This sample demonstrates how to display PDF document on screen using the PdfRenderer introduced in Android 5.0 Lollipop.
- ContentResolver
- DocumentsContract
- PdfRenderer
- Armazenamento do Android
- Storage
- Kotlin
A proof of concept file manager utilizing the ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE intent introduced with Android 5.0, API level 21.
- ContentResolver
- DocumentsContract
- Armazenamento do Android
- Storage
- Kotlin
This sample shows how to use scene transitions from one Activity to another in Lollipop. Uses a combination of changeImageTransform and changeBounds to transition a grid of images to an Activity with a large image and detail text.
- Transition
- ActivityOptions
- Visualizações da UI do Android
- Java
These samples showcase different architectural approaches to developing Android apps. In its different branches you'll find the same app (a TODO app) implemented with small differences. In this branch you'll find: User Interface built with Jetpack
- Camada de interface da arquitetura do Android
- Arquitetura do Android
- Navegação no Jetpack Compose
- Produção de estados na interface do Android
- Testes do Android
- Arquitetura e estados do Jetpack Compose
- Eventos de interface na arquitetura do Android
- Detentores de estado na interface do Android
- Camada de dados da arquitetura do Android
- Testes do Jetpack Compose
- Kotlin
Architecture Components Advanced Navigation
Features This sample showcases the behavior of a bottom navigation view following the Principles of Navigation. Fixed start destination Navigation state should be represented via a stack of destinations The Up button never exits your app Up and Back
- Architecture
- Arquitetura do Android
- Kotlin
Architecture Components Basic
This sample showcases the following Architecture Components: Room ViewModels LiveData
- Architecture
- Arquitetura do Android
- Java
Architecture Components Paging
This sample showcases the following Architecture Components: Paging Room ViewModels LiveData
- Architecture
- Arquitetura do Android
- Java
This sample demonstrates the use of the Autofill Framework. It includes implementations of client Activities with views that should be autofilled, and a Service that can provide autofill data to client Activities.
- View
- AutoFillService
- AutoFillManager
- Visualizações da UI do Android
- Java
This sample detects gestures on a view and logs them. In order to try this sample out, try dragging or tapping the text.
- GestureDetector
- MotionEvent
- Visualizações da UI do Android
- Java
This sample shows how to use the MediaCoder to decode a video, use a TimeAnimator to sync the rendering commands with the system display frame rendering and finally render it to a TextureView.
- MediaCodec
- MediaExtractor
- TimeAnimator
- Mídia
- Câmera e mídia Android
- Java
This sample demonstrates the use of the MediaRouter API to display content on a secondary display. Use the "Media Route Action Item" in the ActionBar to select an output device. If your device supports Miracast wireless displays, you may need to
- Câmera e mídia Android
- Mídia
- Java
Sample demonstrates the use of MotionEvent properties to keep track of individual touches across multiple touch events.
- MotionEvent
- Visualizações da UI do Android
- Java
This sample demonstrates using RenderScript to perform basic image manipulation. Specifically, it allows users to dynamically adjust the saturation for an image using a slider. A custom RenderScript kernel performs the saturation adjustment, running
- RenderScript
- Allocation
- Android NDK e jogos
- Java
A basic app showing how to use the Transition framework introduced in KitKat. The app shows radioboxes to select between different Scenes, and uses various ways to transition between them.
- TransitionManager
- Transition
- Scene
- Visualizações da UI do Android
- Java
Sample demonstrating how to set up SensorEventListeners for step detectors and step counters.
- Sensor
- SensorEvent
- SensorEventListener
- SensorManager
- Sensores
- Java
BiometricAuthentication Sample (Kotlin)
A sample that demonstrates to use registered fingerprints to authenticate the user in your app
- FingerprintManager
- AuthenticationCallback
- CryptoObject
- KeyGenParameterSpec
- KeyStore
- Cipher
- KeyGenerator
- Segurança
- Segurança e privacidade do Android
- Kotlin
BiometricLogin Sample (Kotlin)
Sample for the Androidx Biometrics Library
- BiometricManager
- BiometricPrompt
- Segurança
- Segurança e privacidade do Android
- Kotlin
Sample demonstrating how to advertise small amounts of data using the Bluetooth Low Energy API. Also demonstrates how to scan for those Advertisements. (requires 2 devices to see full operation)
- BluetoothLeAdvertiser
- BluetoothLeScanner
- Conectividade do Android
- Conectividade
- Java
This sample demonstrates using the Camera2 API to capture a JPEG, DEPTH or RAW frame. Check the source code to see a simple example of how to display the camera preview and capture a still image using the default configuration with the selected pixel
- DngCreator
- Câmera e mídia Android
- Câmera
- Kotlin
This sample captures high-speed video via the Camera2 API including displaying a camera preview and capturing a high-speed (slow motion) video using repeating burst capture requests.
