Provide feedback

Your feedback is a crucial part of Wear OS 5 Developer Preview. Share any issues you find or ideas for making Wear OS a better platform. Use the issue tracker, linked from the following button, to create new issues and to view, track, and vote for issues that you and other developers have created.

Give feedback

Create and vote for issues

Before creating your own issue, check the release notes and search the lists of top open issues and recently created issues to see if someone else has already reported it.

You can subscribe and vote for an issue by starring it in the issue tracker. For more information, see Subscribing by starring an issue. For general help with Google Issue Tracker, see the documentation.

Due to the volume of feedback, submitted issues from any channel might not receive a response and issues might be closed upon release of the next build. This process allows our teams to focus on issues that are still reproducible in the latest release.

If your feedback is closed and you're still experiencing the issue on the latest build, submit your feedback again.