureUiState) {
if (pipState.isTransitioningToPip()) {
// Hide UI elements
override fun onPictureInPictureModeChanged(isInPictureInPictureMode: Boolean) {
if (isInPictureInPictureMode) {
// Unhide UI elements
This quick visibility toggle of irrelevant UI elements (for a PiP window) helps ensure a smoother and flicker-free PiP enter animation.
قواعد "عدم الإزعاج" المحسّنة
يسمح للتطبيقات بتخصيص "الانتباه"
قواعد الإدارة (عدم الإزعاج) وتحديد وقت التفعيل أو الإيقاف
معهم. ويقدم Android 15 تحسينات كبيرة على هذه القواعد بهدف تحسين
تجربة المستخدم. تم تضمين التحسينات التالية:
- إضافة أنواع إلى
، ما يسمح للنظام بتطبيق إجراءات خاصة التعامل مع بعض القواعد. - إضافة رمز إلى
، ما يساعد في تمييز الأوضاع بشكلٍ أفضل - إضافة سلسلة
تصف الشروط التي يجب أن تصبح فيها القاعدة نشطة للمستخدم - تمت الإضافة
، ما يسمح للقواعد بتشغيل أشياء مثل التدرج الرمادي العرض أو الوضع الليلي أو تعتيم الخلفية.
ضبط VibrationEffect لقنوات الإشعارات
يتيح Android 15 ضبط اهتزازات تفاعلية للإشعارات الواردة من خلال
قناة تستخدم NotificationChannel.setVibrationEffect
، لذلك
يستطيع المستخدمون التمييز بين الأنواع المختلفة من الإشعارات بدون
الاضطرار إلى النظر إلى أجهزتهم.
شريحة شريط حالة "عرض الوسائط" والإيقاف التلقائي
Media projection can expose private user information. A new, prominent status bar chip makes users aware of any ongoing screen projection. Users can tap the chip to stop screen casting, sharing, or recording. Also, for a more intuitive user experience, any in‑progress screen projection now automatically stops when the device screen is locked.
الشاشات الكبيرة وأشكال الأجهزة
يقدّم Android 15 ميزات تتيح لتطبيقاتك الاستفادة إلى أقصى حد من أشكال أجهزة Android، بما في ذلك الشاشات الكبيرة والأجهزة القابلة للطي والأجهزة القابلة للقلب.
تحسين تعدُّد المهام على الشاشات الكبيرة
Android 15 gives users better ways to multitask on large screen devices. For example, users can save their favorite split-screen app combinations for quick access and pin the taskbar on screen to quickly switch between apps. This means that making sure your app is adaptive is more important than ever.
Google I/O has sessions on Building adaptive Android apps and Building UI with the Material 3 adaptive library that can help, and our documentation has more to help you Design for large screens.
إتاحة استخدام الشاشة الخارجية
Your app can declare a property that Android 15 uses to
allow your Application
or Activity
to be presented on the small cover
screens of supported flippable devices. These screens are too small to be
considered as compatible targets for Android apps to run on, but your app can
opt in to supporting them, making your app available in more places.
إمكانية الاتصال
يُجري نظام Android 15 تعديلات على المنصة ليتمكّن تطبيقك من الاستفادة من أحدث التطورات في تكنولوجيات الاتصالات والتقنيات اللاسلكية.
دعم الأقمار الصناعية
Android 15 continues to extend platform support for satellite connectivity and includes some UI elements to ensure a consistent user experience across the satellite connectivity landscape.
Apps can use ServiceState.isUsingNonTerrestrialNetwork()
detect when a device is connected to a satellite, giving them more awareness of
why full network services might be unavailable. Additionally, Android 15
provides support for SMS and MMS apps as well as preloaded RCS apps to use
satellite connectivity for sending and receiving messages.
تجارب استخدام أكثر سلاسة لتقنية NFC
Android 15 is working to make the tap to pay experience more seamless and
reliable while continuing to support Android's robust NFC app ecosystem. On
supported devices, apps can request the NfcAdapter
to enter
observe mode, where the device listens but doesn't respond to NFC
readers, sending the app's NFC service PollingFrame
objects to process. The PollingFrame
objects can be used to auth
ahead of the first communication to the NFC reader, allowing for a one tap
transaction in many cases.
In addition, apps can register a filter on supported devices so they can be notified of polling loop activity, which allows for smooth operation with multiple NFC-aware applications.
دور المحفظة
Android 15 introduces a Wallet role that allows tighter integration with the user's preferred wallet app. This role replaces the NFC default contactless payment setting. Users can manage the Wallet role holder by navigating to Settings > Apps > Default Apps.