- camera2
- CameraConstrainedHighSpeedCaptureSession
- Câmera e mídia Android
- Câmera
- Kotlin
This sample captures video record via the Camera2 API including displaying a camera preview and capturing a high-speed (slow motion) video using repeating capture requests.
- camera2
- MediaRecorder
- Câmera e mídia Android
- Câmera
- Kotlin
CardView Sample
This sample demonstrates how to use CardView introduced in the support library in Android 5.0.
- Visualizações da UI do Android
- Java
CardView Sample Sample (Kotlin)
This sample demonstrates how to use CardView introduced in the support library in Android 5.0.
- Visualizações da UI do Android
- Kotlin
This sample demonstrates how to write an application which accepts rich content (such as images) sent from a keyboard using the Commit Content API.
- EditText
- import
- EditorInfoCompat
- import
- InputConnectionCompat
- import
- InputContentInfoCompat
- Visualizações da UI do Android
- Java
This sample demonstrates how to write an keyboard which sends rich content (such as images) to text fields using the Commit Content API.
- EditText
- import
- EditorInfoCompat
- import
- InputConnectionCompat
- import
- InputContentInfoCompat
- Visualizações da UI do Android
- Java
This sample demonstrates how to use the ContentProvider with paging support introduced in Android O. The ContentProvider now accepts additional arguments for the offset and the limit in the query method to support paging instead of fetching all the
- ContentProvider
- DocumentsProvider
- Armazenamento do Android
- Storage
- Java
ContentProviderPaging Sample (Kotlin)
This sample demonstrates how to use the ContentProvider with paging support introduced in Android O. The ContentProvider now accepts additional arguments for the offset and the limit in the query method to support paging instead of fetching all the
- ContentProvider
- DocumentsProvider
- Armazenamento do Android
- Storage
- Java
This sample shows how to implement a custom Transition extending the standard Transition class.
- TransitionManager
- Transition
- Scene
- Visualizações da UI do Android
- Java
Data Binding Advanced
This sample showcases the following features of the Data Binding library with an app that shows a workout timer. Two-way Data Binding Alternatives to Two-way Data Binding Binding adapters with multiple parameters Animations with Binding
- Arquitetura do Android
- Kotlin
Data Binding Basic
This sample showcases the following features of the Data Binding library: Layout variables and expressions Observability through Observable Fields, LiveData and Observable classes Binding Adapters, Binding Methods and Binding Converters Seamless
- Arquitetura do Android
- Kotlin
This sample demonstrates how to work with a WearableListenerService using: DataClient to exchange data events MessageClient to send messages CapabilityClient to find nodes with specific capabilities
- DataApi
- DataEvent
- WearableListenerService
- Wearables do Android
- Java
Sample demonstrating how to store data in a device protected storage which is always available while the device is booted both before and after any user credentials(PIN/Pattern/Password) are entered.
- createDeviceProtectedStorageContext
- Segurança
- Segurança e privacidade do Android
- Java
DownloadableFonts Sample (Kotlin)
This sample demonstrates how to use the Downloadable Fonts feature introduced in Android O. Downloadable Fonts is a feature that allows apps to request a certain font from a provider instead of bundling it or downloading it themselves. This means,
- FontRequest
- FontRequest
- FontsContractCompat
- FontsContractCompat
- Visualizações da UI do Android
- Interface do usuário
- Kotlin
EmojiCompat Sample (Kotlin)
⚠️⚠️⚠️ Caution: the androidx.emoji:emoji library is deprecated in favor of androidx.emoji2:emoji2, which provides integration into androidx.appcompat. To support modern emoji and simplify backward-compatibility with lower versions of Android, it's
- EmojiCompat
- BundledEmojiCompatConfig
- FontRequestEmojiCompatConfig
- FontRequest
- EmojiAppCompatTextView
- EmojiAppCompatEditText
- EmojiAppCompatButton
- EmojiTextViewHelper
- Visualizações da UI do Android
- Interface do usuário
- Kotlin
Fragment Transitions: RecyclerView to ViewPager
This Android project accompanies the Continuous Shared Element Transitions: RecyclerView to ViewPager article. The code here provides the implementation for a specific transition between Android Fragments. It demonstrates how to implement a
- RecyclerView
- Visualizações da UI do Android
- Java
This demo implements a real-time high-dynamic-range camera viewfinder, by alternating the sensor's exposure time between two exposure values on even and odd frames, and then compositing together the latest two frames whenever a new frame is captured.
