
public interface TestAndroidComponentsExtension extends AndroidComponentsExtension

Extension for the Android Test Gradle Plugin components.

This is the androidComponents block when the com.android.test plugin is applied.

Only the Android Gradle Plugin should create instances of interfaces in com.android.build.api.variant.


Inherited methods

abstract @NonNull AndroidPluginVersion

The version of the Android Gradle Plugin currently in use.

abstract @NonNull SdkComponents

Provides access to underlying Android SDK and build-tools components like adb.

abstract void

Action based version of beforeVariants above.

abstract void
    @NonNull VariantSelector selector,
    @NonNull Function1<@NonNull TestVariantBuilderUnit> callback

Method to register a callback to be called with VariantBuilderT instances that satisfies the selector.

abstract void

This method is deprecated. Replaced by finalizeDsl

abstract void
    @NonNull VariantSelector selector,
    @NonNull Action<@NonNull TestVariant> callback

Action based version of onVariants above.

abstract void
    @NonNull VariantSelector selector,
    @NonNull Function1<@NonNull TestVariantUnit> callback

Allow for registration of a callback to be called with variant instances of type VariantT once the list of com.android.build.api.artifact.Artifact has been determined.

abstract void

Register an Android Gradle Plugin DSL extension.

abstract void

Register a new source type to all source sets.

abstract @NonNull VariantSelector

Creates a VariantSelector instance that can be configured to reduce the set of ComponentBuilder instances participating in the beforeVariants and onVariants callback invocation.

abstract void

Action based version of finalizeDsl above.

abstract void
finalizeDsl(@NonNull Function1<@NonNull TestExtensionUnit> callback)

API to customize the DSL Objects programmatically after they have been evaluated from the build files and before used in the build process next steps like variant or tasks creation.