
public interface LibraryAndroidResources extends AndroidResources


Inherited methods

abstract void

This method is deprecated. Replaced with property additionalParameters

abstract void

This method is deprecated. Replaced with property additionalParameters

abstract @NonNull List<@NonNull String>

List of additional parameters to pass to aapt.

abstract boolean

Forces aapt to return an error if it fails to find an entry for a configuration.

abstract String

Pattern describing assets to be ignored.

abstract @NonNull Collection<@NonNull String>

Patterns describing assets to be ignored.

abstract boolean

Indicates whether the resources in this sub-project are fully namespaced.

abstract @NonNull Collection<@NonNull String>

File extensions of Android resources, assets, and Java resources to be stored uncompressed in the APK.

abstract void
noCompress(@NonNull String noCompress)

This method is deprecated. Replaced with property noCompress

abstract void
noCompress(@NonNull String noCompress)

This method is deprecated. Replaced with property noCompress

abstract void
setFailOnMissingConfigEntry(boolean failOnMissingConfigEntry)

Forces aapt to return an error if it fails to find an entry for a configuration.

abstract void
setIgnoreAssetsPattern(String ignoreAssetsPattern)

Pattern describing assets to be ignored.

abstract void
setNamespaced(boolean namespaced)

Indicates whether the resources in this sub-project are fully namespaced.