- CameraAccessException
- CameraCaptureSession
- CameraCharacteristics
- CameraDevice
- CameraManager
- CaptureRequest
- CaptureResult
- TotalCaptureResult
- Câmera e mídia Android
- Câmera
- Java
"Immersive mode" is intended for apps in which users will be heavily interacting with the screen. With this API, apps can hide the status bar, the navigation bar, or both. When users need to bring back the system bars, they swipe from any edge where
- Visualizações da UI do Android
- Interface do usuário
- Kotlin
Instant Apps - Cookie API
This sample app demonstrates how to use the Cookie API. It contains storage and retrieval of values using both, the Android Framework API and the InstantApps Play Services API. Usage This API is available to both, the Instant App as well as the
- Android Building
- Kotlin
Instant Apps - Google Analytics Example
This sample app demonstrates how to integrate Google Analytics for Firebase into an instant app.
- Android Building
- Java
Instant Apps - Install API sample
This sample app demonstrates how to use the Install API. The API triggers Intent to install the app on device. The call also accepts Intent, which is triggered after the installation is complete. If an app wants to utilize this API, it needs an
- Android Building
- Kotlin
Instant Apps - Multi feature sample app
This sample app demonstrates building an installable and an instant app with the same behaviors. The functionality of the instant app is split in two features, which can be individually launched on a device.
- Android Building
- Java
Instant Apps - Service
This sample demonstrates how to create a started or a bound service within Android Instant Apps.
- Android Building
- Java
Instant Apps - Storage API sample
This sample app demonstrates how to use the Storage API. It is relevant to devices running on Android versions lower than API level 26. On devices running on API level 26 or higher, the Android framework takes care of migrating user data from instant
- Android Building
- Kotlin
This sample demonstrates the use of animation interpolators and path animations for Material Design.
- ObjectAnimator
- Interpolator
- Visualizações da UI do Android
- Java
Media Store
This sample demonstrates how to use Android's MediaStore to locate and display the users images in a RecyclerView.
- ContentResolver
- MediaStore
- Armazenamento do Android
- Storage
- Kotlin
This sample shows how to use the Media Effects APIs that were introduced in Android 4.0.
- Effect
- EffectContext
- EffectFactory
- GLSurfaceView
- Gráficos
- Ferramentas de desenho do Android
- Java
This sample uses the camera/camcorder as the A/V source for the MediaRecorder API. A TextureView is used as the camera preview which limits the code to API 14+. This can be easily replaced with a SurfaceView to run on older devices.
- Camera
- CamcorderProfile
- MediaRecorder
- TextureView
- Câmera e mídia Android
- Mídia
- Java
Sample demonstrating how to use the MIDI API to receive and process MIDI signals coming from an attached device.
- MidiManager
- MidiReceiver
- Mídia
- Câmera e mídia Android
- Java
Sample demonstrating how to use the MIDI API to receive and play MIDI messages coming from an attached input device (MIDI keyboard).