The Wallet role is used when routing NFC taps for AIDs registered in the payment category. Taps always go to the Wallet role holder unless another app that is registered for the same AID is running in the foreground.
This role is also used to determine where the Wallet Quick Access tile should go when activated. When the role is set to "None", the Quick Access tile isn't available and payment category NFC taps are only delivered to the foreground app.
يساعدك نظام التشغيل Android 15 في تحسين أمان تطبيقك وحمايته، ويمنح المستخدمين مزيدًا من الشفافية والتحكّم في بياناتهم. يمكنك الاطّلاع على محادثة Safeguarding user security on Android من Google I/O لمعرفة المزيد من المعلومات حول الإجراءات التي نتّخذها لتحسين إجراءات حماية المستخدمين وحماية تطبيقك من التهديدات الجديدة.
دمج "مدير بيانات الاعتماد" مع ميزة "الملء التلقائي"
Starting with Android 15, developers can link specific views like username or password fields with Credential Manager requests, making it easier to provide a tailored user experience during the sign-in process. When the user focuses on one of these views, a corresponding request is sent to Credential Manager. The resulting credentials are aggregated across providers and displayed in autofill fallback UIs, such as inline suggestions or drop-down suggestions. The Jetpack androidx.credentials library is the preferred endpoint for developers to use and will soon be available to further enhance this feature in Android 15 and higher.
دمج ميزة "تسجيل الدخول أو الاشتراك بنقرة واحدة" مع طلبات المقاييس الحيوية
Credential Manager integrates biometric prompts into the credential creation and sign-in processes, eliminating the need for providers to manage biometric prompts. As a result, credential providers only need to focus on the results of the create and get flows, augmented with the biometric flow result. This simplified process creates a more efficient and streamlined credential creation and retrieval process.
إدارة مفاتيح التشفير للتشفير التام بين الأطراف
We are introducing the E2eeContactKeysManager
in Android 15, which
facilitates end-to-end encryption (E2EE) in your Android apps by providing an
OS-level API for the storage of cryptographic public keys.
The E2eeContactKeysManager
is designed to integrate with the platform
contacts app to give users a centralized way to manage and verify their
contacts' public keys.
عمليات التحقّق من الأذونات لمعرّفات الموارد المنتظمة (URI) للمحتوى
Android 15 introduces a set of APIs that perform permission checks on content URIs:
: This performs a full permission check on content URIs.Activity
manifest attributerequireContentUriPermissionFromCaller
: This enforces specified permissions on the provided content URIs at activity launch.ComponentCaller
class forActivity
callers: This represents the app that launched the activity.
تسهيل الاستخدام
يضيف نظام التشغيل Android 15 ميزات تحسّن إمكانية وصول المستخدمين إلى المحتوى.
تحسينات على لغة برايل
In Android 15, we've made it possible for TalkBack to support Braille displays that are using the HID standard over both USB and secure Bluetooth.
This standard, much like the one used by mice and keyboards, will help Android support a wider range of Braille displays over time.
التوافق مع أسواق عالمية
يضيف Android 15 ميزات وإمكانات تكمل تجربة المستخدم عند استخدام جهاز بلغات مختلفة.
خط متغيّر باللغة الصينية واليابانية والكورية
Starting with Android 15, the font file for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) languages, NotoSansCJK, is now a variable font. Variable fonts open up possibilities for creative typography in CJK languages. Designers can explore a broader range of styles and create visually striking layouts that were previously difficult or impossible to achieve.
ضبط المسافات بين الأحرف
Starting with Android 15, text can be justified utilizing letter spacing by
. Inter-word justification was
first introduced in Android 8.0 (API level 26), and inter-character
justification provides similar capabilities for languages that use the
whitespace character for segmentation, such as Chinese, Japanese, and others.
ضبط فاصل الأسطر التلقائي
Android started supporting phrase-based line breaks for Japanese and Korean in
Android 13 (API level 33). However, while phrase-based line breaks improve the
readability of short lines of text, they don't work well for long lines of text.
In Android 15, apps can apply phrase-based line breaks only for short lines
of text, using the LINE_BREAK_WORD_STYLE_AUTO
option. This option selects the best word style option for the text.
For short lines of text, phrase-based line breaks are used, functioning the same
, as shown in the
following image:
For longer lines of text, LINE_BREAK_WORD_STYLE_AUTO
uses a no
line-break word style, functioning the same as
, as shown in the
following image:
خط إضافي للغة اليابانية Hentaigana
In Android 15, a font file for old Japanese Hiragana (known as Hentaigana) is bundled by default. The unique shapes of Hentaigana characters can add a distinctive flair to artwork or design while also helping to preserve accurate transmission and understanding of ancient Japanese documents.
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