Android Studio Jellyfish Closed Issues

Android Studio Jellyfish | 2023.3.1 Patch 2

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.4.2
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
AGP 8.4 seems to break GMD downloads on CI

Android Studio Jellyfish | 2023.3.1 Patch 1

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.4.1
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Allow suppressing a warning about JDK 21 deprecating support for targeting java 8
Dexer (D8)
java.lang.VerifyError: Verifier rejected class
New version R8 format conversion error after obfuscation
Intermediate builds may not have complete global synthetic content for stubs
Source code of Kotlin libraries are not downloaded in Android Studio Iguana
Koala Canary 5 fails sync
Layout and Resource Editing
Layout editor freezes for long time when autocomplete is done

Android Studio Jellyfish | 2023.3.1

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.4.0
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
AndroidX Desktop artifacts packaged in Android APK

Android Studio Jellyfish | 2023.3.1 RC 2

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.4.0-rc02
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
AGP 8.3 breaks zipApksFor Task

Android Studio Jellyfish | 2023.3.1 RC 1

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.4.0-rc01
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Compose preview unable to resolve classes from transitive dependency
C++ Editor
Autocomplete JNI
Lint Integration
Lint unable to disambiguate a KMP dependency

Android Studio Jellyfish | 2023.3.1 Beta 2

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.4.0-beta02
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
SourceDirectories#static shouldn't depend on GenerateBuildConfig task
Android Studio Iguana | 2023.2.1 Canary 9 not generating a correct project for compose

Android Studio Jellyfish | 2023.3.1 Canary 12

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.4.0-alpha12
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
MergeJavaResourcesTask incremental inputs handling issue
AGP 8.3.0-alpha02 depends on libraries with known security vunelaribilities
Selected activity template requires project with androidx.* dependencies
AGP Upgrade Assistent errouneously removes consumerProguardFiles from module
AGP Upgrade Assistant Loads Infinitely
Background Task Inspector
App Inspection Work Manager Retries is inconsistent
Request: For "Background task inspector" tool , show all information that's possible to get about all alarms
C++ Build
need a way to exclude native libraries from main APK but include in the test APK
Code Analysis
Android Studio Iguana RC 1 is not finding new versions of libraries
[BuildTool/Lint] ChecksSdkIntAtLeast constructor property
Project Structure
Project structure dialog suggests updating a 3rd party dependency although it's older (but version number is higher)
Upgrade Assistant
AGP Upgrade Assistant Infinite Loader

Android Studio Jellyfish | 2023.3.1 Canary 11

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.4.0-alpha11
Fixed Issues
Background Task Inspector
Bug: "Background task inspector" tool fail to detect an alarm being set
Request: For "Background task inspector" tool , show all information that's possible to get about all alarms
Alarm With immutable PendingIntent Doesn't Show as Fired
Android Studio Jellyfish does not respect "Accepted Certificates" configuration
Lint K2 UAST: UCallableReferenceExpression reports wrong qualifierType
Lint false positive with useK2Uast=true with overloaded functions
No scrolling in studio bot Android Studio Jellyfish | 2023.3.1 Canary 3

Android Studio Jellyfish | 2023.3.1 Canary 10

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.4.0-alpha10
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
AIDL compile fails with IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0
FR: viewBinding and dataBinding state (whether enabled) should be available as a Property for plugin authors

Android Studio Jellyfish | 2023.3.1 Canary 8

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.4.0-alpha08
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
AGP 8.3.0-alpha11 produces release APK that crashes on startup with android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException
Android Gradle Plugin 8.2.0 install task fails in project that uses dynamic features
APK Viewer
An apk without resources has an arsc file with no chunks, crashes apk viewer
App Quality Insights
[App Quality Insights] Close issue button is hidden by app version name
Device Manager
Definitions with identical names but different IDs crash the AVD Configuration dialog
Make AGP sync correctly without any `android {}` block
Network Inspector
Communicate reason for why speed data is not available
TrackedHttpURLConnection fails on getHeaders() before getInputStream()
Feature Request: export network activities
Cannot replace a substring in the response body with a Network Inspector rule
UI in "New String Value Resource" dialog is broken

Android Studio Jellyfish | 2023.3.1 Canary 7

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.4.0-alpha07
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Add ability to change artifact name during transformation
Adding task output to as srcDir of sourceSets.androidMain.resources does not create a task dependencies
AndroidPluginVersion.toString() is missing leading 0s
Artifacts.add(FileSystemLocation) should be more restrictive.
Data Binding
Data bindings fail to resolve due to inconsistent cached data
Database Inspector
Database Inspector: Support Sqldelight 2
Android Studio Hedgehog hangs on Computing project size
Lint testing framework's GradleModelMocker does not allow setting library version
Running Devices
Paired physical Wear OS device ignores left-handed screen inversion
Running Tests
GMD-FTL fails with HttpResponseException when no logcat available

Android Studio Jellyfish | 2023.3.1 Canary 5

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.4.0-alpha05
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Allow to configure sourceInformation from ComposeOptions
Cannot find field: sdk_runtime in message android.bundle.DeviceSpec
Support for compileOnlyApi
R8 fails on a library module when resource processing is disabled
Code Analysis
Request: offer alternative to DeprecatedSinceApi , as it's triggered even if minSdk is lower
Resolution of symbols from KAPT produces .classes seems to be broken
Running Devices
For the Android Studio mirroring feature, also mirror sound

Android Studio Jellyfish | 2023.3.1 Canary 4

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.4.0-alpha04
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Minified library classes are not published correctly for inter-project consumption
Provide Variant#sources API that excludes generated files
AGP models do not contain java-platform project dependencies
ExtractAarTransform creates non-reproducible classes.jar for aars that have no classes.jar
Baseline Profiles & ProfileInstaller
compileReleaseArtProfile fails with java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Core IDE
Welcome page windows size too big
Device File Explorer
The "Device does not seem to support the "su 0" command" message should not include stack trace
Layout Editor
Feature request: Consider publishing LayoutLib as a separate artifact on
Network Inspector
Downloading large file fails when Network Inspector is open
New Code/Templates
Consistently use lowercase letters in suggested plugin names
Hovering over "Show All Regions" in the Locale selector resets region selection

Android Studio Jellyfish | 2023.3.1 Canary 3

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.4.0-alpha03
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Unable to set JaCoCo version in AGP 8.2.0
DynamicFeatureBuildType is missing isDebuggable

Android Studio Jellyfish | 2023.3.1 Canary 1

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.4.0-alpha01
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Improve error message for why `--release` option can't be used for JavaCompile
Disable caching of MergeSourceSetFolders using @DoNotCacheByDefault
Database Inspector
Database inspector columns do not support wrapping long lines
Database Inspector makes it needlessly hard to find related processes
Using non-AndroidX libraries in an AndroidX project
Layout Inspector
Layout Inspector RootsDetector leaking root views
Studio Bot unresponsive with empty error
View Binding
android project - viewbinding is incorrectly claiming viewbinding class unavailable