- MidiManager
- MidiReceiver
- Câmera e mídia Android
- Mídia
- Java
A collection of demos for Material Design Motion. Material Design provides a lot of examples about motion design. This sample shows how to implement them on Android. Understanding motion Speed Choreography Customization Animations and Transitions
- Transition
- SpringAnimation
- ObjectAnimator
- ViewPropertyAnimator
- Visualizações da UI do Android
- Java
This sample demonstrates the use of the multi-window API available in Android N. It shows the use of new Intent flags and AndroidManifest properties to define the multi-window behavior. Switch the sample app into multi-window mode to see how it
- Intent
- ActivityOptions
- Visualizações da UI do Android
- Java
MultiWindowPlayground Sample (Kotlin)
This sample demonstrates the use of the multi-window API available in Android N. It shows the use of new Intent flags and AndroidManifest properties to define the multi-window behavior. Switch the sample app into multi-window mode to see how it
- Intent
- ActivityOptions
- Visualizações da UI do Android
- Java
This repository contains sample apps that use the Android NDK. For an explanation of the layout of this repository, see
- C++
This sample demonstrates how to connect to the network and fetch raw HTML using HttpsURLConnection. AsyncTask is used to perform the fetch on a background thread.
- AsyncTask
- ConnectivityManager
- NetworkInfo
- Conectividade do Android
- Conectividade
- Java
PdfRendererBasic Sample (Kotlin)
This sample demonstrates how to display PDF document on screen using the PdfRenderer introduced in Android 5.0 Lollipop.
- PdfRenderer
- Gráficos
- Ferramentas de desenho do Android
- Kotlin
This sample demonstrates basic usage of Picture-in-Picture mode for handheld devices. The sample plays a video. The video keeps on playing when the app is turned in to Picture-in-Picture mode. On Picture-in-Picture screen, the app shows an action
- PictureInPictureParams
- RemoteAction
- PendingIntent
- MediaSessionCompat
- Mídia
- Câmera e mídia Android
- Java
PictureInPicture Sample (Kotlin)
This sample demonstrates basic usage of Picture-in-Picture mode for handheld devices. The sample plays a video. The video keeps on playing when the app is turned in to Picture-in-Picture mode. On Picture-in-Picture screen, the app shows an action
- PictureInPictureParams
- RemoteAction
- PendingIntent
- MediaSessionCompat
- Câmera e mídia Android
- Mídia
- Kotlin
This repository contains a collection of samples that demonstrate the use of different Android OS platform APIs. The samples are organized into folders by topic, and each folder contains a README file that provides more information about the samples
- Acessibilidade do Jetpack Compose
- Conectividade
- Câmera
- Interface do usuário
- Permissões
- Kotlin
Sample demonstrating the use of RecyclerView to layout elements with a LinearLayoutManager and with a GridLayoutManager. It also demonstrates how to handle touch events on elements.
- RecyclerView
- LinearLayoutManager
- GridLayoutManager
- ViewHolder
- Visualizações da UI do Android
- Java
RecyclerView Sample (Kotlin)
This application implements a RecyclerView in Kotlin with ListAdapter, onClickListener and Headers. If you are looking for a simpler sample, look at the RecyclerViewSimple sample in the directory.
- RecyclerView
- LayoutManager
- ViewHolder
- Visualizações da UI do Android
- Kotlin
RenderScriptIntrinsic sample that demonstrates how to use RenderScript intrinsics. Creates several RenderScript intrinsics and shows a filtering result with various parameters. Also shows how to extends RedioButton with StateListDrawable.
- RenderScript
- ScriptIntrinsicBlur
- ScriptIntrinsicConvolve5x5
- ScriptIntrinsicColorMatrix
- Android NDK e jogos
- Java
Sample demonstrating circular reveal effect. It covers creating an Animator with ViewAnimationUtils as well as defining the parameters of the circular reveal including starting position and radius.
- ViewAnimationUtils
- Animator
- Visualizações da UI do Android
- Java
This sample demonstrates how to use Media Projection API to capture device screen in real time and show it on a SurfaceView.
- MediaProjection
- MediaProjectionManager
- VirtualDisplay
- Mídia
- Câmera e mídia Android
- Java
Sample demonstrating how to show some options directly in the list of share intent candidates.
- Person
- ShortcutInfoCompat
- ShortcutManagerCompat
- IconCompat
- Storage
- Armazenamento do Android
- Java
Using the OPEN_DOCUMENT intent, a client app can access a list of Document Providers on the device, and choose a file from any of them.
- Intent
- Storage
- Armazenamento do Android
- Java
This sample shows how to implement a simple documents provider using the storage access framework available in Android 4.4.
