
public class SetAppInstallAdvertisersRequest
extends Object

   ↳ android.adservices.adselection.SetAppInstallAdvertisersRequest

Represents input parameters to the setAppInstallAdvertiser API.


Nested classes

class SetAppInstallAdvertisersRequest.Builder


Public methods

Set<AdTechIdentifier> getAdvertisers()

Returns the set of advertisers that will be able to run app install filters based on this app's presence on the device after a call to SetAppInstallAdvertisers is made with this as input.

Inherited methods

Public methods


public Set<AdTechIdentifier> getAdvertisers ()

Returns the set of advertisers that will be able to run app install filters based on this app's presence on the device after a call to SetAppInstallAdvertisers is made with this as input.

Set<AdTechIdentifier> This value cannot be null.