
public final class FileDescriptorOutputOptions.Builder

The builder of the FileDescriptorOutputOptions object.


Public constructors

Creates a builder of the FileDescriptorOutputOptions with a file descriptor.

Public methods

@NonNull FileDescriptorOutputOptions

Builds the FileDescriptorOutputOptions instance.

@NonNull B
setDurationLimitMillis(@IntRange(from = 0) long durationLimitMillis)

Sets the limit for the video duration in milliseconds.

@NonNull B
setFileSizeLimit(@IntRange(from = 0) long fileSizeLimitBytes)

Sets the limit for the file length in bytes.

@NonNull B

Sets a Location object representing a geographic location where the video was recorded.

Public constructors


Added in 1.1.0
public Builder(@NonNull ParcelFileDescriptor fileDescriptor)

Creates a builder of the FileDescriptorOutputOptions with a file descriptor.

@NonNull ParcelFileDescriptor fileDescriptor

the file descriptor to use as the output destination.

Public methods


Added in 1.1.0
public @NonNull FileDescriptorOutputOptions build()

Builds the FileDescriptorOutputOptions instance.


Added in 1.3.0
public @NonNullsetDurationLimitMillis(@IntRange(from = 0) long durationLimitMillis)

Sets the limit for the video duration in milliseconds.

When used to generate recording with Recorder, if the specified duration limit is reached while the recording is being recorded, the recording will be finalized with ERROR_DURATION_LIMIT_REACHED.

If not set or set with zero, the duration will be unlimited. If set with a negative value, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.

@IntRange(from = 0) long durationLimitMillis

the video duration limit in milliseconds.

@NonNull B

this Builder.


if the specified duration limit is negative.


Added in 1.1.0
public @NonNullsetFileSizeLimit(@IntRange(from = 0) long fileSizeLimitBytes)

Sets the limit for the file length in bytes.

When used with Recorder to generate recording, if the specified file size limit is reached while the recording is being recorded, the recording will be finalized with ERROR_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT_REACHED.

If not set or set with zero, the file size will be unlimited. If set with a negative value, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.

@IntRange(from = 0) long fileSizeLimitBytes

the file size limit in bytes.

@NonNull B

this Builder.


if the specified file size limit is negative.


Added in 1.2.0
public @NonNullsetLocation(@Nullable Location location)

Sets a Location object representing a geographic location where the video was recorded.

When use with Recorder, the geographic location is stored in udta box if the output format is MP4, and is ignored for other formats. The geographic location is stored according to ISO-6709 standard.

If null, no location information will be saved with the video. Default value is null.


if the latitude of the location is not in the range [-90, 90] or the longitude of the location is not in the range [-180, 180].