- DocumentsProvider
- Armazenamento do Android
- Java
A basic sample which shows how to use SwipeRefreshLayout to add the 'swipe-to-refresh' gesture to a View, enabling the ability to trigger a refresh from swiping down on the view. In this sample the View which can be refreshed is a ListView.
- Visualizações da UI do Android
- Java
A sample which shows how to use SwipeRefreshLayout to add the 'swipe-to-refresh' gesture to a layout with multiple children, enabling the ability to trigger a refresh from swiping down on the visible view. In this sample, SwipeRefreshLayout contains
- Visualizações da UI do Android
- Java
TV Leanback Support Library sample - Videos by Google
This sample is a Videos By Google app, designed to run on an Android TV device, which demonstrates how to use the Leanback Support library which enables you to easily develop beautiful Android TV apps with a user-friendly UI that complies with the UX
- app
- RecyclerView
- Java
Video Player
This sample shows how to implement a media app that allows playback of video from local storage (assets folder in the APK) or remote sources over HTTP(S). It supports playlists, so that multiple videos can be strung together to play one after the
- MediaSessionCompat
- PictureInPictureParams
- SimpleExoPlayer
- PlayerView
- Mídia
- Câmera e mídia Android
- Kotlin
Sample demonstrates best practices for using WifiRTT APIs in Android. Also, this is a a useful application for testing Wifi-RTT enabled phones and access points and validating the estimated distance is close to the actual distance between them.
- ScanResult
- WifiManager
- RangingRequest
- RangingResult
- RangingResultCallback
- WifiRttManager
- Conectividade do Android
- Conectividade
- Java
AAOS Car Gear Viewer (Kotlin)
Demonstrates connecting to the Car API and listening for gear change events. Works on Android P (API 28) and above. Introduction This app allows a user to see the current gear on the main infotainment screen (IVI). The app connects to the Car API and
- car
- Car
- CarPropertyManager
- Dispositivos Android
- Kotlin
Architecture starter template (multi-module)
This template is compatible with the latest stable version of Android Studio.
- Camada de interface da arquitetura do Android
- Camada de dados da arquitetura do Android
- Testes do Android
- Arquitetura do Android
- Kotlin
Architecture starter template (single module)
This template is compatible with the latest stable version of Android Studio.
- Camada de interface da arquitetura do Android
- Camada de dados da arquitetura do Android
- Testes do Android
- Arquitetura do Android
- Kotlin
Awareness API sample (Snapshot API)
Demonstrates use of the Awareness APIs to intelligently react to the current situation of the user. Introduction The Awareness API exposes five different context types, which include user activity, and nearby beacons. These types enable your app to
- DetectedActivityResponse
- ActivityRecognitionResult
- Sensores
- Kotlin
Basic sample (in Kotlin) for writing unit tests that mocks the Android framework
If you are new to unit testing on Android, try this sample first. This project uses the Gradle build system and the Android gradle plugin support for unit testing. You can either benefit from IDEs integration such as Android studio or run the tests
- Arquitetura do Android
- Kotlin
Basic sample for writing unit tests that mocks the Android framework
If you are new to unit testing on Android, try this sample first. This project uses the Gradle build system and the Android gradle plugin support for unit testing. You can either benefit from IDEs integration such as Android studio or run the tests
- Arquitetura do Android
- Java
Compose for Wear OS Starter
Demonstrates a simple "Hello, World" starter project for using Compose with Wear OS.
