What’s new on Android and Google Play

January 2020
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Tips to make 2020 your best year yet on Google Play

Start the new year right with best practices for growing your business, releasing with confidence, and accessing valuable insights in the Play Console.


Update your contact information

Take a second to make sure your primary account email address is up to date in the Google Play Console. That’s where we’ll send you important emails about your account and updates about Google Play, so be sure it’s an inbox you check regularly.

Share your #IMakeApps story for your chance to get featured in the campaign g.co/play/imakeapps

Video thumbnail of Maurizio Leo

Maurizio Leo | SkyView

Video thumbnail of Rosa Mei

Rosa Mei | Zhen Wu

Video thumbnail of Sterling Udell

Sterling Udell | Terra Time

Google Play academy image

Spotlight: Sustainable growth

Optimize your app for sustainable business growth (course): how to prioritize long-term engagement strategies over short-term tactics with the latest learning path in the Academy for App Success.

Apps that fit: designing around people’s lives to unlock sustainable growth.

Duolingo: 1% improvement every week: (video): how to A/B test and experiment to keep the community growing.

Video thumbnail of the Google Play violation guide video

How to handle a policy violation on Google Play

In this video, we'll walk you through various policy review outcomes, give some common examples of what might cause violations, and explain next steps for getting your flagged app or game back on the store.

Video thumbnail of Android Developer Story: G30

G30 | Ordia

Watch the stories of Ivan Kovalov (G30 - A Memory Maze), Luke Holland (Ordia) and Luca Redwood (Photographs), winners of the Google Play Indie Games Showcase in Europe. They share their experiences and the stories behind their award winning titles.

Android logo

What’s new on Android

Kotlin/Everywhere: thank you to the 30,000+ developers who got involved with Kotlin/Everywhere and joined this global series of community led events. Read more to access event recordings and all of the resources shared during these meetups.

Advanced Coroutines with Kotlin Flow and LiveData codelab: learn how to use LiveData with Coroutines, as well as Kotlin’s new Flow API.

A/B testing image

Mindful Experimentation: How to optimize your A/B testing roadmap

Finding success with games in Brazil image

Find success with games in Brazil

Finding success in South Korea

Find success for apps and games in South Korea

Flutter Interact Summit recap image

Flutter Interact: Recap

All the highlights from the #FlutterInteract summit last December, including the latest product releases and updates on how to craft the best experiences across devices.

Play Academy intellectual property image

Introduction to intellectual property

Learn how copyright and trademark laws affect you as a developer, as well as ways you can help us maintain Google Play as a safe and trustworthy place for high-quality apps and games.


Thanks for tuning in,

The Google Play team

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