Android Studio Koala Closed Issues

Android Studio Koala | 2024.1.1 Patch 2

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.5.2
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
AGP 8.5: Many more "mergeDebugResources" tasks are run, slowing down builds
Adding srcs dir via Variant API not working as expected
C++ Editor
Trouble with clang-tidy in AS Koala
Dexer (D8)
java.lang.VerifyError: Verifier rejected class com.pax.log.LogUtils: java.lang.StackTraceElement com.pax.log.LogUtils.getCaller(com.pax.log.b, java.lang.StackTraceElement[], int) failed to verify
Lint: SetTextI18n complains about assigning an empty string.
AS Compose Preview doesn't work with generated assets
Shrinker (R8)
[r8 8.5]r8 horizontal class merge causes verify error on Android5 when disable api modeling
A Wear OS release built with Gradle Plugin 8.4.0/8.5.0 may cause java.lang.IllegalAccessError
[r8 8.5] vertical class merger causing runtime NPE
Gradle Sync with AGP 8.6.0-alpha06 fails with "Unexpected backport missing from Android U" error in R8
The dex file generated by R8 shows "Unable to find static main(String[]) in 'Test'" when executed
Different Behavior Between Programs packed by R8 and D8
R8 (AGP 8.5.0+) fails with error "Unexpected rewriting of item: ... to two distinct items:..."
R8 Processing Error Possibly Due to Right Shift Operator
R8 NullPointer after updating to Kotlin 2.0
Split type error occurred

Android Studio Koala | 2024.1.1 Patch 1

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.5.1
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
[Koala 2024.1.2 Canary 2] Error running a baseline profile module on a split APK
Sync should pass compose information to Studio when using the compose plugin

Android Studio Koala | 2024.1.1 RC 1

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.5.0-rc01
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Errors when running lint with and without K2 UAST

Android Studio Koala | 2024.1.1 Canary 8

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.5.0-alpha08
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
With `android.useFullClasspathForDexingTransform = true`, the build fails with `Found multiple transforms that can produce a variant`
Source code of Kotlin libraries are not downloaded in Android Studio Iguana
Manifest merger does not track intent-filter elements correctly
Change low-overhead profiling rejection message to list unmet requirements

Android Studio Koala | 2024.1.1 Canary 6

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.5.0-alpha06
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
DexingNoClasspathTransform (minSdk >= 24) with Java 11 target fails due to missing nest members
C++ Build
[Feature request] Better explanation or documentation of ndk-build options
Compose Preview
Using getSystemService in Composable breaks compose previews
Connection Assistant
Trouble shoot device connection menu is empty
Cannot locate tasks that match ':shared:testClasses' as task 'testClasses' not found in project ':shared'.
Koala Canary 5 fails sync
Layout and Resource Editing
Layout editor freezes for long time when autocomplete is done
buildList - False Positive Lint warning
Studio continued profiling after rejected install, can't stop
Running Devices
mouse wheel in mirroring blows up with compose

Android Studio Koala | 2024.1.1 Canary 5

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.5.0-alpha05
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
JavaPreCompileTask includes KSP classpath dependencies when computing non-incremental annotation processors
Execution failed for task ':app:generateDebugLocaleConfig'.
Cannot locate tasks that match ':shared:testClasses' as task 'testClasses' not found in project ':shared'.
Layout and Resource Editing
Left and Right Margins Constraint Widget Not Working in Android Studio Layout Design Library Module res/layout
Implement basic support for ApplicationInfo in PackageManager

Android Studio Koala | 2024.1.1 Canary 4

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.5.0-alpha04
Fixed Issues
C++ Build
[Feature request] Better explanation or documentation of ndk-build options
Code Analysis
The IntelliJ JavaApiInspection is running on Android code
Unable to install APK with spaces in name
Unable to make progress running work
Expected '(', got ")" when typing in editor from completion metrics system

Android Studio Koala | 2024.1.1 Canary 3

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.5.0-alpha03
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
AAPT: error: attribute 'package' in tag is not a valid Android package name: 'butterknife'.
AGP 8.3 breaks zipApksFor Task
Privacy Sandbox Proguard rule generation fails on empty sdk provider classname
Compose preview unable to resolve classes from transitive dependency
C++ Editor
Autocomplete JNI
File system corruption balloon has an unclickable link
AndroidGradleProjectStartupActivity - Requesting Gradle sync (IDE library table not found)
Lint Integration
Lint unable to disambiguate a KMP dependency