- setContent
- background
- Arrangement
- Column
- fillMaxSize
- fillMaxWidth
- Composable
- Modifier
- stringResource
- TextAlign
- Preview
- ExperimentalWearMaterialApi
- MaterialTheme
- Text
- Wearables do Android
- Kotlin
Creating and Monitoring Geofences
Demonstrates how to create and remove geofences using the GeofencingApi. Monitor geofence transitions and creates notifications whenever a device enters or exits a geofence. Introduction Geofencing combines awareness of the user's current location
- Sensores
- Java
Github Browser Sample with Android Architecture Components
This is a sample app that uses Android Architecture Components with Dagger 2. NOTE It is a relatively more complex and complete example so if you are not familiar with Architecture Components, you are highly recommended to check other examples in
- Architecture
- Arquitetura do Android
- Java
Google Generative AI Sample for Android (Kotlin)
This Android sample app demonstrates how to use state-of-the-art generative AI models (like Gemini) to build AI-powered features and applications. To try out this sample app, you need to use latest stable version of Android Studio. However, if you
- Composable
- Layouts do Jetpack Compose
- Kotlin
Jetcaster sample 🎙️
Jetcaster is a sample podcast app, built with Jetpack Compose. The goal of the sample is to showcase building with Compose across multiple form factors (mobile, TV, and Wear) and full featured architecture. To try out this sample app, use the latest
- Composable
- Camada de interface da arquitetura do Android
- Sistemas de design do Jetpack Compose
- Animações do Jetpack Compose
- Android Compose
- Kotlin
Jetchat sample
Jetchat is a sample chat app built with Jetpack Compose. To try out this sample app, use the latest stable version of Android Studio. You can clone this repository or import the project from Android Studio following the steps here. This sample
- Composable
- Camada de interface da arquitetura do Android
- Texto do Jetpack Compose
- Produção de estados na interface do Android
- Sistemas de design do Jetpack Compose
- Arquitetura e estados do Jetpack Compose
- Animações do Jetpack Compose
- Eventos de interface na arquitetura do Android
- Android Compose
- Testes do Jetpack Compose
- Kotlin
JetLagged sample
JetLagged is a sample sleep tracking app built with Jetpack Compose. To try out this sample app, use the latest stable version of Android Studio. You can clone this repository or import the project from Android Studio following the steps
- Composable
- Layouts do Jetpack Compose
- Animações do Jetpack Compose
- Recursos visuais do Jetpack Compose
- Kotlin
Jetnews sample
Jetnews is a sample news reading app, built with Jetpack Compose. The goal of the sample is to showcase the current UI capabilities of Compose. To try out this sample app, use the latest stable version of Android Studio. You can clone this repository
- Composable
- Camada de interface da arquitetura do Android
- Navegação no Jetpack Compose
- Produção de estados na interface do Android
- Sistemas de design do Jetpack Compose
- Layouts do Jetpack Compose
- Arquitetura e estados do Jetpack Compose
- Android Compose
- Testes do Jetpack Compose
- Kotlin
Jetsnack sample
Jetsnack is a sample snack ordering app built with Jetpack Compose. To try out this sample app, use the latest stable version of Android Studio. You can clone this repository or import the project from Android Studio following the steps here. This
- Composable
- Sistemas de design do Jetpack Compose
- Layouts do Jetpack Compose
- Animações do Jetpack Compose
- Android Compose
- Kotlin
Kotlin Coroutines with Architecture Components (LiveData, ViewModel, Lifecycle)
This sample showcases the following Architecture Components: LiveData ViewModels Data Binding And the following artifacts: androidx.lifecycle.lifecycle-livedata-ktx This project shows how to integrate them with Kotlin's coroutines using the liveData
- Architecture
- Arquitetura do Android
- Java
Location Updates in the Background (Kotlin)
Demonstrates retrieving location updates in the background. Introduction This app allows a user to receive location updates in the background via a PendingIntent. If you are just interested in seeing the code that subscribes to a location request,
- FusedLocationProviderClient
- LocationRequest
- LocationServices
- Sensores
- Kotlin
MotionLayout / Constraint Layout
This repository contains a list of layouts that showcases the various features and usage of ConstraintLayout and MotionLayout
- Visualizações da UI do Android
- Java
Now in Android App
Learn how this app was designed and built in the design case study, architecture learning journey and modularization learning journey. This is the repository for the Now in Android app. It is a work in progress 🚧. Now in Android is a fully functional
- Arquitetura e estados do Jetpack Compose
- Camada de domínios da arquitetura do Android
- Acessibilidade do Jetpack Compose
- Camada de dados da arquitetura do Android
- Camada de interface da arquitetura do Android
- Animações do Jetpack Compose
- Testes do Jetpack Compose
- Produção de estados na interface do Android
- Arquitetura do Android
- Navegação no Jetpack Compose
- Detentores de estado na interface do Android
- Testes do Android
- Sistemas de design do Jetpack Compose
- Kotlin
Recognizing the User's Current Activity
Demonstrates use of the ActivityRecognitionApi to recognize a user's current activity, such as walking, driving, or standing still. Introduction Demonstrates use of the ActivityRecognitionApi to recognize a user's current activity, such as walking,
- Sensores
- Java
Room & RxJava
This is an API sample to showcase how to implement observable queries in Room, with RxJava's Flowable objects.
