
public interface AndroidSourceSet extends Named

An AndroidSourceSet represents a logical group of Java, aidl and RenderScript sources as well as Android and non-Android (Java-style) resources.


Public methods

abstract void

The Android AIDL source directory for this source set.

abstract void

The Android Assets directory for this source set.

abstract void

The Android Baseline Profiles source directory for this source set.

abstract @NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySet

The Android AIDL source directory for this source set.

abstract @NonNull String

Returns the name of the annotation processing tool classpath for this source set.

abstract @NonNull String

Returns the name of the api configuration for this source set.

abstract @NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySet

The Android Assets directory for this source set.

abstract @NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySet

The Android Baseline Profiles source directory for this source set.

abstract @NonNull String

Returns the name of the compileOnly configuration for this source set.

abstract @NonNull String

Returns the name of the implementation configuration for this source set.

abstract @NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySet

The Java source for this source-set

abstract @NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySet

The Android JNI source directory for this source set.

abstract @NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySet

The Android JNI libs directory for this source-set

abstract @NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySet

The Kotlin source for this source-set

abstract @NonNull AndroidSourceFile

The Android Manifest file for this source-set.

abstract @NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySet

The machine learning models directory for this source set.

abstract @NonNull String

Returns the name of this source set.

abstract @NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySet

The Android RenderScript source directory for this source set.

abstract @NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySet

The Android Resources directory for this source-set.

abstract @NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySet

The Java-style resources for this source-set

abstract @NonNull String

Returns the name of the implementation configuration for this source set.

abstract @NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySet

The Android shaders directory for this source set.

abstract @NonNull String

Returns the name of the wearApp configuration for this source set.

abstract void

The Java source for this source-set

abstract void

This method is deprecated. Unused

abstract void

The Android JNI libs directory for this source-set

abstract void

The Java source for this source-set

abstract void

The Android Manifest file for this source-set.

abstract void

The machine learning models directory for this source set.

abstract void

The Android RenderScript source directory for this source set.

abstract void

The Android Resources directory for this source-set.

abstract void

The Java-style resources for this source-set

abstract @NonNull Object

Sets the root of the source sets to a given path.

abstract void

The Android shaders directory for this source set.

Public methods


abstract void aidl(
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySetUnit> action

The Android AIDL source directory for this source set.


abstract void assets(
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySetUnit> action

The Android Assets directory for this source set.


abstract void baselineProfiles(
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySetUnit> action

The Android Baseline Profiles source directory for this source set.


abstract @NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySet getAidl()

The Android AIDL source directory for this source set.


abstract @NonNull String getAnnotationProcessorConfigurationName()

Returns the name of the annotation processing tool classpath for this source set.


abstract @NonNull String getApiConfigurationName()

Returns the name of the api configuration for this source set.


abstract @NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySet getAssets()

The Android Assets directory for this source set.


abstract @NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySet getBaselineProfiles()

The Android Baseline Profiles source directory for this source set.


abstract @NonNull String getCompileOnlyConfigurationName()

Returns the name of the compileOnly configuration for this source set.


abstract @NonNull String getImplementationConfigurationName()

Returns the name of the implementation configuration for this source set.


abstract @NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySet getJava()

The Java source for this source-set


abstract @NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySet getJni()

The Android JNI source directory for this source set.

This is unused and will be removed in AGP 9.0


abstract @NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySet getJniLibs()

The Android JNI libs directory for this source-set


abstract @NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySet getKotlin()

The Kotlin source for this source-set


abstract @NonNull AndroidSourceFile getManifest()

The Android Manifest file for this source-set.


abstract @NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySet getMlModels()

The machine learning models directory for this source set.


abstract @NonNull String getName()

Returns the name of this source set.


abstract @NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySet getRenderscript()

The Android RenderScript source directory for this source set.


abstract @NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySet getRes()

The Android Resources directory for this source-set.


abstract @NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySet getResources()

The Java-style resources for this source-set


abstract @NonNull String getRuntimeOnlyConfigurationName()

Returns the name of the implementation configuration for this source set.


abstract @NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySet getShaders()

The Android shaders directory for this source set.


abstract @NonNull String getWearAppConfigurationName()

Returns the name of the wearApp configuration for this source set.


abstract void java(
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySetUnit> action

The Java source for this source-set


abstract void jni(
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySetUnit> action

The Android JNI source directory for this source set.

This is unused and will be removed in AGP 9.0


abstract void jniLibs(
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySetUnit> action

The Android JNI libs directory for this source-set


abstract void kotlin(@NonNull Action<@NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySet> action)

The Java source for this source-set


abstract void manifest(
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull AndroidSourceFileUnit> action

The Android Manifest file for this source-set.


abstract void mlModels(
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySetUnit> action

The machine learning models directory for this source set.


abstract void renderscript(
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySetUnit> action

The Android RenderScript source directory for this source set.


abstract void res(
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySetUnit> action

The Android Resources directory for this source-set.


abstract void resources(
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySetUnit> action

The Java-style resources for this source-set


abstract @NonNull Object setRoot(@NonNull String path)

Sets the root of the source sets to a given path.

All entries of the source-set are located under this root directory.

This method has a return value for legacy reasons.

@NonNull String path

the root directory path to use.


abstract void shaders(
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull AndroidSourceDirectorySetUnit> action

The Android shaders directory for this source set.