- Architecture
- Arquitetura do Android
- Java
Room & RxJava (Kotlin)
This is an API sample to showcase how to use Room, with RxJava's Flowable objects in Kotlin.
- Architecture
- Arquitetura do Android
- Kotlin
Room with Content Providers
This sample demonstrates how to expose data stored in the Room persistence library with Android's Content Provider framework.
- Architecture
- Arquitetura do Android
- Java
SMS Verify App
This sample demonstrates the use of Play Service's SMS Verification APIs to get access to specially-tagged text messages (the tags associate the message with the APK) without needing full SMS retrieval permission (SMS_READ).
- Credential
- Identidade
- Segurança e privacidade do Android
- Java
Subscribe and Recognize to the User's Sleep Activity
Demonstrates use of the Sleep API to recognize a user's sleep activity. Introduction Demonstrates use of the Sleep API to recognize a user's current sleep activity. Users can request activity updates by pressing the "Subscribe to Sleep Data" button,
- SleepSegmentEvent
- SleepClassifyEvent
- SleepSegmentRequest
- ActivityRecognition
- Sensores
- Kotlin
TensorFlow Lite in Play Services image classification Android example application
This example performs real-time image classification on live camera frames. It demonstrates loading a model using Tensorflow Lite in Google Play Services and using it to classify the camera feed. It performs the following operations: Initializes
- TfLite
- Kotlin
- Java
Text Styling
This sample shows how to style text on Android using spans, in Kotlin, using Android KTX.
- SpannableStringBuilder
- Spanned
- SpannedString
- StyleSpan
- RelativeSizeSpan
- MetricAffectingSpan
- Visualizações da UI do Android
- Interface do usuário
- Java
Trackr Android App
Note: Trackr uses version 7 of Gradle, which currently requires Android Studio Beta or Canary. Trackr is a sample task management app used to explore common UI patterns from the perspective of supporting accessibility. Trackr is currently under
- ViewCompat
- AccessibilityManager
- Kotlin
ViewPager2 samples
This sample shows how to use ViewPager2 with either Views or Fragments as pages, how to perform page transformations, how to link ViewPager2 to a TabLayout, and demonstrates handling modifications of an underlying page adapter collection. ViewPager2
- FragmentStateAdapter
- FragmentViewHolder
- StatefulAdapter
- ViewPager2
- Visualizações da UI do Android
- Kotlin
Warning: This sample is currently outdated and you should reference the Java version instead.
Android AutofillFramework Sample (Kotlin) This sample demonstrates the use of the Autofill Framework. It includes implementations of client Activities with views that should be autofilled, and a Service that can provide autofill data to client
- View
- AutoFillService
- AutoFillManager
- Visualizações da UI do Android
- Kotlin
WatchFace Sample (Kotlin)
Demonstrates watch faces using the androidX libraries (Kotlin). [!IMPORTANT] As of July 10, 2024, watch faces must use the Watch Face Format (sample) in order to be installed on new watches that launch with Wear OS 5 pre-installed. Learn more about
- WatchFace
- WatchFaceService
- WatchFaceType
- WatchState
- ComplicationSlotsManager
- CanvasComplicationDrawable
- ComplicationDrawable
- CurrentUserStyleRepository
- UserStyle
- UserStyleSetting
- WatchFaceLayer
- Wearables do Android
- Kotlin
Wear OS OAuth
- OAuthClient
- HttpResponse
- ClientProtocolException
- HttpClient
- UrlEncodedFormEntity
- HttpGet
- HttpPost
- DefaultHttpClient
- BasicNameValuePair
- EntityUtils
- Wearables do Android
- Java
Wear Tiles
Tiles provide easy access to the information and actions users need in order to get things done. With a simple swipe from the watch face, a user can find out the latest forecast or start a timer. This repository contains a sample tile built using the
- TileProviderService
- Wearables do Android
- Kotlin
A sample that shows how you can record voice using the microphone on a wearable and play the recorded voice, if the wearable device is connected to a speaker (bluetooth or built-in). If you want to learn how to play media content on Wear OS, refer to
- AudioTrack
- AudioRecord
- Wearables do Android
- Java